NFLPA to investigate Tua's return from concussion protocol | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

NFLPA to investigate Tua's return from concussion protocol

I thought it was a clear concussion at the time, but then I thought about it....

How many concussions have we seen over the years in the NFL? Way too many, frankly. But how many players have you seen wobble and dance like Tua did? I can't think of one. Combine that with the fact that an independent specialist said he was fine, then maybe the Fins are actually telling the truth here
I mean I cant say ****, Im no doctor... But that really didnt look like a back
If he passed concussion protocol with the independent doctor, then there's no issue. If he didn't go thru that protocol because everybody assumed it was his back, still not Miami's fault. The concussion doc has to step in and insist to examine him.
Seems like the system worked as intended.....
The NFL needs to investigate the Jills being allowed to take a 4 minute rest, without losing a time out. That was horseshit.....
No ****ing **** right, I guess when it's cold in December in Buffalo we can have one guy go down, and then let seven more utilize hand warmers to acclimate to the weather conditions. That was a damn joke and I've never seen anything like it on more than one occasion.
Do you think someone paid off the third party, independent medical personnel? I mean Tua had to pass the exam, if a concussion was even the least bit suspected, does he not?
Absolutely not... lol! I have no medical background whatsoever...
Lets be real here... Anyone really buying the back spasm? Come on now...
As others have said, many with back problems have experienced this. You go to get up and the pain in your back makes your legs buckle. It has happened to me on occasion.
Yes, his head bounced off the turf, so of course everyone thought concussion, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility to believe. JMHO. :shrug:
It was pretty clear where he initially got hurt too- it was that goalline sneak where he just got bend backwards in awful fashion and he was moving really gingerly after that.
That is actually what Tua said post game, so you nailed it. He said it got hurt on that play and when he later bounced on the turf, go up and his back sort of locked up on him.
As others have said, many with back problems have experienced this. You go to get up and the pain in your back makes your legs buckle. It has happened to me on occasion.
Yes, his head bounced off the turf, so of course everyone thought concussion, but it’s not out of the realm of possibility to believe. JMHO. :shrug:
Yeah! I didnt buy it at first because my expert google opinion thought it was fishy... Maybe it wasnt all that fishy after all...
So Ill say this. Sometimes, when you get your bell rung, if you try to stand too fast, your blood doesnt catch up to your brain. It happens. Kinda looked like that to me. I thought he was concussed, but if he cleared the examination, im sure he was ok.

If his head was still spinning, I have a hard time believing he hits Waddle on that deep post.
the league has to put a stop to us winning. We are not allowed to. You see how many holding penalties were not called?

I sure saw all those holds. But I’m not blind either.

No chance there’s any talk about this if the QB was Brady, Rodgers, Mahomes, Herbert, or Allen.
When I watch boxing when their bell is rung they wabble immediatly after trying to get up. Tua walked for a second then wabbled. I believe what he's saying his back locked up.
I don't know how was it a head issue. That was just assumed. He didn't hit his head. I thought it may be a knee issue. Hearing it was a back injury makes more sense. He didn't hit his head. 6th graders take harder hits to turf than what people think Tua took.
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