Rapaport: Ross sale may depend on 2013 season. | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rapaport: Ross sale may depend on 2013 season.

I'm on record not liking Ross and Dee.

Damn, they make me look good.

I feel like Mister Magoo.

I also oppose the stadium. That's a bad place, a very bad place.

Otherwise we're okay, except the motion sickness logo and practice caliber jerseys. I probably forgot something.

You can't buy a team on ebay? To heck with that site.
Ya know, we needed an off-field distraction like this like a hole in the head. Can Mike Dee keep his ****ing mouth shut for 10 minutes?

Exactly. If a player went on a hissy fit after a loss for an entire week sobbing about how unfair the outcome was, you know Ross would be on the phone with the coaches telling them to get the player to shut the hell up.

Anyways, as for the topic on hand: Sell baby sell! Sell this franchise to an owner who wont repeatedly betray his coaches. Sell to an owner who doesnt create all sorts of laughable events. Sell to an owner who doesnt bad mouth a former employee years later. Sell to an owner who will handle a political defeat like a man.
Getting an owner willing to stay out of team affairs is now the norm. Even in the past, there was what, 4 teams with owners like that? Cowboys, Raiders, Redskins, Bengals? Now the Redskins figured it out, Bengals became competent, Al Davis passed away, leaving only Jerry Jones. Its not difficult to get an owner who will pay the bills and step back. Owners want to emulate teams like the Steelers, Patriots, and Giants. Its highly, highly likely we will get someone who can high a decent front office and move along. Especially since we have the team building blocks of all franchises locked down: quarterback and pass rush.

Its as good as a fact that any new owner will be staying in Miami. The owners wont let someone come in and move them. 0 chance they will think moving out of a world famous city, the 8th best market, is a good thing. Especially when the Rams and Chargers are out of their lease at the end of the year, are bringing in less revenue, and are already on the west side of the country(thus keeping intact all the very valuable division rivalries). So yes, fact: Dolphins are staying in Miami no matter what.

This has the potential of being a vastly superior Suck for Luck event.
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Are you kidding?

The day Ross sells will be the best day for all Fin fans everywhere.

It's a shame he ever bought the team. It's just a matter of time. He managed to look good for a little while simply by keeping quiet, how long could that last?

Everything they do is clumsy. Why broadcast every single focking move you are making? Only amatuers do that...

So if he sells to someone who says "Thanks SFL, but bye", you're reaction is "Great!"? Hell, just to screw with us he could sell it to Loria. At least Loria will sleeze his way into upgrades that he will have the public fully finance with no vote.
I love how people say "Ross should just sell the team", like that is what will solve the future uncertainty. Wake up call people, Ross selling the team in the future is where the uncertainty and worry is. Ross himself is never going to relocate the team, it is the fact that no one knows who the new owner will be or what their intentions are. With the state the stadium is in right now, the last thing MIAMI Dolphins fans should want is Ross selling the team. Right now, he might be the only thing keeping this team from heading west to LA.

Versus the great certainty we have see with him as an owner...CERTAIN TO LOSE!
I love how people say "Ross should just sell the team", like that is what will solve the future uncertainty. Wake up call people, Ross selling the team in the future is where the uncertainty and worry is. Ross himself is never going to relocate the team, it is the fact that no one knows who the new owner will be or what their intentions are. With the state the stadium is in right now, the last thing MIAMI Dolphins fans should want is Ross selling the team. Right now, he might be the only thing keeping this team from heading west to LA.

Serious question, are you anyway affiliated with the Miami Dolphins? I've never seen you post anything critical of anyone affiliated with team and seem to push the same platform they do. I'll take my chances with someone trying to move the team out of Miami, and i don't know where people are coming from talking about the condition of the stadium. There's nothing wrong with the stadium, it's not as high tech as the new ones built, but it more than adequate. If Ross really wanted to make a push for a super bowl bid, he should have held a press conference well before when he did to get the ball rolling.
Ian Rapaport reported on NFL Network that he talked with Mike Dee and Dee told him that Ross selling the team may depend on how the 2013 season goes as far as wins and losses, if Ross feels he has a playoff type team he may decide to keep the team for a few years. Dee was asked whether or not Ross will sell in the very near future and said it was too early to tell.

Ross is a fair weather owner?
Serious question, are you anyway affiliated with the Miami Dolphins? I've never seen you post anything critical of anyone affiliated with team and seem to push the same platform they do. I'll take my chances with someone trying to move the team out of Miami, and i don't know where people are coming from talking about the condition of the stadium. There's nothing wrong with the stadium, it's not as high tech as the new ones built, but it more than adequate. If Ross really wanted to make a push for a super bowl bid, he should have held a press conference well before when he did to get the ball rolling.

And on the other end of the spectrum, if Ross wanted to try and move the team, he would have had to file the paperwork before Feb 15. 2013. Goodell is the "only thing" keeping a team from moving to LA, hes taking a personal interest in handling the situation.

The purpose of the memo does not appear to be driven by any plans that might be imminent. Rather, NFL insiders say, the commissioner felt it was appropriate to set and restate some ground rules, foremost among them:

It's the league -- and not an individual team -- that will control the relocation process.

In making that point, Goodell put in writing what was discussed by owners at a May meeting in Atlanta and established rules for moving back to a market that has been without an NFL franchise since the Raiders and Rams left after the 1994 season.

That the memo refers specifically to the 2013 season does not necessarily mean the league is ready to reenter the market immediately, but it does underscore how seriously the NFL is considering the current opportunities. In order to be considered for relocation, Goodell wrote, a team must submit its application to do so between Jan. 1 and Feb. 15 of 2013.


Also in the link its the steps a team must go through in order to be considered. Part of the process? Convincing the league that your current situation is more of a problem then other teams who could potential move. Our new owner will have to come up with a damn good plan to beat out the Chargers and Rams.

edit: meant to link this above:
Submit within the first 11/2 months of 2013 an application to relocate. "If no application is received for the 2013 season," Goodell wrote, "we will consider when and under what circumstances clubs may apply for consent to relocate in a future season."

Find a new owner before November, get approved by the other owners, come up with a complete assessment of the franchise/stadium/market, and come up with a foul proof plan to defeat other franchises? Sure, that could totally happen.
:rolleyes2: Yeah yeah. Nonsense. With the amount it's being brought up, it's appearing to be nothing more than wishful thinking by some who clearly despise the local fanbase for not buying into **** football over the past decade. What's even funnier is that they think the fanbase in LA is any different :lol:
Should be noted that a few of the things the original poster said are not accurate.

Ian Rapoport explained that when he asked if the team will relocate, Mike Dee said not while Steve Ross is the owner, but "(Dee) said whoever acquires the team maybe in 5 or 10 years, getting the stadium deal done would be their number one priority."

Then when Rapoport asked "Would Steve Ross be open to selling?", he said that Dee told him "it's too early to tell" and that it would depend on several things, the business of the team, wins and losses, that Ross loves being an owner and is committed to it as you can tell by the massive free agency that Miami had, that Dee and Ross both like the long term prospects of the team and organization, but just that without a stadium that "raises a ton of questions".

Everything Rapoport said about Dee's answers to him suggested a longer term focus. Nowhere in the report did Dee suggest that how much the team wins in 2013 would guide Ross' decision whether to sell the team or not. Nowhere in the report was the term, "in the very near future" used. The original poster took a few liberties in recapping the report, perhaps reading into it things that might not have been there.
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