O-Gun is to high on him self | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

O-Gun is to high on him self

MikeO said:
The Dolphins tendered him. He can sit out 10 games. Sign the tender (can't be taken back by Miami). Be active for 6 games (playing or not). Then become an UFA.

Wale is doing nothing wrong here in my opinion.

I agree that it is technically not wrong also. It just rubs me the wrong way.
Sign the tender get into camp with your 'mates and continue to try and bang out a new deal. Which is something the Fo said it was willing to do.
SuperFin34 said:
I always find it funny when fans in any sport feel they can tell a man what his services are worth, Whether or not we want Wale in camp, not one of us is going to pay him a penny if he gets injured and released next year. He has to justify what giving up years off his life is worth. The dolphins have to decide whether they want to pay him that. The truth is Wale would have been gone in a week in the open market for his asking price to somebody. He feels he is worth the money and no one here would take less that what they feel they are worth whether you are a doctor or garbage-man.

The thing to remember is that NFL money is not gaurunteed, Alonzo Mourning collected every penny of his 120 million contract nursing his kidney while Oronde Gadsen got a pittance of his scheduled salary with his injury and so did O.J. The signing bonus is everything and as long as he plays hard we have no right to question his demands as long as they are in reason.

(And dont kid yourselves,they are in reason . A lot of ends have played across from JT and never lead the NFl in sacks, neither did the ends who played across from Reggie White or Micheal Strahan.)

I do not. I think it is like telling anything what they are worth. You base it on production, what you think the person can produce in the future and how much people in similar situations are paid. It isn't like value for NFL players is determined out of the blue.

That is why the NFL will be around longer then the NBA and the MLB.

We have every right to question his demands.
MikeO said:
Team doesn't have to play him. But because the team tendered him, they must activate him for 6 games no matter what! Which would credit him for the season.

The Dolphins do have another course of action. They can withdraw the required tender and save $705k of cap space. Of course Wale then becomes an UFA immediately.
pigskinguy said:
I agree that it is technically not wrong also. It just rubs me the wrong way.
Sign the tender get into camp with your 'mates and continue to try and bang out a new deal. Which is something the Fo said it was willing to do.

McMahon was a restricted free agent this year, and the Lions retained his negotiating rights by tendering him a one-year contract worth $1.4 million. In March, there were trade talks with Cleveland, but the Browns ended up signing Jeff Garcia, a free agent from San Francisco.

There has been talk of the Lions’ trying to lock up McMahon for more than this season. To date, McMahon has said it’s been just that  talk.

“I was never offered a two-year deal,†he said. “I was never offered a three-year deal. There’s been mention, talks, about ‘We’d look at a two-year deal,’ but I’ve never been offered one. I’ve never had an offer. I’ve never had a proposal.

“I would strongly consider one. You nver know.â€Â

O-GUN is in an interesting position right now and I blame it solely on his agents. I believe Drew is trying to set a new Restricted Free Agent precedent with O-GUN that will benefit Drew personally in a big way down the road. Drew has fed on O-GUNS fears of serious injury like his one in college that cost him being a high draft choice. He's convinced him that his ONE Pro-bowl year is all you need to be worth what the best player in the league is worth. He promises O-GUN that the Dolphins will have to play him or trade-him because he's too valuable a player to their team, maybe THE most valuable player. All of this so that a new bench-mark can be set that violates the CBA. That's what this is all about. A frame work was set up under the cap for just this instance. The Dolphins trade him for the draft picks. OH guess what?? No takers? Oh well I guess those draft picks are a little high a cost, for a PROVEN commodity like O-GUN. Yup no team in the NFL would give up what could be scene as chances at a slot machine, for a PROVEN commodity like O-GUN. Couldn't have anything to do with those contract demands could it? That's OK Drew will tell him, we'll seek a trade and it'll be no problem, there are teams with money who will take you. Like he's making the trades or something like that. Well last I checked the GM makes the deals and do you honestly think Spielman will let this jackal market O-GUN around the league. NO. It is not in the interests of Rick, the Dolphins or any team in the league for Drew to be able to take this to the next level. This is what Drew wants, this is what Drew has convinced O-GUN is a good decision, but ultimately it is Drew and his fellow agents that win if he gets his way. Show me the money!!!
GazPhin said:
...but he still becomes UFA. His responsibility is to make himself available to play - and I guess there are clauses that explain what happens if he doesn't turn up in suitable shape to be played.
i read some where that he'll have to report by week 7 cause if he reports on week 10 and the fins suspend him for 3 games (which they are allowed) he does not qualify for ufa next year ... and if he reports in week 10 i would suspend him for those 3 games and screw him of another year. come on wale get you head out of your a$$ and sign the contract the fins offer you and play ....
Trade him for Suggs straight up. Let the Browns deal with his bulls**t salary demands. I'm not positive what JT makes, but it sounds like O-gun wants more. There is no way he's better than JT!

He should sign the offer, get to camp and let the contract stuff work itself out. It's not like $1.8 million is a small amount of money.
These contract talks are going nowhere, and O-GUN has stated he will sit out 10 games in 2004 if he's not locked down to a long term deal....

Here's my take on the whole situation....

Let him and Rosensnake find a trade somewhere, or let him hold out. We wont miss O-GUN as much as many fans / experts are assuming. We've got great depth on the DL, and have several options we can use without him...

It seems that too many Phinz fans are afraid of what may happen to our defense without O-GUN. I'm not worried at all. Sure, O-GUN is a very solid DE, but he's not as good as his numbers IMO. He's got the best DE opposite him in Miami, and anywhere else, O-GUN would be considered average IMO....

O-GUN is only hurting himself right now IMO. We wont sign him, we're losing interest in him as fans, and teams around the NFL aren't all that interested in him either. They know his value is too high right now, and they know he's asking for more than he's worth....

I can't blame him, but at the same time, he's got to ask himself where his heart is regarding his football future, not the future of the Rosensnake family...

O-GUN has made it very clear he doesn't want to leave Miami. He wants to play for the Phinz. That's one thing we have going for us right now....

PHINZ RULE!!! :fire:
This whole situation is very simple. I don't blame Ogun for wanting more than $1.8 million, my beef is that Ogun isn't doing an effective cost/benefit of the situation from his side. He tried for salary "A".....didn't get it....time to try for salary plan "B"...if he doesn't get that then look at salary plan "C". Ogun seems to be thick headed and not willing to look at Plans "B" or "C" and how it may be best to take hwat they are giving him...after all, won't that then be guaranteed money and playing time...what he is looking for?? Right now all he has is guaranteed nothing....and continued nothing for another year.
ChambOfCommerce said:
Right now all he has is guaranteed nothing....and continued nothing for another year.
Great point.

He should sign and show the fans and more importantly his teammates, he's ready to play and wants to win. If he puts up good numbers again this year, his value will go up next year. He's not worth top 5 money...yet.
mike_vee said:
i read some where that he'll have to report by week 7 cause if he reports on week 10 and the fins suspend him for 3 games (which they are allowed) he does not qualify for ufa next year ... and if he reports in week 10 i would suspend him for those 3 games and screw him of another year. come on wale get you head out of your a$$ and sign the contract the fins offer you and play ....

Ogunleye: I'll sit until offers match my worth
By Joe Schad of the Plam Beach Post
Thursday, August 19, 2004

DAVIE  The Dolphins haven't presented defensive end Adewale Ogunleye with a new long-term contract proposal in more than three months, his agent said Wednesday. ...

The Dolphins did not submit a letter to Rosenhaus and the NFLPA that would have forced Ogunleye to report no later than Friday and would have made him ineligible to play or receive compensation for at least three games from the time he reports.

Well Wale now only has to report for the last six games to accrue another credited season.
If Ogun sits out 10 games, comes back for 6 and then is an UFA the Fins can still protect him by slapping the franchise tag on him, which he again won't like and will likely sit out again.
Dude's value goes down everytime our D takes the field and plays like it did last week.
The fins have to give him and his agent notice of the suspension...

mike_vee said:
i read some where that he'll have to report by week 7 cause if he reports on week 10 and the fins suspend him for 3 games (which they are allowed) he does not qualify for ufa next year ... and if he reports in week 10 i would suspend him for those 3 games and screw him of another year. come on wale get you head out of your a$$ and sign the contract the fins offer you and play ....

which they, I believe I read recently, have chosen not to do. If they suspend him they get no benefit from it - he can't play suspended. He may just as likely not be able to practice. Just not worth it.
How ironic would it be if he comes back and gets injured in one of those 6 games?
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