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Omar Kelly tweets

I started following him last week. People seem to respect him, and he has a ton of updates, but seriously this guy makes me want to slit my wrists as a Dolphins fan. Is he like over the top negative at all times, or is our team that bad? Outside of Brandon Albert and maybe Landry, he seems to shred every player apart on a daily basis. Not real familiar with him as I honestly don't follow the press that often, but in the twitter age, it's nice to get updates - but these are giving me indigestion.

Nobody respects him, nobody should respect him...don't be fooled.

He is worthless, his info is limited and horrible...he is severely biased in what he writes about, normally at the expense of the truth...he relies more on baiting people to click on his account, then the amazing job he does covering the Dolphins.
Worst dolphin reporter ever. The ego on this guy is worse than his hair
The team has preformed the way he evaluated them the last several yrs....seems to me you should be blaming ownership and the front office for the bad play and not a sports writer....
He is negative, but it is hard to be positive considering the garbage that has been put on the field he past few years. Hopefully Gase can turn things around. Nothing changes opinion more than winning.
I started following him last week. People seem to respect him, and he has a ton of updates, but seriously this guy makes me want to slit my wrists as a Dolphins fan. Is he like over the top negative at all times, or is our team that bad? Outside of Brandon Albert and maybe Landry, he seems to shred every player apart on a daily basis. Not real familiar with him as I honestly don't follow the press that often, but in the twitter age, it's nice to get updates - but these are giving me indigestion.


I see you are new around here...
I don't do social media, so I've only seen some of his tweets on BR or on this site. My exposure to him is limited as I live in Orlando and don't read the local papers much.
However, in the few comments that I've seen, he really has a bias against RT. I can understand not being sold on RT, but some of his comments suggest that RT is closer to a journeyman/career backup, rather than a legitimate NFL starter.
Do yourself a favor and look up Barry Jackson. Polar opposite of Omar.
Makes you wonder why he still works where he does if Miami is such a terrible team. Gets off on misery I guess?
Hilarious. He's the least repeated and most hated dolphins beat writer in history. Take everything he says with a large salt block.
Wait you like The Dolphins and follow Omar? Sorry but thats not gonna work
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Omar's momma should have swallowed him.
Get blocked by him and it will help your life. He offers nothing.
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