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O'Shea Fired

The benefit of the cheap seats is that it give you an opportunity to see the big picture
Sometimes when you're up close you're deep in A$$ and don't know it and wonder why your hand smells like :p4e

The added benefit of cheap seats they are cheap and are usually populated with people with narrow views and big armrests.
The benefit of the cheap seats is that it gives you an opportunity to see the big picture
Sometimes when you're up close you're deep in A$$ and don't know it and wonder why your hand smells like :p4e
You don't always paint a pretty picture brother, but they sure can be colorful.....LMAO
Sooooo professionals on different sides of the "isles" don't ever work together?
Therefore their relationship was superficial and based on the occasional conversation here and there?
That's really what you're going with? @Zounds


Who said they didnt work together? I specifically said they DID work together. Again, working alongside someone vs being their boss....you don't see how that's different? am I talking to your avatar?
IN BRIAN FLORES I TRUST. This is part of the process. He may have someone with experience in mind or it will be internally either way I am fine with. A bit confused on timing but, he is the Head Coach and I will be behind him to the end. TRUST THE PROCESS.
Well, if the Gum Ball said it, that's it then....lol.

Actually, I believe Fitz did have fun. He seems like he still loves the hell out of playing, just like a kid. Probably loves the camaraderie with both players and coaches at his age. I would even argue, this has been his best season is several years.

His arm is getting tired, though, and when your mind starts writing checks your body can't cash, it will quickly become not fun anymore.

Does he have another year or two? I would say, by the way he was running for first down and TDs, he does if we can help him a little with a line tgat isn't so seive like.

Gumble sat down with Fitz before the game. That's what Fitz said when asked if he wanted to be in Miami next season. I can see why he said that. He's actually 6 years younger than Brady. Who knows? Maybe Fitz will have a career renaissance? It's still doubtful any team will want to build just around him with no young gun waiting in the wings.
If the reason that O'Shea was fired is indeed to keep Schuplinski I wouldn't read too much into it. O'Shea will go to a club with a ready-to-go QB while Schuplinski's expertise is working with QB which makes more sense for us.

These constant speculations that there could be a rift or Flores was unhappy or Rosen was the reason or whatever doesn't help anybody.

We all should apply common sense and logical reasoning. First of all we all knew that O'Shea might be a target for a job change after his successful season here. Schuplinski and O'Shea are coming from the same line (Patriots) and have worked together so the offensive philosophy will be very similar. If both were targets by other teams Flores had to make a decision who to keep and considering that Caldwell seemed to have overcome his illness it makes sense that Flores goes all out with the QB development.
The news is also that both agreed to split so I wouldn't call it a firing but rather use the phrase 'mutual agreement to discontinue the working relationship '.

TBH I think this decision was already decided much earlier. That would explain some of the euphoric celebrations of the players with O'Shea on the sidelines. It was euphoric because of the win and felt like a 'thank you for bringing the best out of us'.

That's as good a theory as any :ponder:
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