Pro and Con list of Tuanigamanuolepola Tagovailoa | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Pro and Con list of Tuanigamanuolepola Tagovailoa

Yeah Tua isnt all that accurate really... He only finished 7th in the NFL in comp% and 5th in on target%.

Its should've been worst given the fact he threw short alot, like really short passes all the time, hell Mahomes threw the ball .3 yards further on average... Easy to complete those short passes right? Especially when not one offense in the NFL was worst at creating separation, leading to ~20% of throws with a defender within one yard of the target...

And dont get me started on his weak ass arm... Dude simply cant throw deep, which is why they had to throw so many short passes to begin with... Accurate my ass!

5 players out of 32 starting QBs. Out of those 5 players, 3 are average to below average in results and 1 is retired (I'm not impressed by Murray and do not believe he will be more than a gadget offense QB and will always wear down by the end of the season).
This wasn't a post about being a great QB or being impressive. This was in response to the poster who stated Tua lacked prototypical size for the NFL QB position. From that list both Brees and Wilson are Super Bowl-winners (being shorter than Tua)
Yeah Tua isnt all that accurate really... He only finished 7th in the NFL in comp% and 5th in on target%.

Its should've been worst given the fact he threw short alot, like really short passes all the time, hell Mahomes threw the ball .3 yards further on average... Easy to complete those short passes right? Especially when not one offense in the NFL was worst at creating separation, leading to ~20% of throws with a defender within one yard of the target...

And dont get me started on his weak ass arm... Dude simply cant throw deep, which is why they had to throw so many short passes to begin with... Accurate my ass!

What are you talking about those windows in the NFL are bigger than in college, he should be 100% accurate. His receivers the last couple of years were elite and caught EVERYTHING, thrown to them.
The vast majority of the Cons are related to having very little time to throw, being unable to step up and rotate hips, follow through with arm motion, and of course not having any time to read anything going on upfield.
The vast majority of the Cons are related to having very little time to throw, being unable to step up and rotate hips, follow through with arm motion, and of course not having any time to read anything going on upfield.
don't forget his injury might also have been due to the mechanics also. With him being his healthiest yet this season, I see how that could help Tua getting back to better or good mechanics again. It's natural for a person to lose mechanics when coming off an injury because a person might lean or favor more on a part of their leg than they did before the injury. Either to help relieve pain or there's more strength in the other leg in comparison.
BIG PRO! Former Coach (no name necessary) is gone!

▄The OL performs at least at a mediocre level (vs worst rated or 2nd worst rated)

If the above holds true and Tua fails, it's on him. However I don't believe that he will
I edited your list.
I hate the RPO. It’s a high school offense.
Meh, it's fine as a tool in the toolkit, to be used situationally and sparingly, such as an audible when the defensive alignment makes it a no brainer. It is not a good basis for an NFL offense though.

It actually makes more sense in a wide zone blocking scheme than it did last season with the power(less) scheme.

I think Shanahan used it at times. Maybe with Atlanta?
After rewatching every snap of his from rookie year and last year. Wanted to put a list of his pros and cons from my own point of view. Everyone may have a different view, but thought to post them.

  • Top level pocket presence. Can move in and out of the pocket with finesse and usually is always feeling pressure before it gets there. Rarely gets sacked even though he has one of the worst lines in NFL history.
  • Very decisive when he makes a decision. Doesn't question himself and throws with confidence when he understands and knows the ask of the scheme and the defense he's going against.
  • Extremely instinctual and can read defenses presnap at a high level. Knows how to attack different leverages and coverages.
  • Sneaky athletic and can get cheap first downs with ease.
  • Very aggressive downfield passer, even though media doesn't believe it and his offense didn't allow it last season because of Flores, the offensive line and lack of weapons. Even his OC said they cant go deep because the o-line can't protect.
  • Accuracy is top level.
  • When he is able to play point guard on offense, choosing exactly where to go with the ball based on his eyes and instincts, he's on fire.


  • Very VERY inconsistent with his footwork and mechanics over last two years. Which is the opposite of him at Bama, when he had some of the most pure footwork and mechanics. His faulty mechanics and footwork at times leads him not to use his lower body to transfer his weight to throw and then he has to use all arm, which make throws sail over the middle or sometimes not get to the target.
  • Sometimes locks into his presnap read and falls in love with it. Needs to do a better job of adapting post-snap when the presnap look changes post snap. Gets him into trouble. And he has to fix this.
  • As a result of being overaggressive with the ball, he will try to force balls in windows downfield when he can take the easier route underneath. It got to the point where the offensive scheme last season rarely had anyone going deep and when they did he would try and force it because his natural instinct is to go downfield and deep.
  • Makes a few bonehead decisions, which are a result of him locking into his presnap reads and being overaggressive.
  • Sometimes will not rush for the first down when its there and instead try a throw and it'll fall incomplete.
  • In the RPOs, he would tend to lean into the P of the play when he needed to hand it off based on the reads. He wanted to move the ball downfield so badly that he would try and overcompensate with throwing the ball as much as possible instead of relying on the run game.
  • Wasn't trusting his eyes and wouldn't let it rip in the beginning of the season. As the season went on he did start trusting it more.

If Tua can get his mechanics and footwork back to what it was at Bama, he will shine. He was one of the most aggressive downfield passers in NCAA history. You don't just lose that when you go to the NFL. It's a combination of not trusting his hip, not trusting his coaches, and not trusting his receivers and skill players. He needs to go back to that version of himself.

And I think with better coaching he will stop locking onto presnap reads and trust his eyes more. Which again will result in Bama Tua.

It's just crazy when people say Tua can't go deep or downfield. That was literally his game at Alabama mixed with intermediate and short passing.

He doesn't have the strongest arm in the NFL but you don't need that if you have accuracy and anticipation at a high level.

All in all, he needs to hone his mechanics, footwork, and keep getting better with his presnap and postsnap reads. He needs to trust his ability and coaching, which the last 2 years was the worst possible environment to do that.
Heck of a sum up.
As a Pacific Islander, making fun of his name even if it’s just a stupid ass joke isn’t funny and makes you look ignorant. Idiot.
Why are the names so long? Sometimes names tell a story- parents, where you are from, etc. Is that part of the Pacific Islanders?
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