Rapaport: Ross sale may depend on 2013 season. | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rapaport: Ross sale may depend on 2013 season.

Should be noted that a few of the things the original poster said are not accurate.

Ian Rapoport explained that when he asked if the team will relocate, Mike Dee said not while Steve Ross is the owner, but "(Dee) said whoever acquires the team maybe in 5 or 10 years, getting the stadium deal done would be their number one priority."

Then when Rapoport asked "Would Steve Ross be open to selling?", he said that Dee told him "it's too early to tell" and that it would depend on several things, the business of the team, wins and losses, that Ross loves being an owner and is committed to it as you can tell by the massive free agency that Miami had, that Dee and Ross both like the long term prospects of the team and organization, but just that without a stadium that "raises a ton of questions".

Everything Rapoport said about Dee's answers to him suggested a longer term focus. Nowhere in the report did Dee suggest that how much the team wins in 2013 would guide Ross' decision whether to sell the team or not. Nowhere in the report was the term, "in the very near future" used. The original poster took a few liberties in recapping the report, perhaps reading into it things that might not have been there.

Ian Rapaport reported on NFL Network that he talked with Mike Dee and Dee told him that Ross selling the team may depend on how the 2013 season goes as far as wins and losses, if Ross feels he has a playoff type team he may decide to keep the team for a few years. Dee was asked whether or not Ross will sell in the very near future and said it was too early to tell.

Great...sell the team Ross...the Miami Heat owner can buy the team...Ross should focus on real estate and his celebrity friends.
I can't believe Im hearing this, no more Dolphins. This is like a death in the family. I believe this going to take the air out of this team, next year. Just like how the 95 Browns struggled, when they found out they were moving. I believe the 2013 Miami Dolphins will go, 4-12. Im done with football, Im not going watch it ever again.
LOL. So he didn't get a few hundred million dollars from the state of Florida so now he's going to take his billion dollars and go home? What a putz. I also like how people seem to think the team can be sold to anyone, like an old tennis racquet on Ebay. These sales have to be approved by the owners, men who are invested in the status quo. Nobody who wants to move the team is getting their balls within 10 miles of owning the Dolphins.

NFL ownership is the 'whale table'… cash, no paper. If you got it, you get in. Status quo is a straight money play. The vetting criteria can't be all that diff (see Cleveland), prob 5 questions… #1: got 2-3 billion cash money? #2: are the bodies well hidden? End of questions. And please believe, money is all it's about; everybody's for sale. Everybody.
As a dolphin fan near the LA area, I would so welcome them in Cali.

Only a L.A person would think that. Smoke another one. You do realize that they're going to change the uniforms and team name, and they'll be no more Dolphins.
This is a complete non-story... read this post from ckp in this thread:

Should be noted that a few of the things the original poster said are not accurate.

Ian Rapoport explained that when he asked if the team will relocate, Mike Dee said not while Steve Ross is the owner, but "(Dee) said whoever acquires the team maybe in 5 or 10 years, getting the stadium deal done would be their number one priority."

Then when Rapoport asked "Would Steve Ross be open to selling?", he said that Dee told him "it's too early to tell" and that it would depend on several things, the business of the team, wins and losses, that Ross loves being an owner and is committed to it as you can tell by the massive free agency that Miami had, that Dee and Ross both like the long term prospects of the team and organization, but just that without a stadium that "raises a ton of questions".

Everything Rapoport said about Dee's answers to him suggested a longer term focus. Nowhere in the report did Dee suggest that how much the team wins in 2013 would guide Ross' decision whether to sell the team or not. Nowhere in the report was the term, "in the very near future" used. The original poster took a few liberties in recapping the report, perhaps reading into it things that might not have been there.
Ross has managed to make this team a 3 ring circus! Sure never ever see this type of crap out of Robert Kraft.
Ross lives in Miami and was raised in Miami. Go back to NY? uh?

I was saying the same stuff as you the other day as far as a new owner moving the team...the ross go back to new york is in reference to him trying to buy the jets before he bought the fins...Ross doesnt care what team he owns, he just wants to be apart of the rich men stroke my ego club...
Wouldn't be shocked if Ross and Phil Anschutz have already had talks. Very depressing.

You remind me of Eyeore lately... Go take a Zoloft. The Dolphins aren't moving any time soon
Wow talk about taken out of context. Ross is a huge miami fan before even buying the team, you guys have to be nuts to think he would even think of moving us...They are playing the shell game in hopes of raising money for the renovations from the taxpayers..

If I was in florida i would vote yes to the tax increase which is not much at all by the way.

However I live in New jersey, now they built the giants a new stadium and they use PSL up here: A personal seat license, or PSL, is a paid license that entitles the holder to the right to buy season tickets for a certain seat in a stadium. This holder can sell the seat license to someone else if they no longer wish to purchase season tickets. THEN AFTER GETTING A PSL YOU CAN BUY SEASON TICKETS.

My season tickets in Miami are row one between the goal posts in the upper deck. Each ticket is about 30 something dollars a game. THOSE SAME SEATS AT METLIFE ARE AT LEAST 120 face value. On top of a 8000 thousand dollar PSL..

I would vote yes for the tax increase, Ross has dished a out of money down there and kept a lot of people at work and kept the game experience cheap for the fans...Plus we are have one of the greatest teams on paper since the early 90s with a great coach.

Again, don't read too much into this spin on Dees words...
Funny how people want to paint doom and gloom about the dolphins and possibly moving to LA. Hmm doesnt California have two teams with much bigger stadium issues than us. In fact the NFL could solve an easy problem by letting Oakland move back to LA esp since its the most popular team in LA. The Raiders are bleeding money in Oakland for some reason
Ya know, we needed an off-field distraction like this like a hole in the head. Can Mike Dee keep his ****ing mouth shut for 10 minutes?

These ass clowns show thee true colors when things don't go their way. Who the **** is a Mike Dee? Our Dolphins have been part of this city since the mid 60's and because they lose public funding for superbowls, now comes the threats. What a ****ing joke. How many people are denied the basic life necessities every day?? Food, Shelter, Jobs, Health. And they are Republicans, the main one's who funded and elected these ideologue in the first place. I guess the taste of their own medicine doesn't taste so good..

What Mike Dee fails to realize, who ever buys the Dolphins will keep the Dolphins here in Miami, because when the team is winning; corporate sponsors are huge down here.

So he can take hes scared tactic and shove it up his candy ass...
Ross and Dee really do look like spoiled clowns. There is nothing to stop them from putting together a better bill and put it through the process again, but I guess they would just rather whine. Ross has a penchant for doing that when things don't go his way, which is funny since he just called out Sparano for doing the same thing.

Leave the fire and brimstone speeches for the preachers...
These ass clowns show thee true colors when things don't go their way. Who the **** is a Mike Dee? Our Dolphins have been part of this city since the mid 60's and because they lose public funding for superbowls, now comes the threats. What a ****ing joke. How many people are denied the basic life necessities every day?? Food, Shelter, Jobs, Health. And they are Republicans, the main one's who funded and elected these ideologue in the first place. I guess the taste of their own medicine doesn't taste so good..

What Mike Dee fails to realize, who ever buys the Dolphins will keep the Dolphins here in Miami, because when the team is winning; corporate sponsors are huge down here.

So he can take hes scared tactic and shove it up his candy ass...

Maybe Ross should choose a new person for that position Dee seems to be as clueless to polictics if not more so than Ross somehow
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