*** OFFICIAL MIAMI DOLPHINS @ CINCINNATI BENGALS GAME THREAD *** Preseason WK3 | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums


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Did you engineer he Turkey drop with WKRP?


"I swear, as God is my witness, I thought Turkey's could fly" - LOL

Actually Turkeys can fly and are considered strong fliers. It's just that flying takes a lot of energy and these birds are ground feeders and smart enough to conserve their energy.

I read that a bird will eat up to it's body weight in food daily. If that's true, think how much a turkey weights after it eats and how strong they would have to be to fly at all after that and how far they would have to go to "burn it all off" - LOL.

Imagine what it would be like to be driving along and your windshield gets hit with one of their aerial "turd's"? - LOL
Allow me to correct your "punchination": - LOL

"Pardon me but... that's a hummingbird, Ray!

See, without the comma, Ray would have to be a humming bird. - LOL, hey, wait a minute - LOL

Spk Engrish = LOL
hello! My ellipsis not only indicates missin' words in this case punc as well. Bitches!
Hey, I'm from Cincinnati!

mmm - possibly should not have let that info out - LOL

Do you know Cincinnati Slim?

Plenty of wine drinking time! You make your own schedule, man. No one can come up to you and say, “Hey, Cincinnati Slim, you sure 7am is a good time to be drinking wine?” Because it just so happens 7am is an excellent time to drink wine.
hello! My ellipsis not only indicates missin' words in this case punc as well. Bitches!

Good effort but RONG.

I understand the ellipsis indicate missing words & punctuation before those "presented" words, but imply nothing is missing following them. If you wanted to justify using ellipses for the missing comma it would have looked like this:

""Pardon me but... that's a hummingbird... Ray!"

My 6th grade English teacher would be so proud! - LOL
Clearly, somebody here is very inexperienced with the mountain state.

Morgantown isn’t even in the top-50 for webbed-feet producing towns ‘round these here parts. :chuckle:

ETA: Also, West Virginia is abbreviated WV, not WVA. It generally behooves those commenting upon the perceived mental limitations (shall we say) of other locations to be accurate in their disparaging of said locations. :lol:
Tell us you’re from WV without telling us you’re from WV …..I keed
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