Preston Williams whips Dolphins fans into frenzy with cryptic tweet
Preston Williams whips Dolphins fans into frenzy with cryptic tweet
YESIs 41 retweets and 52 quoted tweets really fan frenzy now?
I'm a bit thick.Preston Williams whips Dolphins fans into frenzy with cryptic tweet
Preston Williams whips Dolphins fans into frenzy with cryptic
"Are u a unicorn?"What exactly does the tweet say?
Manufactured drama over dumb bullshit.
Join the crowd. I guess I am too old to have any idea what the tweet means. Obviously there are some of his followers who understand what the tweet is about because they liked it or they are just sheeple who liked it because they saw other people like it. Even if they have no idea what the tweet means.I'm a bit thick.
Can you point me in the direction of what that means in relation to anything specific?