Ray Lucas officially gone/Only thing that could unembitter me (merged) | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ray Lucas officially gone/Only thing that could unembitter me (merged)

Originally posted by Phan4Ever
You know, if Ray makes a comeback against us on Turkey Day, there's gonna be a lot of deunembittered fin fans around here.
rest assured, it will be a TURKEY day!:D
06 it is over. Don't wish bad on the guy, I mean he didn't screw up those two games on purpose.
Originally posted by Jaj
06 it is over. Don't wish bad on the guy, I mean he didn't screw up those two games on purpose.
well, he sure didn't play that bad when he was on the jets, so it does make a person wonder!:yell:
I've cracked jokes about Ray and I've felt the pain we all felt when he choked. I give him credit for trending toward improvement somewhat under enormous pressure. I could care less about what some people seize on -- tears in his eyes when he failed. I WANT players to feel failures that strongly.

But there was NO way he could stay in Miami, so it's good that he's moving on. (Did he actually think he might remain on the roster???)

I hope things unfold in such a way that he can have some successes before his days are over; the guy's career as an athlete really is more than what he'll be most remembered for.
Originally posted by Phan4Ever
I've cracked jokes about Ray and I've felt the pain we all felt when he choked. I give him credit for trending toward improvement somewhat under enormous pressure. I could care less about what some people seize on -- tears in his eyes when he failed. I WANT players to feel failures that strongly.

But there was NO way he could stay in Miami, so it's good that he's moving on. (Did he actually think he might remain on the roster???)

I hope things unfold in such a way that he can have some successes before his days are over; the guy's career as an athlete really is more than what he'll be most remembered for.
everybody can get tears for one thing or another, you should have seen me when we had to put one of our dogs to sleep!:(
Originally posted by dolfan06
everybody can get tears for one thing or another, you should have seen me when we had to put one of our dogs to sleep!:(

Coaching staff considered that option, but apparently a clause in the Player's Association agreement specifically prohibited it.
I'll tell you what, I wouldn't shed one single tear if I found out the Dolphins put Lucas to sleep.
I feel for Lucas He tried hard. when the Jets let him go I was upset. I think he put alot of the pressure on himself, and the system that the fins were using did not use his strenghts...

Hey maybe he will go to the Cowboys with Bill.

Greise may not fair better... becareful you might get bit on this one....

What happens if Fiedler goes down again... who will back your back up be ? Rosenfeld ??

Let's hope you sign Greise...

Lucas was man enough to accept the blame in those losses and
tried his best...

GOOD LUCK TO RAY LUCAS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
well, is done and over with. I never met the guy and from what I heard he was a cool guy to hang around with. I never liked it that we got him in the first place and I'm glad that he's gone. But as a human being that he is, I wish him luck in his life. Now lets go get Griese and move on!!
Originally posted by nyrican

Duuhhhhhhhhhhhhh because Griese SUCKS :lol:

He may have issues but if you honestly think he won't help the fins, you're kdding yourself. I heard that Fiedler wasn't the same after his injury. The screws in his hand made him throw a different way. We'll have to wait and see if this is true.
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