Offseason MLB rumors | Page 40 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Offseason MLB rumors

phunwin said:
Ah, thank you. You have resolved one of the great mysteries of my life. (Some people wonder how the pyramids were built...I wonder about perceived statistical anomalies in baseball.) That would seem to point to Dodger Stadium no longer being as pitching-friendly as it used to be....and therefore, would seem to devalue my point about not expecting similar production in 2007 from Garciaparra, Drew, Kent, etc. So, uh, thanks for nothing, Perry. ;)


I do what I can, Phil.

Bottom line, the Dodgers sorely lack punch in their lineup. I love Pierre, but he's not a good fit for them. The loss of Drew is really going to hurt, too. Loney is the only big-time power prospect who's ready, but Garciaparra's blocking. They absolutely need Kent to have a monster year if they want to compete.
like2god said:
I'm curious to see if a politician will be the next commish. With the whole steroid mess and congress threatening to step in between MLB and the union, I wonder if someone like Tom Davis (R-VA), who was a chairman on the House Government Reform Committee that heard the testimony of McGwire, Canseco and Sosa, would be considered. Not sure if it is plausible for someone like that to be considered or not.


I think it would be garbage. I thought it was BS that congress did step in. Nobody gives baseball players the benefit of the doubt yet we turn a blind eye to Shawne Merriman.
Some Friday night news (sort of):

People are reporting that the Padres have said they will not trade Peavy to the Sox for Manny. Others are reporting Gonzalez name hasn't even been mentioned in the talks. So who knows?

Red Sox are thinking about resigning Nixon for 1 year (just to piss me off no less). Which probably means Manny is for sure going to be traded. Nixon and Wily Mo will platoon in LF. Nixon wouldn't be a terrible 4th OF but knowing Francona he'll bury Wily Mo on the bench for Nixon until he gets hurt.

Indians offered Foulke a 3 year deal. If Foulke signs with them, only the Red Sox and Dodgers would be in the Gagne sweepstakes.
Ray Finkle said:
Indians offered Foulke a 3 year deal. If Foulke signs with them, only the Red Sox, Dodgers, and Marlins would be in the Gagne sweepstakes.

I think that's what you meant to say.
The A's offered Barry Zito arbitration on Friday.

Just a formality because he will decline them, Beane's just covering his butt so they get compensation when he signs in San Diego...
unifiedtheory said:
The A's offered Barry Zito arbitration on Friday.

Just a formality because he will decline them, Beane's just covering his butt so they get compensation when he signs in San Diego...

The recent rumors of Barry possibly signing with Texas I thought might actually hold some water.The Ron Washington connection seem to make sense.Sure would like to se Zito in Anaheim.:wink:
PHINATIC13 said:
The recent rumors of Barry possibly signing with Texas I thought might actually hold some water.The Ron Washington connection seem to make sense.Sure would like to se Zito in Anaheim.:wink:

I want him in Oakland or out of the damn LEAGUE. Let him go to the N.L.

The Texas thing might have legs though, Zito has a very good record versus the AL West and he might want to stay with what he knows and Wash being there helps their cause.

If he goes to Anaheim I'll be forced to vomit...LOL!
Is Anaheim still after him? I havent heard anything in awhile. I cant really see us paying 100 mill for a pitcher at this point
DonShula84 said:
Is Anaheim still after him? I havent heard anything in awhile. I cant really see us paying 100 mill for a pitcher at this point

I have no idea anymore(but I can dream can't I).The KFFL wire for our Halos hasn't changed in a week.:confused:
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