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NFL Network Response to Dave Hyde

IMO anything less than a playoff win seals Ireland's fate. Its only a matter of time now. I just wish Ross wasnt so reactive, all of Parcells' croanies should've been canned after the 2010 collapse vs some of the league's worst teams.

Well, see, that depends on how you look at what Irish has done. It's obvious, right or wrong, that our owner is viewing the time with Parcells as null and void when it comes to evaluating Ireland's capabilities...therefore, he probably will get at least one more year after this one, as it's common practice to judge the personnel guy in 3 yr increments...
I have no problem with Jeff Ireland refusing to overpay for free agents. If anyone here thinks free agents chose another team over Miami because of Jeff Ireland's personality, you are completely naive. Free agents come here because of money, and money alone.
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What exactly do you want him to say? I loved Miami but went to Seattle because of the money. News flash Money makes almost everything better. Or more tolerable at least. These guys arn't stupid.

Most of guys playing football know they only have a limited time to make their cash. Injuries and competition are factors in their minds. If Flynn was told he would to compete for the starting job, wich I'm positive he was. He knows he needs to take the best contract he can get. Payton Manning is a different story, he would command a awesome salary no matter what. So he can focus on what matters more like winning games, talent lvl, climate, FO.

I think you have just pinpointed Ireland's "personality problems." He seems to have a consistent idea of a free agent's value that is below what the free agent wants to get, and he will not pay more than that. Everything else, including the prostitute thing, is BS. Think of the "lowball" comments. This is why Ross loves him: he won't overspend. It's all about shekels.
How many FA have the Packers signed? Maybe Ireland is taking a page out of their playbook and using the draft and resigning our own guys.
How many FA have the Packers signed? Maybe Ireland is taking a page out of their playbook and using the draft and resigning our own guys.
Jeff Saturday is the only big one (outside of re-signings). How many needs do they have versus a 6-10 team?
Overpaying for most marginal FA is not the answer. Manning didnt want to play for MIA, Winston got the cash from KC (I thought we should have pursued him harder)... besides that, what's the hissy fit about? Marshall? The dude who was creating hell in the offense? They did right by that if you ask me. Got what they could for him. Flynn? Smith? They already answered that question! It makes total sense! V. Jackson? Same dude as Marshall. On good behaviour because its contract time. What im saying is AT THIS TIME there isnt the need to fly off the handle. Draft isnt here yet.

What the problem is Ross being desperate for attention trying to over take the Heat and it has created a lot of awkward situations!!! In hindsight, making the phins look bad in the process! Ireland, im no fan of but I am not calling for his head due to not having enough body of work (HIS) to judge. His first rookie class wasnt bad and showed good potential as the season went on. We will have a full offseason to critique, everyone will have enough time to come in the season ready to go. If they fire on blanks, then heads has to roll.

I know we all are desparate for a winning product on the field but these issues are a decade old! It all starts at the top!!
sure there are some free agents that want to come here.

bottom feeders who owe morgages and if they lose their swank pad, they also lose that trophy wife or arm candy to the dude with a real future [aka money]. guys who were cut in camp after their first year or teo in the leauge. injured guys other teams wont take a chance on, etc..... [aka in jeff language, "value players"]

players like gerrard who have hit their ceiling years ago [that wasnt real high to begin with], aging, but still have "i can do this" chip on their shoulders [see david gerrard].

when you have rich young, healthy american hot blooded men and a chance to go to south beach in shorts year round weather and saving a bundle on your salary because of no income tax and YOU PASS, .......... something stinks!!!

and its smells like an ireland.

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