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O'Shea Fired

I'm calling it here, BB is retiring, McDaniels will take over as HC and O'Shea will be the O coordinator. BB looked pretty defeated yesterday, maybe he doesn't have it in him any longer. I wonder if there still is a struggle between Kraft and BB over Brady...

Maybe Belichick will buy New England from Kraft before the guy goes to jail?
So are the Dolphins going to say we don't want joe Burrow we want LSU's offensive coordinator?
we continue to be a laughingstock. Yet, there are people busy as always, making excuses for Flores and Grier
I hardly think anyone is laughing at us after yesterday's performance. As a matter of fact, we probably opened a few more eyes...
You rank 27th in the NFL, regardless of talent, this IS the NFL you get fired. I like the bold decision making of the new regime. Also deflects some of the stink away from HC Flores, though in no way do I think that had anything to do with the move. Just a result of making it.
Im sayin what stink though? There is no stink when it comes to Flores. I Smell potpourri and maybe a lil clive christian. But seriously. Considering the roster the production was amazing. The coaching was amazing. Tbh i dont understand the move. We were 29th and thats not great. But for a first time oc with the players we had i thought he did a great job. But like i said previously theres something we dont know yet.
I hardly think anyone is laughing at us after yesterday's performance. As a matter of fact, we probably opened a few more eyes...
I think the NFL has opened its eyes as to what Miami has done in 2019. Miami and its fans are laughing at all of those people bashing the franchise with the bullcrap tank narrative.
I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. In fact, when Flo didn't like how the Oline was being handled in TC, he didn't hesitate to make a change.

I find it hard to believe it was an Xs and Os, philosophical difference, but they've known each other a while, so it's hard to imagine that it is a personality conflict either.

That just leaves a purely performance issue, or maybe O'Shea got drunk at the Christmas party, and was hitting on Flo's wife?

I'm at a loss here......

I'll make a serious projection here.

Maybe O'Shea wanted to be "unattached" this offseason to make it easier and get a better position and they agreed to let him go, knowing they could get someone just as good or better with Caldwell coming back. This would be a win-win for both parties. If it doesn't pan out for O'Shea, he could probably go back to the patriots and avoid unemployment this next season. It would be a smart thing to do!

I read that the other two coaches being dropped are simply not being rehired as opposed to fired.

Naw, this makes way too much sense to be happening.
Laird should not have been running between tackle week in and out.^

Yeah...we could always fall back on Ballage and his 1.82 YPC.

When we saw multiple trick plays in a game flags should have went up.

Yeah...to draft o-linemen who can push a man backward and hold a block.

Offense has been putting defense in ****ty position for years.

And the defense has usually obliged by giving up 90 play/90 yard drives.

When was the last time we put 40 on the board offense defense and special team combined !?!??!!??!

We've come close enough with a ragtag o-line, a QB at the end of his rope, and no running attack.
I'll make a serious projection here.

Maybe O'Shea wanted to be "unattached" this offseason to make it easier and get a better position and they agreed to let him go, knowing they could get someone just as good or better with Caldwell coming back. This would be a win-win for both parties. If it doesn't pan out for O'Shea, he could probably go back to the patriots and avoid unemployment this next season. It would be a smart thing to do!

I read that the other two coaches being dropped are simply not being rehired as opposed to fired.

Naw, this makes way too much sense to be happening.
What better position? Do you mean an OC position on a team closer to SB contention? He's not a HC candidate.
I don't agree with this firing at all. I liked O'shea a lot actually and thought our offense finally appeared to be in a healthy place from a scheme and play calling aspect. I think this has to be something about conflicting visions, or a disagreement between him and Flo. I cant imagine it was based on the performance from the offense.
Brace yourselves, we may never get the true and complete story. These guys are all pretty tight-lipped, as they should be.
I don't even get why people need "the true and complete story." The dude is gone, and we can just hope the new guy does a good job.

Hell, we don't even know how much of an effect O'Shea had on the offense.
What better position? Do you mean an OC position on a team closer to SB contention? He's not a HC candidate.

Any he can get.

I would point out that if a team wanted him as a head coach, he would be a Head Coaching candidate. I agree he would be a bit of a dark horse, but most of the teams this year looking for a new HC might consider him.


Desperate Team owner trying to sound knowledgeable:
What have you done in your career that would make us believe you could be a HC?

AS their OC, I got the 2019 Dolphin Offense to beat New England at New England in the last game of the year, killing their Bye in the playoffs, even though we were considered the laughingstock of the league!

Desperate Team owner demonstrating great wisdom and decisiveness:
Your hired.

Thank You Mr. Jones.
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