O-Gun is to high on him self | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

O-Gun is to high on him self


Practice Squad
Jun 17, 2003
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This man thinks he is all that and a piece of cake, no doupt he is good, but come on! He doesn't say it but you get the feeling he thinks the Dolphins can not replace him. As for more fans not being mad cuz he is not signed?!? Because we know that he is replacable, and that he is turning into an azz about the whole thing, yes I think he should get paid, but there is a limit to how much. I say trade him and be done with the jerk!

Heres the link

Open mouth, decrease trade value.

Shut up already, Wale.
I think Wale's whole problem is that he can't read, because if he could, he would realize that there is "no I in team".
I can nolonger see him signing.

He talks about signing if "we can agree on my value" but also says he knows what his value is and won't sign unless it is met. Basically, give me what I want or I sit. NOBODY in football values Wale as high as Wale values himself. He's going to be out of football for a very long time unless he starts on the road to the middle ground. We should move on. We probably already have.
I've said this a million times. Wale needs to stop listening to the Rosenhaus brothers and THINK FOR HIS "F"ing SELF! He is doing nothing but hurting himself. NO WAY he gets this money or more next spring after sitting out a whole year (Miami won't play him the final 6 games). That'll be 1.5 years next season that he hasn't played a snap...would you give a DE that was questionable to begin with top 5 money???

Wale needs to tell the Rosenhaus brothers to knock the whole charade down a couple knotches. And Wale himself needs to stop making excuses, he sounds like a battered wife who won't accept what is going on ("seeing the injuries makes me feel even more confident in holding out" .... yeeeah, OK Wale, way to convince yourself after getting the urge to play after watching the game :rolleyes: )
big24fan said:
I think Wale's whole problem is that he can't read, because if he could, he would realize that there is "no I in team".

Put you can spell "Me"

I suspect he'll sign in time for the season opener
not only should we let ricky waste away, but Wale as well, as long as he deems necessary. I also think if he does sit til game 10, we still sit his ars or cut him at some point just to show what an idiot he is becoming.
The front office should say, "This is what the team has to offer.Take it, or sit out and ruin your own career." Then if he doesn't take it, trade him at the last possible minute during the season for whatever we can get.
i dont think hes that good, Jason Taylor and Tim Bowens helped open up the line for him to get the sacks, if you would put him on a team with the worst o-line, he wouldnt be good at all.....
i feel its the same with most d-lineman...
I think the plan all along has been to use Wale as a bargaining chip to improve the team in other areas. I don't think there has ever been any intention of signing him.

Before the draft we basically offered him up for draft picks.

After the draft, with our holes somewhat filled, we let him sit, so we could evaluate the DEs we have and also get a read on what position(s) we may still need to address.

Now, that we know we need WR and RB, Wale is again being dangled to potential trade partners.

The problem now, is two fold. First other teams are wise to us. They know we don't have any intention of signing him and would much rather move him.

Second, Wale and drew have shown the league tht they want superstar money this year. This is just a guess but, I would say that that puts more than 3/4 of the teams in the NFL out of the running right there.

So, we have a player we don't want, not much in the way of demand, and big questions as to how much "supply" he brings without JT on the other side.

We'll be lucky to get Andre Davis for O-Gun straight up, at this point but, I'll bet green money right now, Ogun will NOT be a Dolphin this season.
Well I believe that he is being very selfish. How much money do you need? I know he is very concerned about injurys. He has already said that. He has had a severe knee injury and came back from it if he gets hurt again or a inury worse then that then he wants to be stable. But I thought thats what they go to college for was to have something to do after football.

Hindsight is after the injury to Banks against Jax although it was not as serious as people thought only turning out to be a stinger many thought he hurt his spinal cord and could have been paralized (at least I did) that has to really be weighing on his mind. I don't see this getting done unless he is traded. I really don't think the FO is going to give in to his demands.
finfan54 said:
...I also think if he does sit til game 10, we...cut him at some point just to show what an idiot he is becoming.
I was wondering about this also. What are the ramifications of just cutting the guy? What happens with contracts, cap, etc. Wale is good, but he's becoming a cancer on a team that already has enough problems. He seems to be (publicly at least) the only anchor holding this team back from trying to gel and gear up for the season.
Wale if you read Fin Heaven and see this let it be known I am truly disgusted in and with you. I met you last year before the Dolphins/Redskins game and you were a real nice guy, even got my pic taken with you but here is a reality check guy. This IS NOT the Miami O-Guns, THIS IS the Miami Dolphins buddy. You are the farthest thing from a team player I have sen in a long time. Do you even realize if you just sign the one year deal, go out and have as good if not better season then last year every teal will be trying to get you rather then no teams like now. God you could write your own ticket. Wake the **** up and get your head out of your *** and play football or quit, retire, or go joing Ricky on the get the **** out of town bus.
you can't cut someone not under contract.

As for Banks...no, I never thought he was paralyzed. He was kicking his legs right after he went down, physically impossible if paralyzed.
jesusfreak26 said:
Well I believe that he is being very selfish. How much money do you need? I know he is very concerned about injurys. He has already said that. He has had a severe knee injury and came back from it if he gets hurt again or a inury worse then that then he wants to be stable. But I thought thats what they go to college for was to have something to do after football.

Hindsight is after the injury to Banks against Jax although it was not as serious as people thought only turning out to be a stinger many thought he hurt his spinal cord and could have been paralized (at least I did) that has to really be weighing on his mind. I don't see this getting done unless he is traded. I really don't think the FO is going to give in to his demands.
It sure doesn't sound like O-Gun has much faith in his own durability.
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