Prediction of what will transpire Come Saturday | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Prediction of what will transpire Come Saturday


Seer of Visions
Club Member
Jun 2, 2004
Reaction score
Weeki Wachee, Florida
Now that San Fran has decided to get in on the trade down possibilities and start smokescreening who they really want, here is what I think will happen:

You will start hearing that the Niners are shifting their interest to Braylon Edwards as we get further into this week, Minnesota badly wants Edwards and will trade up with the Niners.

The Niners think that Rodgers, their real first choice will still be there at #7 and they will have picked up an extra first rounder in the process.

Miami will then have to decide between Alex Smith or a possible trade down......I go on record here stating Alex Smith will be a Miami Dolphin on Saturday.
BlueFin said:
Now that San Fran has decided to get in on the trade down possibilities and start smokescreening who they really want, here is what I think will happen:

You will start hearing that the Niners are shifting their interest to Braylon Edwards as we get further into this week, Minnesota badly wants Edwards and will trade up with the Niners.

The Niners think that Rodgers, their real first choice will still be there at #7 and they will have picked up an extra first rounder in the process.

Miami will then have to decide between Alex Smith or a possible trade down......I go on record here stating Alex Smith will be a Miami Dolphin on Saturday.

I will also second the belief that Alex Smith will be drafted at the #2
I dont think so. I think by Sat Smith will be a 49er and we will trade down with either Tampa or Minnesota
Might be a big gamble for SF. I'm not so sure Rodgers will be there at #7. If we take your boy Smith I think CLE will take Rodgers. JMO
BlueFin said:
Now that San Fran has decided to get in on the trade down possibilities and start smokescreening who they really want, here is what I think will happen:

You will start hearing that the Niners are shifting their interest to Braylon Edwards as we get further into this week, Minnesota badly wants Edwards and will trade up with the Niners.

The Niners think that Rodgers, their real first choice will still be there at #7 and they will have picked up an extra first rounder in the process.

Miami will then have to decide between Alex Smith or a possible trade down......I go on record here stating Alex Smith will be a Miami Dolphin on Saturday.

I think you've nailed it. Good job. And I'm serious. Rodgers will slide on draft day.
I think the 49ers will still take Rodgers.
I think Saban will work a trade for Minny. Minny will try and put themselves over the top with Braylon Edwards and a DL like Pollack at 18. We'll get their 7th overall, their 2nd, their 3rd, and maybe a pick next year if anything else.
byroan said:
I think the 49ers will still take Rodgers.

Let's say that the 9ers do take Smith, and the Phins take Brown, than I think Rodgers goes to Cleveland, Benson to Chicago, and Minnesota trades with Tampa Bay to get Edwards, Jones goes 6, and Gruden still gets Williams at 7. Espn might say the Phins have a big influence on the draft, but I think Alex Smith is going to decide alot on draft day. If Rodgers is taken 1st, than I see Smith 2nd to Miami, Edwards 3rd, Benson 4th, Brown 5th, Jones 6th, and the Vikings taking M. Williams. Carnell Williams IMO may be the guy to slide down in this scenario especially if the Cards trade for Henry. Saturday should be interesting.
I see us grabbing Caddy at #7, and then at #18 snagging Demarcus Ware (DE/OLB) from Troy.... or is this what I am hoping for. I really like these hybrid, terrell suggs type of players. I would also like Pollack there is Ware is gone.
beejay05 said:
I see us grabbing Caddy at #7, and then at #18 snagging Demarcus Ware (DE/OLB) from Troy.... or is this what I am hoping for. I really like these hybrid, terrell suggs type of players. I would also like Pollack there is Ware is gone.

IMO, Ware is a workout warrior and his combine/workout just remind me too much of Mamula. I think he'll go 12th to Dallas anyways.
Saban wants out of the number 2 spot, so its this simple.

If San Fran takes Smith (or trades with Tampa), we trade with Minn. and get what they give us.

If San Fran takes Edwards (or trades with Minn), we trade with Tampa and get what they give us.

If San Fran takes Rodgers, we do whatever is best in the Fins interest. Perhaps its trading with Tampa first, then if Edwards falls to number 5 (doubt it) We trade AGAIN with Minn. and pick up what they give us, having perhaps two number ones and a number 2. ::shrugs::

Either way, I see SAN FRAN holding the key to this draft and who we choose/where we go.
If SF suddenly gets enamored with Braylon Edwards, everyone will know it is a total smokescreen. IMHO they are going QB and they are not fooling anyone. Minnesota is now a likely trade partner and I hope to god it works out.
Saturday can't get here soon enough for me...can't take it anymore!!!!!!
testtubetimmy said:
Saban wants out of the number 2 spot, so its this simple.

If San Fran takes Smith (or trades with Tampa), we trade with Minn. and get what they give us.

If San Fran takes Edwards (or trades with Minn), we trade with Tampa and get what they give us.

If San Fran takes Rodgers, we do whatever is best in the Fins interest. Perhaps its trading with Tampa first, then if Edwards falls to number 5 (doubt it) We trade AGAIN with Minn. and pick up what they give us, having perhaps two number ones and a number 2. ::shrugs::

Either way, I see SAN FRAN holding the key to this draft and who we choose/where we go.

I think your correct...
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