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NFL Network Response to Dave Hyde

I want to see all the people who are calling for Ireland head eat crow if:

a) Dolphins make the playoffs with Moore as QB
b) Matt Flynn stinks it up
c) Marshall is suspended for 4 or more games

Then the media will be saying how much of a genius he is.

I'll admit I was wrong if just number one happens and I'll be ecstatic doing so. If it doesn't happen will you then admit Ireland is the problem?
How many of those high priced free agents actually live up to it...asumgha? Don't make me laugh..redskins have given me everything I need to know about free agenct...superbowls aren't awarded to paper champs,but to those who build they're own players through the draft.
This is partially true. But just because a player doesn't live up to what they get paid doesn't mean that you shouldn't aggressively pursue free agents. Teams like the Redskins consistently overpay for players. That's not the players fault. That's piss poor management. And that's why we share a boat with teams like the Redskins. Piss poor management.
How can anyone be so sure Moore is destined to be backup Qb? Moore showed he might have what it takes to be a top 10 Qb in this league. Who's to say Matt can put together a top 10 finish this season? Dolphins were #1 team in the NFL with most 20+ yard plays. Moore has a great deep ball. What he was able to do last season was impressive.I'm wondering what can he do with a full training camp. I've feeling he may end up being a QB for quite a while. I like the idea of drafting QB and see if Moore can take it to next level. IMO- QB isn't our biggest problem coming into the off-season. Biggest issues were:

Right Tackle
Both Safeties positions (FS,SS)
Pass Rusher

and now add immediate help at Wide Receiver position.

I don't "know" Just going by what I have seen. Don't get me wrong I love him compared to Gerrard as an option. But should have kept Henne rather than go Gerrard route, or just promote Devlin
The funny thing is all the haters will be kissing Ireland's feet if we take Tannehill at #8. Then they will say "of course we had a plan, I had faith in the guy all along!".

Then again, maybe we won't draft Tannehill. Who knows. The point is the draft hasn't even taken place and everyone's bashing Ireland like the season is already over.
Look this gone on long enough, is it just this front office or is the front office 10 years ago as well? This organization has been the punchlines for jokes this spring from everyone who want to pile on, and to be frank some of them are no more informed than me or you, Jason La canfora? really? The people on this site need to support this team because real fans do. Everybody wants to question every move or non-move is made and that tells me that you don't know as much as you think that you know about football, and even when Ross comes out and tell you the people(not Fans) what is the logical thinking of the organization was at the time he gets cut down because that isn't the way you would have done it. It's Ross responsibility to the fans to put the best team possible on the field, and it happens to be someone you like as a player then all is good for you, if not then we move on. You guys make us look like a joke to other posters that are not dolphins fan when they read this stuff that you all be saying without facts to back up what you're talking about. Let things playout Please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
How can anyone be so sure Moore is destined to be backup Qb? Moore showed he might have what it takes to be a top 10 Qb in this league. Who's to say Matt can put together a top 10 finish this season? Dolphins were #1 team in the NFL with most 20+ yard plays. Moore has a great deep ball. What he was able to do last season was impressive.I'm wondering what can he do with a full training camp. I've feeling he may end up being a QB for quite a while. I like the idea of drafting QB and see if Moore can take it to next level. IMO- QB isn't our biggest problem coming into the off-season. Biggest issues were:

Right Tackle
Both Safeties positions (FS,SS)
Pass Rusher

and now add immediate help at Wide Receiver position.
Nothing is more important than QB, certainly not right tackle or safety. If you have a backup starting at QB, you fail.
Sorry it was on espn radio, i made a mistake and it had nothing to do with NY. Still the media is crushing us and it is going to continue to affect us until we win or Ireland and maybe even ross are gone.

They actually do it on the FAn as well I listen most days and Benigno and Roberts the other day a fan commented how the Jets were a joke and he was a Phins fan and they started saying how we were a joke and no one wanted to play and ireland calling Dez's mom a prostitute etc. I mean they are also tearing up the Jets for Tebow here but they also thank God they arent us lol
I would also like to add that oftentimes players (UFA's) lie to teams that are courting them. Ryan Clark gets the hypocrite of the yr award for questioning Ireland's integrity, when everybody knows that he used the Dolphins in order to drive up his price. He never had any intention of leaving the Steelers.
I also remember Olin Kreutz stringing along the Dolphins when all along he wasn't willing to leave Chicago. John Randle did the same thing when JJ tried to lure him to Miami.
I am sick of all these alleged players whining about the Phins F.O.
The NFL is a cold business and it cuts both ways. Ask Ty Law or Richard Seymour about how classy the Pats F.O is.
A franchise QB and winning fixes everything.

You know its funny I keep seeing posts like this attacking other people's FO for doing this or doing that and asking why they are better. Well the answer is simple as bad as these other teams supposedly act you NEVER hear people attacking them former players FA whatever. I have never heard one player say a bad thing about the Pats FO. Were Seymour and Law upset they were let go? Yes. Did they come out and attack the Pats FO? No. Randy Moss? Wanted to GO BACK even after they supposedly mistreated him. Players understand getting cut and such as part of business and they NEVER complain. These players have nothing to gain in making these statements nor do the media. I LOVE this team and probably defend them more then I should but its also time to wake up and realize that we have a crappy FO and that we need to fix the situation in order for it to get better.
Not true. When an organization treats Zach Thomas and Yeremiah Bell they way they did and when a player is being questioned whether or not his mom is a prostitute that sends a strong signal that this is a bad place to play. Even Matt Flynn said the vibe is Seattle was much better then Miami. This is a real problem that won't end until Ireland is gone.

What exactly do you want him to say? I loved Miami but went to Seattle because of the money. News flash Money makes almost everything better. Or more tolerable at least. These guys arn't stupid.

Most of guys playing football know they only have a limited time to make their cash. Injuries and competition are factors in their minds. If Flynn was told he would to compete for the starting job, wich I'm positive he was. He knows he needs to take the best contract he can get. Payton Manning is a different story, he would command a awesome salary no matter what. So he can focus on what matters more like winning games, talent lvl, climate, FO.
I think the most blame should be laid above Ireland with Ross. Granted Ireland makes the football decisions, but Ross gives him that power and hopefully thinks he's doing a good job. Other side of the coin, I wouldnt want Ross anywhere near my free agent prospects or the media. It can be argued that Ross is a likable enough guy, but some of the football things he says makes me think he shouldn't be saying anything in public. Yea yea, we get it. Owning an NFL team is fun and exciting, but seen and not heard might be a good change of pace.
Players are shying away from Miami for awhile now. I mentioned this in a post a year ago and was generally disagreed with. It is not about a certain trade, or releasing Bell, or any of those singular issues. It is a product of long term losing, really bad PR blunders, disjointed management, poor treatment of players, poor treatment of your own staff. Did you see Sparano sit in the boardroom press conference last year? I felt bad for the guy. And who was the idiot kid running around in the background with a handycam. Nope, a lot has been left to be desired. Man, even Ross this week said, he told Manning he understood why he didn't want to come here. Even if you do...don't say it publicly. I do give Ross props for calling that fan however. It will only get worse because it is the perception currently. It's very bothersome, what is becoming of this team. Hopefully their newest plan works out.
Not true. When an organization treats Zach Thomas and Yeremiah Bell they way they did and when a player is being questioned whether or not his mom is a prostitute that sends a strong signal that this is a bad place to play. Even Matt Flynn said the vibe is Seattle was much better then Miami. This is a real problem that won't end until Ireland is gone.
so what would steeler do when you get old they cut you and let you go bell is getting old he is why is everybody getting mad at ireland.the bigest thing with flynn is can he play outside of greenbay i think any qb can be star with team greenbay got now.. i can agree i donot think that beside manning that if dolphins bring someone in they are going have hard time beating out moore he is just 27 he is still young he had good season last yr with full camp under his belt he might be allright...
Just read this tweet in response to claims made on NfL Network that players were saying free agents will not sign with Miami.
Dave Hyde
Also In Miami Dolphins
NFL Network's Jason LaCanfora, whom I respect, said regarding Dolphins he received multiple texts from players disparaging the front office. He said the team better draft well, because, "They're not going to be able to get any good free agents for a while." While I think this is over-stated - many free agents do want to play here - it might be true about the high-end free agents. At the very least, it is the sentiment out there about this team.
Comments anyone?

Good, now we can get concentrate on building through the draft and filling small holes through FA. Instead of trying to sign big time FA to solve our problems, which hasn't worked at all!
IMO anything less than a playoff win seals Ireland's fate. Its only a matter of time now. I just wish Ross wasnt so reactive, all of Parcells' croanies should've been canned after the 2010 collapse vs some of the league's worst teams.
Not true. When an organization treats Zach Thomas and Yeremiah Bell they way they did and when a player is being questioned whether or not his mom is a prostitute that sends a strong signal that this is a bad place to play. Even Matt Flynn said the vibe is Seattle was much better then Miami. This is a real problem that won't end until Ireland is gone.

MD, it's very true that when/if we start to win games, getting the right fa won't be a problem. They didn't treat ZT any different than any other player who was cut. This regime had no ties to Zach... In fact, he never played for this group and certainly didn't fit into the 3/4 D that was installed in 2008. As to Bell, he had a choice, too but chose not to alter his contract. He certainly wasn't worth the $6.2M he was scheduled to make... nearly every fan all chimed in leading up to us going after Flynn, that if Philbin was sold, we would be...well, he wasn't sold on the kid, so we offered him backup pay. He didn't like wasn't about how he felt, it was about the money...plain pure and simple...

Ireland isn't the only reason for the bad press....just take a look at what our buffoon owner has done to screw this team's reputation ?? Then Ireland's part doesn't look as bad, does it ??
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