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Omar Kelly tweets

He gets page clicks, and for a newspaper that's what they want. Regardless of his bias and negativity any press is good press.
The only people/person who respect Omar is, well, Omar. He hates the Fins and works hard to discredit anything they do.
For the last few years I have been seriously wondering why he is still employed there? Can anyone answer this with all seriousness? This guy sucks so bad. I surprised the team even let's him in the building or anywhere near practice.
Glad I posted - I feel better now. I will probably unfollow him. I don't want the rose shaded sunglasses view of everything, but he is absolutely ridiculous. Seems a lot of people totally kiss his ass too, and I just didn't understand it. Thanks for the posts.
"I've shot a gun at a man with intent to do harm. I often wonder what my life would be like had I not missed." - Omar Kelly
"I will consider Tannehill a good QB when he throws 25+ TD's" - Omar Kelly

Tannehill throws 27 TD's in 2014

"You need more than just stats to be considered a good QB" - Omar Kelly
"Nolan Carroll is a zone cornerback. He can get the job done, & outperformed Byron Maxwell last seas on same team." - Omar Kelly

Nolan Carrol literally responds to his tweet "Press man buddy, whole career"
I am also part of the blocked club.

So glad I don't have to read his garbage anymore.
I was also blocked. Totally forgot what for. Don't care. I was probably a smartass and he didn't approve.
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