Rapaport: Ross sale may depend on 2013 season. | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rapaport: Ross sale may depend on 2013 season.

Funny how people want to paint doom and gloom about the dolphins and possibly moving to LA. Hmm doesnt California have two teams with much bigger stadium issues than us. In fact the NFL could solve an easy problem by letting Oakland move back to LA esp since its the most popular team in LA. The Raiders are bleeding money in Oakland for some reason

The Raiders are the 3rd least profitable team behind the jags and rams and the worst attendance in the league combined with the fact that the majority of the TV market is taken by the far more popular 49ers. Add in the built-in fanbase and it's a no-brainer. Yet some fear mongers completely disregard facts like that.
Ross has managed to make this team a 3 ring circus! Sure never ever see this type of crap out of Robert Kraft.

Actually Kraft did. When the MA Legislature voted not to help him with infrastructure costs he went to Hartford, CT and brokered a deal with them, only after MA got its act together and approved some funding and taking it to vote for six separate measures did Kraft abandon the idea of moving.
Wow talk about taken out of context. Ross is a huge miami fan before even buying the team, you guys have to be nuts to think he would even think of moving us...They are playing the shell game in hopes of raising money for the renovations from the taxpayers..

If I was in florida i would vote yes to the tax increase which is not much at all by the way.

However I live in New jersey, now they built the giants a new stadium and they use PSL up here: A personal seat license, or PSL, is a paid license that entitles the holder to the right to buy season tickets for a certain seat in a stadium. This holder can sell the seat license to someone else if they no longer wish to purchase season tickets. THEN AFTER GETTING A PSL YOU CAN BUY SEASON TICKETS.

My season tickets in Miami are row one between the goal posts in the upper deck. Each ticket is about 30 something dollars a game. THOSE SAME SEATS AT METLIFE ARE AT LEAST 120 face value. On top of a 8000 thousand dollar PSL..

I would vote yes for the tax increase, Ross has dished a out of money down there and kept a lot of people at work and kept the game experience cheap for the fans...Plus we are have one of the greatest teams on paper since the early 90s with a great coach.

Again, don't read too much into this spin on Dees words...
such a huge fan that Ross tried to buy the jets?
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Actually Kraft did. When the MA Legislature voted not to help him with infrastructure costs he went to Hartford, CT and brokered a deal with them, only after MA got its act together and approved some funding and taking it to vote for six separate measures did Kraft abandon the idea of moving.

Kind of a totally different issue. Kraft had no problem paying for stadium, main issue was people not wanting stadium built here and there. He had already agreed to build stadium at his costs.
He could have taken a stadium on fully public money and lets not act like he was going to move team across country at most it was going to be 100 miles. He still got the deal done in Boston and he paid for stadium through private financing . I think last stadium done that way and he is making very good money off his investment. He spent 325 million and last year made 119 million profit second in NFL. They have sold out every game there .
I love how people say "Ross should just sell the team", like that is what will solve the future uncertainty. Wake up call people, Ross selling the team in the future is where the uncertainty and worry is. Ross himself is never going to relocate the team, it is the fact that no one knows who the new owner will be or what their intentions are. With the state the stadium is in right now, the last thing MIAMI Dolphins fans should want is Ross selling the team. Right now, he might be the only thing keeping this team from heading west to LA.

CLE fans clammored for Randy Lener to sell the Browns for years. The was clearly more interested in Aston Villa of the EPL. He finally gets the green light from mom ( she had controling interest) and sells. Haslam gets soaked and over-pays by at least $250 million. Now Haslam's company Piolt- Flying J is going to get crushed in a Federal investigation into rebates and cotract violoations. Haslam himself might be charged. If that happens, the NFL will force him to at least "park" the team with a realtive until the trials are over. If he's convicted, he will have to sell.

Moral of the story ; be careful what you ask for, you just might get it.
If this is all about hosting a Super Bowl then I could care less. We don't NEED fancy upgrades at the moment. The stadium is fine from what I can tell. How about we try winning some games first? You don't see Pitt out there clamoring for Super Bowls. If we build a winner then maybe they will feel inclined to build us something.
Maybe Ross should choose a new person for that position Dee seems to be as clueless to polictics if not more so than Ross somehow

i think they should hire you D!
once again, bottom line, Miami Dolphins are not making the league any money, which is the real problem. profit sharing.....

but then people say build a winner and people will show up.

I say fat chance. Miami is a hot bed of disgruntled know it alls who think billionares should just listen their bright ideas without considering what it takes to build something with local govt approval.

i cant even build a shed in my back yard without approval from my town without some nosey ass clown who thinks they rule the world with their damn regulations.

This team is making a move this year, too bad it wont fill the stands.

malcontents everywhere I tell ya.
Ross can go FAR down the road for all i care.

i havnt been a fan of ANYTHING he has done so far, especially not getting rid of sparano before going after harbaugh.

not firing IRELAND along with sparano.

laying EVERY bad thing associated with the finz the last 4 years on bill parcells and THEN......... that article last week with ross saying how bad SPARANO damaged the team and saying how tony just couldnt get over him going after harbaugh while he was under contract and all the time telling him everything was fine and then tony having a poisonous attitude with the team, causing trouble, poor coaching, etc..... .

he has a record so far as blaming EVERYONE BUT HIMSELF and staff for the teams problems, for HIS mistakes and shortcomings. its like i am watching a tv press conference from the white house!! he coddles ireland like he is a crippled newborn!! first shula with tom olivadotti. then wanny with jay feibler. and NOW, we have ross and ireland. WILL IT EVER END?

all i want is for the DOLPHINS to remain the DOLPHINS. i dont care if their in alaska as long as the name, the logo and history are still there.

i can understand why a lot of the florida fans, expecially those in miami area dont want them gone. i MYSELF want them to stay, but, only if the support for the team, fans and politics can start doing so. the team is a 2 decade loser with an empty seat stadium. season ticket holders dropping every year, especially the last 3. no BIG NAME STARS. this can NOT keep going this way. simple economics. i am as tired as ANY miami local fan of how bad this team has fallen, the mismanagement, goofy statements from the GM, wanton blaming of everyone from mother theresa to george w. bush for the teams front office blunders. its classless. tasteless and sounds VERY desperate!

and i can see where attending the game in harsh heat and oppressive humidity to watch the team lose and be reminded how bad the situation is keeps one from going to the game. but, IF you folks in miami want YOUR TEAM to stay, you have to swallow the bitter pills and attend!! the lions have done it for 4 decades. how, i dont know, but, they did. and still do. a big reason is, even though they are perenial losers, they always have a BIG star to draw people, barry sanders, calvin johnson. that helps sell tickets. people love STARS!!

but, as i said, i am NO fan of boss ross or anything he has done so far. the NFL just isnt his forte. he hasnt caught on. and even though it sounds like flogging a dead horse, he really damaged himself in the nfl inner circle and the media and his peers with the whole harbaugh thing. couple that with his boy wonder GM ireland and the "yo momma's a crack ho" incident and you can see theres no more room in the life raft.

COME TO L.A.!! BRING THE TEAM AND ITS UNI'S AND LOGOS! BRING A NEW GM AND OWNER. i will be fine and dandy if thats how it plays out.
Ian Rapaport reported on NFL Network that he talked with Mike Dee and Dee told him that Ross selling the team may depend on how the 2013 season goes as far as wins and losses, if Ross feels he has a playoff type team he may decide to keep the team for a few years. Dee was asked whether or not Ross will sell in the very near future and said it was too early to tell.

What a load of crap.
once again, bottom line, Miami Dolphins are not making the league any money, which is the real problem. profit sharing.....

but then people say build a winner and people will show up.

I say fat chance. Miami is a hot bed of disgruntled know it alls who think billionares should just listen their bright ideas without considering what it takes to build something with local govt approval.

i cant even build a shed in my back yard without approval from my town without some nosey ass clown who thinks they rule the world with their damn regulations.

This team is making a move this year, too bad it wont fill the stands.

malcontents everywhere I tell ya.

:lol: :lol: :lol:

Easily the funniest post ive read on the subject. I'll ignore the majority of it and go to the obvious flaw:

The Dolphins dont make the league any money by being in Miami? You do understand the league makes a giant chunk of its profit from television revenue, correct? Next years television contract is expected to earn the league $7 billion annually.

Us fans should quickly inform the league the Miami market doesnt earn them any money before they sign the deal!
i think they should hire you D!

Well even I know if I want to get somethimg there is a way to go about it and if I dont get it at first badmouthing my chain of command will not be favorable
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