Rapoport Says Martin Could Return to Fins | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rapoport Says Martin Could Return to Fins

Ross already said Martin will not be returning to Miami. What other evidence could one need.

Even if there was talk of Martin returning, its only to boost his trade value. Miami is probably hoping to fetch a 7th rounder for him. Martin will never play another down on the Dolphins.
Per Rotoworld: NFL Network's Ian Rapoport believes OT Jonathan Martin could return to the Dolphins in 2014.
Conventional wisdom had been the Dolphins would cut Martin, but Rapoport said Martin's camp and Miami have been in contact over the last several weeks. Martin returning to the team he abandoned in the middle of the season would require the rebuilding of several charred bridges, but we have seen stranger things happen in the NFL. Is this guy serious? I'd go insane.

Now I know not to listen to anything else Rapoport says.
I love this team no matter what! I'm not that fan that stops supporting my team when things are bad. with that said, I'd be so disappointed with this organization If both come back more so Martin.
Hypothetically speaking... if we draft Sam AND Martin comes back, they could room together on the road and get in touch with their feelings.
Kind of torn on this one. Not sure whether to believe the reporter who says its not impossible, therefore its possible, or the owner who says its not going to happen.
They cannot take action in court. Florida is a right to work state. As long as the team paid him the remainder of his contract, he can go without any other concerns.
Frankly, they should cut him. He caused this mess. If Ross/Hickey bring him back, they are assclowns.

What does Floridas being a "right to work" state have anything to do with Martin & the Dolphins? The right to work law simply means that no one in Florida can be forced to join a union as a requirement of employment.
Don't believe a word of this. Simply a lame attempt to 1)salvage some PR points for saying we were willing to bring him back if we wanted; 2)Try and maybe milk out some kind of late round trade with somebody. Unfortantely, both will fail horribly.
I have this weird hunch that we are going to see him in a Patriots uniform and that Belichek makes him a servicable RT. I hate them both......and Tom Brady, while we are at it.
NOOO! Get rid of both! If he returns, there will be all these media scrums and talking all about this crap. Lets just move on from these two distractions and try to change the culture
I'm sure this was a conversation Martin's agent had to have. As did the Dolphins considering he's still a Dolphin.

It's stories like these that make me think, "Slow news day."
"Dan Marino getting annhilated in his last game ever by the JAGUARS 62-7 (then having an illegitimate love-child)"

BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH By putting all of this in one sentence, it's like the two events are somehow related...the idea of which is just so hilarious. Like, "if Marino's last game ever would've been less disastrous, he never would've spawned that illegitimate child".

This is why I finheaven.
Seriously, who would welcome him back?

Personally, Bullygate aside, I'm not sure his 2013 performance warrants it. His draft stock might.

Though if getting rid of distractions are where this organization is heading, he has to go.
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