"Quotes" | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums



How do you quote more than one person at a time in the same thread?
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.
Wildbill3 said:
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

What do you mean be inventive?
Wildbill3 said:
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

17-0 said:
How do you quote more than one person at a time??

The way I do it is: Quote the first one, highlight and copy. Then go to the next one quote it and paste the other.
ILPhinFan88 said:
The way I do it is: Quote the first one, highlight and copy. Then go to the next one quote it and paste the other.

Similarly, you can break up a person's quotes in a similar way. You take the passage you want to quote that already has its quote tags around it, divide it up, and add quote tags to open and close the quotes as necessary.
ILPhinFan88 said:
The way I do it is: Quote the first one, highlight and copy. Then go to the next one quote it and paste the other.
Originally Posted by Wildbill3
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

Originally Posted by Wildbill3
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.


How do you quote more than one person at a time in the same thread?
12-01-2005 05:29 PM

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ILPhinFan88 said:
The way I do it is: Quote the first one, highlight and copy. Then go to the next one quote it and paste the other.
Originally Posted by Wildbill3
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

Originally Posted by Wildbill3
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.


How do you quote more than one person at a time in the same thread?
12-01-2005 05:29 PM



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Topic Review (Newest First)

12-01-2005 08:50 PM
ILPhinFan88 Quote:
Originally Posted by Wildbill3
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

Originally Posted by 17-0
How do you quote more than one person at a time??

The way I do it is: Quote the first one, highlight and copy. Then go to the next one quote it and paste the other.
12-01-2005 08:31 PM
17-0 Quote:
Originally Posted by Wildbill3
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

What do you mean be invited.
12-01-2005 08:09 PM
Wildbill3 You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.
12-01-2005 07:58 PM
17-0 Anybody,

How do you quote more than one person at a time in the same thread?
12-01-2005 05:29 PM
17-0 How do you quote more than one person at a time??

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I dn't know Ive never been able to figure that stuff out
Wildbill3 said:
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

Thanks for Nothing

Jimmy James said:
Similarly, you can break up a person's quotes in a similar way. You take the passage you want to quote that already has its quote tags around it, divide it up, and add quote tags to open and close the quotes as necessary.

Thank You

ILPhinFan88 said:
The way I do it is: Quote the first one, highlight and copy. Then go to the next one quote it and paste the other.

Thank you
FiN.in.RI said:

There was NO need for that. WHATSOEVER!

Yeah, it was uncalled for. I thought this was the Complaints, Suggestions, and Questions Forum. I hate to see he would treat a VIP or Premium member, oh wait I am both. Instead of help I got sarcasm and harassed about a Sig I cleared with another MOD. It was very hard to follow the TOS rules, but he's a MOD so i probably would have gotten suspended for something he started.
Wildbill3 said:
You have to be inventive. BTW, your Sig is too large, if you don't fix it soon, I'll have to remove it.

:lol: Classic!

Looks like Bill's having a bad day...:rofl3:

But I will say one thing. Although I and every other member of this site (should) appreciate the financial support that VIP/Premium members give, there shouldn't be preferential treatment for them. Rules are rules.

Still, that was hilarious, Bill. :chuckle:
RWhitney014 said:
:lol: Classic!

Looks like Bill's having a bad day...:rofl3:

But I will say one thing. Although I and every other member of this site (should) appreciate the financial support that VIP/Premium members give, there shouldn't be preferential treatment for them. Rules are rules.

Still, that was hilarious, Bill. :chuckle:

Right on the money. We should all be treated the same here, nobody here is different then the other.
RWhitney014 said:
:lol: Classic!

Looks like Bill's having a bad day...:rofl3:

But I will say one thing. Although I and every other member of this site (should) appreciate the financial support that VIP/Premium members give, there shouldn't be preferential treatment for them. Rules are rules.

Still, that was hilarious, Bill. :chuckle:

I'm not asking for preferential treatment, the sig was cleared with another MOD. And I shouldn't have to put up with his crap because he had a bad day or because he's a "MOD".
17-0 said:
I'm not asking for preferential treatment, the sig was cleared with another MOD. And I shouldn't have to put up with his crap because he had a bad day or because he's a "MOD".

If your signature doesn't fit the rules, the other mod should have never cleared it IMHO. I don't see how you can expect WB to know about that, either.

That's my 1/50th of a dollar.
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