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O'Shea Fired

It's all speculation as to why he was fired calm the Grier rant.

I'm responding to posts being made. I'll rant about Chris Grier all I want, he's the GM / Executive VP of Operations for the team. Last time I checked, this was the Miami Dolphins discussion board here.

I wonder if this is linked to the story that Rosen was only brought in to appease O’Shea, who lobbied hard for him.

Either way doesn’t look good for the theory that Rosen was being developed in the background with a legit chance to start next year.
I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. In fact, when Flo didn't like how the Oline was being handled in TC, he didn't hesitate to make a change.

I find it hard to believe it was an Xs and Os, philosophical difference, but they've known each other a while, so it's hard to imagine that it is a personality conflict either.

That just leaves a purely performance issue, or maybe O'Shea got drunk at the Christmas party, and was hitting on Flo's wife?

I'm at a loss here......
We are now blaming the first year OC for a trade that didn't pan out? Chris Grier is the most powerful being in the universe. His super power? Not being held accountable for anything, ever.
yeah that's a joke. o'shea may have been on board, but there is ZERO chance they made that deal because of him. that is 100% on chris grier.
We are now blaming the first year OC for a trade that didn't pan out? Chris Grier is the most powerful being in the universe. His super power? Not being held accountable for anything, ever.

Dude, thank you for that statement, I just laughed my ass off. Totally agree with you. Like we’re gonna have a first year OC make a trade for a QB. Where do some of these posters come from LOL

Anyway, I’m shocked that Flores fired these guys. Thought we were headed in the right direction. The minute I heard of the firings I immediately had flashbacks of Gase and his stubbornness and his volatile impatience. The one thing that makes me nervous is that these firings are listed as mutual. Does it mean these guys don’t believe in Flores and wanna jump ship??? I don’t know.

I guess I believe in Flores so I’m gonna have to jump on board and trust him. I hope he really has a vision. A bold move on his part, a very bold move.
I wouldn't jump to that conclusion. In fact, when Flo didn't like how the Oline was being handled in TC, he didn't hesitate to make a change.

I find it hard to believe it was an Xs and Os, philosophical difference, but they've known each other a while, so it's hard to imagine that it is a personality conflict either.

That just leave a purely performance issue, or maybe O'Shea gut drunk at the Christmas party, and was hitting on Flo's wife?

I'm at a loss here......

Yah that explanation doesn't make any sense to me. How could we blame an offensive coordinator for trading for a player? At the end of the day shouldn't we be getting rid of the higher up who didn't overrule him instead, assuming any of this is even true?
I don't understand this move. I realize we had a rough start, but the offense came into it's own down the stretch. This seems short sighted at initial glance. Maybe the replacement they have in mind is just too good to pass up?

More than likely there are things going on in the background that we don't know about.
Additionally, we have no idea what deal was in place when he first took the job.
For example, "I'll come on for a season to help you out, get some experience, but i'm going with McDaniels to his next job as his OC!"
yeah this is confusing as hell. a real head scratcher for me, i have trust in Flores though. interested to find out the reason behind this as more information comes out.
Dude, thank you for that statement, I just laughed my *** off. Totally agree with you. Like we’re gonna have a first year OC make a trade for a QB. Where do some of these posters come from LOL

Anyway, I’m shocked that Flores fired these guys. Thought we were headed in the right direction. The minute I heard of the firings I immediately had flashbacks of Gase and his stubbornness and his volatile impatience.
I guess I believe in Flores so I’m gonna have to jump on board and trust him. I hope he really has a vision. A bold move on his part, a very bold move.

This is a major risk by Flores. The offense played better than expected overall and if we take a step back next year it will be all on Flores.
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