Rapoport Says Martin Could Return to Fins | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Rapoport Says Martin Could Return to Fins

Not going to happen. Who do u believe, the owner who said he's gone or Rappaport who made no sense? Seriously? Martin is GONE. We may hold on to him to get some trade value for a bit, but he'll never be here come mini-camp.

Trade Value? Ha. What's the going rate for a Nancy Quitter?
Keep him on the roster and make him play with the 2nd and 3rd teams for the whole pre-season. Give him a broom closet for a locker so he is safe from anymore bullying. Then cut him on the final cut down. Guy is a rat and a snake.
This would tell players that you can lose your position, pout, walk out, make up lies, and come back. "Hey, we saved your locker for you. How's LT sound?" Pathetic.
And it was reported in this space that Martin indeed would not be brought back but rather he'd be either traded or perhaps released. That was confirmed by Dolphins owner Stephen Ross a couple of weeks ago when he was asked if either of the two players would play for Miami again.

"I don't believe so," he said.

But now this ...

NFL Network insider Ian Rapoport said on Wednesday night's Total Access that Martin may return to play for the Dolphins.

"As far as Jonathan Martin's future, I am told he does in fact want to play in 2014; he is excited about it and I am also told that his people have been in contact with the Dolphins on some level over the past couple weeks," Rapsheet said.

"At the beginning of this, we all thought that there was no chance Jonathan Martin would return to the Dolphins because of the atmosphere. Now that the atmosphere has changed, I am told it is not outside the realm of possibility that Martin does return to the Dolphins when it's all said and done."
Read more here: http://miamiherald.typepad.com/dolphins_in_depth/#storylink=cpy
I'm not saying he would win, but simply the threat of a long, drawn out, problem would be enough to settle.

he would have no case...people get cut by teams all the time and they don't have to prove ****. why do u think he would have a case if he gets cut? The guy sucks and his accusations were detrimental to the team. Martins days in the NFL are over. Definitely over in Miami, that's for sure. U really think any locker room in the NFL would accept this snake with open arms. Nobody can trust his bitch ass.
Are you kidding. There would probably be lawyers lined up if we cut him. The case would not be based on the bullying...it would be based on the fact that we "fired him without just cause." The lawyers would say that he is "a top tier talent that was a starter until the incident, and that his talents may have even gotten better with the rest..."
This is not the normal labor force. Players can be cut for whatever reason the team deems necessary. Not to mention the guy got demoted and sucked the days before he had to "remove himself from the situation". Martin is done for this team. Let someone else hold his hand and deal with his bs.
This reeks as a desperation ploy to get someone to trade for Martin after Ross said what he said in the presser. I don't believe this for a second.
taking martin back would be worse than drafting him in the first place, the guy is a soft mamas boy entitled little piece of ****.
Place him back on the PUP Non Football Injury list for the remaining time of his contract. That way we don't have to pay him. He doesn't count against the 53 man roster. He can't play for anyone else. Career over you broke azz pansy.
Per Rotoworld: NFL Network's Ian Rapoport believes OT Jonathan Martin could return to the Dolphins in 2014.
Conventional wisdom had been the Dolphins would cut Martin, but Rapoport said Martin's camp and Miami have been in contact over the last several weeks. Martin returning to the team he abandoned in the middle of the season would require the rebuilding of several charred bridges, but we have seen stranger things happen in the NFL.

Is this guy serious? I'd go insane.

I'd rather he didn't.
come on man, any person can make a list like this for any team give me a break already.

1) I was clearly playing around
2) Its still all FACTS about the DOLPHINS HISTORY (I am on finheaven.....right?)
3) I dont care for any other team but the Phins
4) Grow a sense of humor
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