Remember when...the Miami Dolphins hired Tony Sparano? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Remember when...the Miami Dolphins hired Tony Sparano?


FinHeaven Elite
Jul 30, 2004
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Huntsville, AL

When Tony Sparano was officially hired on January 16, there were two competing schools of thought that most believed to be true. One was that Sparano fell into a great situation because, as Dan Le Batard wrote, "Sparano will be given the time and patience and perspective that a Dolphins leader never gets. Mathematically, he can't be worse than what we just endured, so just about anything he does early will be viewed as improvement."
The other school of thought was that Sparano was stepping into what was a huge mess. Greg Stoda wrote for the Palm Beach Post:
Because anyone who thinks Sparano has landed in a soft spot is wrong. It'll be all but impossible for the Dolphins to be any worse than they were last season, but Sparano, working for The Great Parcells, will be asked to do something monumentally difficult working with a team with as little talent as Miami has on its roster.
He'll be asked to prove the Dolphins have promise.
The success will be measured most obviously in wins - four or five is a good guess for next season - but it will be measured most importantly in how effectively the Dolphins are restructured.
Being the pessimist that I used to be (a 1-15 season will do that), I fell more on the side of Stoda's line of thinking, writing, "Tony, despite inheriting a 1-15 team that lacks talent in many areas, hasn't landed in such a safe spot. We need to see progress. We need to see good game management and good play calling. And if we are all as unimpressed with Sparano as we were with Cameron, then this franchise could quite possibly hit an even lower rock bottom."
For tony the problem has been the team has gotten worse each year, if you reversed '08 & '10 he's look like a genius but they had the great first year and mediocre years the last 2. I still think he's a decent coach but he's running out of time.
For tony the problem has been the team hass gotten worse each year, if you reversed '08 & '10 he's look like a genius but they had the great first year and mediocre years the last 2. I still think he's a decent coach but he's running out of time.

Very tru..He has not shown he can win without Penny...He is def running out of time and the upcoming schedule start is not going to be easy..
On the job training. Would have rather seen a proven actual NFL HC with experience.
But figured Parcells knew what he was doing.....go figure......

Now wish more than ever we had a new HC, for Coach S. just seems to take way to long to learn things he should already know..........and as we've seen there are some pretty basic principles he still needs to learn.

Tired of all the excuses...........
In essence you are hoping that Miami performs poorly enough this year to merit firing the coach. Quite frankly, I'd prefer all the like-minded idiots who think like this were gone THIS YEAR.

Lol...Yea...I hope he does well and we win....
At that time we were all hopeful and still believed in and respected Parcells. Since then Parcells has creeped out the back door and we still have no QB and suspect play calling. His time pretty much ran out until Ross botched finding his replacement. At this point he cannot afford to field and average team this season. We either look much improved right away or we escort him and everyone else through the back door Parcells left open for them.
In essence, you are hoping that Miami performs poorly enough this year to merit firing the coach. Quite frankly, I'd prefer all the like-minded idiots who think like this were gone BEFORE this year.

Quite frankly I'm sick of people like you that back this franchise's piss poor decisions and keep rooting for mediocre seasons. THIS is the season that I hope goes down in flames because I love the fins and hate losing. Winning 8-10 games without being a legit SB contender is losing IMO. It will seal the fate of this underachieving regime AND put the team in a position to draft a QB that has the potential to lead us to greatness for the next 15 years.
It is kind of unfortunate for Tony that he had the first year he had. A horrible team with a weak schedule and a new game plan led to a league surprise. The Broncos did it with Mcdaniel. Win their first 6 or so then were figured out. (also was nice to have a really good DC) I will continue to hold my patience. However, year four has always been my bench mark. As far as the roster goes I think it has been built. Young, talented, with some depth. The only real concern for the longevity of this franchise is behind center. (and we aren't the first franchise to struggle plugging that hole). One thing good about that spot is we have some flexibility. Its not like we have a 1st rounder making big money and floundering. This year I see us getting a vet. A vet can be really good for this team. If Henne doesn't break out like a QB should at this point in his career we should have a manageable option behind him. It isn't gonna be easy but with what I said, there is enough here to finally say if Tony is a success or failure when this year is over. In My mind.
Quite frankly I'm sick of people like you that back this franchise's piss poor decisions and keep rooting for mediocre seasons. THIS is the season that I hope goes down in flames because I love the fins and hate losing. Winning 8-10 games without being a legit SB contender is losing IMO. It will seal the fate of this underachieving regime AND put the team in a position to draft a QB that has the potential to lead us to greatness for the next 15 years.

So you think if Tony gets fired your next coach will guarantee you a SB? You don't root against your team under any circumstances(unless of course you have a friend or relativeon the ther opposing team).
Quite frankly I'm sick of people like you that back this franchise's piss poor decisions and keep rooting for mediocre seasons. THIS is the season that I hope goes down in flames because I love the fins and hate losing. Winning 8-10 games without being a legit SB contender is losing IMO. It will seal the fate of this underachieving regime AND put the team in a position to draft a QB that has the potential to lead us to greatness for the next 15 years.

I don't know which disgusts me more, Dolphins fans rooting for their own team to lose (which, I think, technically makes you not a fan), or the fact that you made me agree with NYJUNC.

You may not like Tony Sparano, or the front office, or anything that has to do with the Dolphins right now (which, again, I think, technically makes you not a fan) but rooting for your team to lose in the "hopes" that you will find something better is the pinnacle of ignorance.

Why not instead of hoping to lose so he can get fired, hope that you are wrong about him so that Miami, your team (allegedly) can win? In reality, you have absolutley NO CONTROL over it either way, so I don't see why the latter isn't a perfectly reasonable choice.
Quite frankly I'm sick of people like you that back this franchise's piss poor decisions and keep rooting for mediocre seasons. THIS is the season that I hope goes down in flames because I love the fins and hate losing. Winning 8-10 games without being a legit SB contender is losing IMO. It will seal the fate of this underachieving regime AND put the team in a position to draft a QB that has the potential to lead us to greatness for the next 15 years.

You make me sick too. You can't see that we have a great D-line, I think the Oline is ready to be high quality, the secondary is gonna be legit, the LB core is getting very close to being elite. We have added speed and youth to the offense.

Get off the QB issue. Its not like you pick a guy and wham he is winning Rings for the nxt ten years.

Franchises are built from the core. Slinging picks at uncertain QBs is the surest way to stay sunk for years. The only reason Ireland and CO are here is because they convinced Ross that the core is built. And the core will guarantee a strong future. Mark my words the Fins will be a contender for years to come based the ground work laid by these guys. They may not be here. But the names Davis, Wake Long, Bess, Marshall, Smith Misi, Pouncey, Jerry, Thomas, Clemons, Edds, Dansby, Mcdaneil, Langford, Odrick, Soliai, Starks will be.
So you think if Tony gets fired your next coach will guarantee you a SB? You don't root against your team under any circumstances(unless of course you have a friend or relativeon the ther opposing team).

You have a reading comprehension problem.
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