Players open to Ricky returning | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Players open to Ricky returning


Reach for the Stars
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May 23, 2002
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Based on you guys reports about RB's in MC, I can see the players soften their stance on Ricky, they aren't relying on him solely on the O this year or future, so I can understand them saying, Why not?

Players open to Ricky returning
Ya, It's not like they have to be best freinds with the the guy. So why not. Everyone deserves the chance to be forgiven. He can only help us!
Scrap said:
I've forgiven.

Me too. I have already done my share of hating and bad mouthing the guy which I regret doing. But it's time to look out for the best interests of the team. Getting him back would help us tremendously. He is going to take the load off of R.B and provide the the running game with a second wind in the 4th quater.

If someone would have told us 2 years ago " The phins are going to have Ricky Williams and the #2 overall pick in the draft in the same backfield in 06" We would be drooling all over ourselves.

Now that one of our main leaders in Zach Thomas is accepting him back, I think it's time we do to. :)
The only people that Ricky has to prove himself to are the team leaders. If he does that the others will follow.
Everybody gets a second chance and this is Ricky's second chance. When he does come back he better be damn commited to football and work his butt off every day he is on the field. After that, then i am sure the players will treat him like he never retired from the game.
For me it's never been about forgiving. I didn't burn my jersey or spend a great deal of time bad mouthing him. For me, it's about the distractions. RW brings a boatload of them. That ends up being the only news we get about Miami. Every national media story about the Dolphins is a RW story. Every question the players get asked is about RW. It not only annoys the players but it affects me personally b/c I can't get any pertinent news about my team.LOL. I also wonder what promising young RB we'll lose to make space for RW. Then add in the salary dispute. I don't want to give up salary cap space that could be used for a position we're actually weak in, like maybe the secondary. I'd rather have all the people working on the negotiation/potential arbitration working on trying to sign the players that might actually have a future here instead. This is all for a player that has a high probability of quitting again.

The quitting thing is really what bothers me. In the thread asking whether the players quit on Wanny, I said they didn't, but I would want any that did gone. I believe the old saying, "winners never quit and quitters never win". I just don't see how people think you can bring that mentality into a locker room and expect it to have no affect whatsoever. I know Saban is thinking "I have a stock that can only go up," and I have great faith in his ability to manage the team psyche but I think he's making the job harder on himself. It doesn't really matter if the players accept him back or not. I see many examples of bad relationships where the wronged party accepts the wrongdoer back. There are always high hopes and talk of forgiveness, but in the end it's usually a mistake and everybody's life is worse b/c of it. Honestly, I believe that the best thing that could happen to this team is that RW freaks out sooner rather than later. He leaves to go follow the Dalai lama around or some other nonsense and is never heard from again.
rafael said:
For me it's never been about forgiving. I didn't burn my jersey or spend a great deal of time bad mouthing him. For me, it's about the distractions. RW brings a boatload of them. That ends up being the only news we get about Miami. Every national media story about the Dolphins is a RW story. Every question the players get asked is about RW. It not only annoys the players but it affects me personally b/c I can't get any pertinent news about my team.LOL. I also wonder what promising young RB we'll lose to make space for RW. Then add in the salary dispute. I don't want to give up salary cap space that could be used for a position we're actually weak in, like maybe the secondary. I'd rather have all the people working on the negotiation/potential arbitration working on trying to sign the players that might actually have a future here instead. This is all for a player that has a high probability of quitting again.

The quitting thing is really what bothers me. In the thread asking whether the players quit on Wanny, I said they didn't, but I would want any that did gone. I believe the old saying, "winners never quit and quitters never win". I just don't see how people think you can bring that mentality into a locker room and expect it to have no affect whatsoever. I know Saban is thinking "I have a stock that can only go up," and I have great faith in his ability to manage the team psyche but I think he's making the job harder on himself. It doesn't really matter if the players accept him back or not. I see many examples of bad relationships where the wronged party accepts the wrongdoer back. There are always high hopes and talk of forgiveness, but in the end it's usually a mistake and everybody's life is worse b/c of it. Honestly, I believe that the best thing that could happen to this team is that RW freaks out sooner rather than later. He leaves to go follow the Dalai lama around or some other nonsense and is never heard from again.
If it weren't for Ricky, we would have nothing to talk about during the offseason. You owe him a second chance. :lol:
ricky made a mistake once he breaks a long run gets in the endzone or just shows that he still is a top 3 back it will wash away last year and him leaving.having both rick and ronnie will be a better combo than ronnie and cadillac
popularwar said:
If it weren't for Ricky, we would have nothing to talk about during the offseason. You owe him a second chance. :lol:

I don't owe him anything. And if there is one ability I have, its the ability to talk about football constantly, much to the consternation of many lady friends. I don't need RW for that.
rafael said:
For me it's never been about forgiving. I didn't burn my jersey or spend a great deal of time bad mouthing him. For me, it's about the distractions. RW brings a boatload of them. That ends up being the only news we get about Miami. Every national media story about the Dolphins is a RW story. Every question the players get asked is about RW. It not only annoys the players but it affects me personally b/c I can't get any pertinent news about my team.LOL. I also wonder what promising young RB we'll lose to make space for RW. Then add in the salary dispute. I don't want to give up salary cap space that could be used for a position we're actually weak in, like maybe the secondary. I'd rather have all the people working on the negotiation/potential arbitration working on trying to sign the players that might actually have a future here instead. This is all for a player that has a high probability of quitting again.

The quitting thing is really what bothers me. In the thread asking whether the players quit on Wanny, I said they didn't, but I would want any that did gone. I believe the old saying, "winners never quit and quitters never win". I just don't see how people think you can bring that mentality into a locker room and expect it to have no affect whatsoever. I know Saban is thinking "I have a stock that can only go up," and I have great faith in his ability to manage the team psyche but I think he's making the job harder on himself. It doesn't really matter if the players accept him back or not. I see many examples of bad relationships where the wronged party accepts the wrongdoer back. There are always high hopes and talk of forgiveness, but in the end it's usually a mistake and everybody's life is worse b/c of it. Honestly, I believe that the best thing that could happen to this team is that RW freaks out sooner rather than later. He leaves to go follow the Dalai lama around or some other nonsense and is never heard from again.

I agree.I have great reservations about players who are malcontents,Nut cases or those who have character problems.You can straighten them out for a while but they usually revert to their natural instincts sooner or later.

Ricky probably will only play a couple of years if he comes back.I think he will be more of a distraction than a benefit to the team.
PhinDude88 said:
Everybody gets a second chance and this is Ricky's second chance. When he does come back he better be damn commited to football and work his butt off every day he is on the field. After that, then i am sure the players will treat him like he never retired from the game.

I agree. If he does not prove that he is willing to bust his a** to better this team, he will be a goner. But I remain optimistic that Saban will help R.W become the football player he once was.
CrunchTime said:
I agree.I have great reservations about players who are malcontents,Nut cases or those who have character problems.You can straighten them out for a while but they usually revert to their natural instincts sooner or later.

Ricky probably will only play a couple of years if he comes back.I think he will be more of a distraction than a benefit to the team.

I am only expecting 3 years TOPS Ricky will remain a phin. In those 3 years let's just hope Saban can straighten him out temporarily without causing a distraction.

I really believe Saban will not let this become a distraction and Ricky will be benificial to the team. You're right though, sooner or later he will revert back to his old behavior. Hopefully that happens after he retires.
Sorry, but this isn't his second chance. I don't believe people should get third chances. His second chance came when Miami traded for him.
Wow, what do you know, a regurtitation of everything that's already been said about Ricky Williams. I don't care if the team leaders forgive him or not. The guy is a scumbag and doesn't deserve a second chance. Contrary to popular belief, not everybody deserves a second chance for some things they do, and it could be argued that Ricky has used his second chance already. You guys want him back, fine by me. I don't. I hope the guy just goes back to India and continues his Yoga for the rest of his life. If I go the rest of my life without hearing about Ricky Williams then I can safely say I've lived a peaceful life.
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