Official OTA News Thread | Page 24 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Official OTA News Thread

Thank you, everyone. I really enjoyed reading 14+ pages of people’s two differing opinions on Tua’s attendance of a voluntary OTA. I hope we can read another 140+ pages of these two sides to the coin and not discuss what is actually going on at these practices. This is such valuable conversation.
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Gotta have higher expectations than that. That's not anything close to what we should expect
Agree, but the post I was responding to acted like Uce is back to back MVP.

Just win a clutch game and then we can go from there haha.
Considering he's only played in one playoff game where half the offense was injured he's got a shot if all other variables hold true.

Maybe the defense could help too.
Could have played in three though.

Blown out in Buffalo, blown out in Tennessee.

Edit, and then missed his potential 4th due to the concussions.
No offense, but this is the type of random conjecture that is running rampant on this board and it’s time to knock this **** off.

Unless someone on this board is employed by the Miami Dolphins, we literally have NO IDEA what is and what isn’t going on behind closed doors. As far as Flores’ criticism of Tua, it has been established many times by credible sources that Flores had an irrational dislike of Tua- a player that he handcuffed, jerked in and out of the lineup, attempted to replace, and basically did anything he could to sabotage the young QB yet Tua still managed to reward Flores with a record above .500 as a starter on an offense with almost zero NFL weapons.

When McD took over, he tasked Tua with digging in and doing the hard work necessary in order to master his offense. Tua has responded with being the NFL’s leading passer over the last 2 season. We’ve seen tangible improvements that just don’t happen without hard work. We’ve also seen Tua focus on different areas of his body and passing technique each off season and every time he reports for camp we all can actually see the difference.

And for the record- and this is a big one, the idea that Tua has to be seen at the Dolphins facility in the offseason at all hours of the day in order to be considered a hard worker is just laughable on so many fronts. In today’s day and age, players can literally accomplish off-season work at their own home or at various training facilities. I said it earlier but it bears repeating- each and every one of his offseasons, we’ve seen Tua go into the lab and come out the other side improved in his physique and technique.

It’s high time for some fans to stop acting like they have any idea of what’s going on behind closed doors and stop with the false narratives based on personal conjecture and obvious agendas.
Excellent. Thank you.
Win 1 playoff game.
I Guess If You Say So GIF
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