Ricky passing it off onto Wannstedt | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ricky passing it off onto Wannstedt


Kid A
Basement Dweller
Club Member
May 25, 2003
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With the new information about Ricky coming back and attending camp, I've read an interesting/disturbing comment. Ricky's agent is placing the blame onto Wannstedt. Ricky giving up Paxil, smoking pot, voting Democrat, abandoning the team at the brink of training camp, running away from his problems... and on and on.

With a new head coach, new position coaches, new offensive and defensive philosophies, new training regimine, new team outlook, does a new Ricky fit in? I don't think Ricky has much of a choice but to come back to Miami (if he want's to return to the NFL). I'm not sure Miami can just turn around and trade him, not that anyone would offer much for him, well maybe the Raiders. I don't think Saban will allow it to be a distraction, the media won't be getting to the players to push and prod like before. Saban will probably have, has had(?), a team meeting discussing this situation with the players and I don't think any player is going to tell Saban who to sign, or how to run the team.

I can't wait.
TeeMoney said:
With the new information about Ricky coming back and attending camp, I've read an interesting/disturbing comment. Ricky's agent is placing the blame onto Wannstedt. Ricky giving up Paxil, smoking pot, voting Democrat, abandoning the team at the brink of training camp, running away from his problems... and on and on.

With a new head coach, new position coaches, new offensive and defensive philosophies, new training regimine, new team outlook, does a new Ricky fit in? I don't think Ricky has much of a choice but to come back to Miami (if he want's to return to the NFL). I'm not sure Miami can just turn around and trade him, not that anyone would offer much for him, well maybe the Raiders. I don't think Saban will allow it to be a distraction, the media won't be getting to the players to push and prod like before. Saban will probably have, has had(?), a team meeting discussing this situation with the players and I don't think any player is going to tell Saban who to sign, or how to run the team.

I can't wait.
Interesting. Good post! Where did you read this interesting/disturbing comment? Do you have a link? I would be interested to read it. Anyway, I find it a bit surprising Ricky's blaming: giving up Paxil, smoking pot, voting Democat (that's a new one to me), abandoning his team on the brink of Training Camp, running away from his problems and basically EVERYTHING on Wannstedt. I'm hoping with a better coaching staff and a better coach, things are going to be a lot better here for Ricky. In my opinion, if we are going to trade him... I don't think it will be this year because I think he has to prove on the field that he is dedicated, hardworking, loyal, responsible, mature, and still talented and able to produce on the field before he has any trade value whatsoever.
yada yada yada
Ricky finds a new person/thing to blame just about every week. Thats probably why he liked the Australian Outback so much. No mirrors, so he never had to face the person that was really behind all his problems.
Funny how Ricky seems much more likeable when Steinberg speaks for him. Yet, when speaking for himself, Ricky shows him as the flake that he is. Problem is, even with his agent spinning wonders, Ricky is unaccountable at best. I am so sick and tired of this guy.
I saw a reference to it also. I believe it was his agent Steinberg who claimed that RW just couldn't play for Wanny anymore.
If true it just confirms what a selfish,gutless and classless guy he is. DW for all our criticisms was a players coach and he went out on a limb and invested a lot to bring RW to this team. I don't like DW as a head coach, but he deserved better from RW.
I don't really think it's news that Wanny was a part of this. There was a lot of talk about the strain on his body from all the carries Wanny gave him when he retired, and it no doubt played a part. But to say that Wanny is the only reason is absurd. No love for the game, using drugs and so on played a part aswell.
Odd. Wonder why he got p.o.'d at being taken out on 3rd downs following his first year. Wonder why he stated, after he'd "retired", that he'd like to play for Norv; the one and same guy running the offense which ran him in the ground ... Why only a few weeks before he quit, he made the exclamation that the Phins were "his team!" as a show of lockeroom leadership??? Very odd.
touborg said:
I don't really think it's news that Wanny was a part of this. There was a lot of talk about the strain on his body from all the carries Wanny gave him when he retired, and it no doubt played a part. But to say that Wanny is the only reason is absurd. No love for the game, using drugs and so on played a part aswell.

There sure was a lot of talk....by Ricky.
However, what Ricky says, and the actual truth, usually have very little in common.
Ricky had the option to come out of the game any time he wanted... no questions asked. He also stated on numerous occasions that he wanted a lot of carries...that he got better the more he ran. Add to that the points made by aqua about the 3rd down situation (Minor was supposed to be 3rd down til Ricky begged to be left in) and the comments about playing for Norv, and you have to see the contradiction. Im sure that Ricky suffered through all the wear and tear of so many carries, but those carries were indeed of his own choosing (I suspect he wanted the ball so much because his contract was heavily dependant on performance incentives)
So, on top of everything else, Ricky is also a liar.
There was also a Q&A with Konrad recently in which Konrad said that Wannstedt forced Turner into the run/run/screen/punt playcaller that we saw his last year in Miami. Wannstedt deserves all the blame he can get, however his presence shouldn't relieve others of their responsibilities.
Who cares?
All of you Ricky haters really make me laugh.

Remember when we first got Ricky? We were all so happy even though, we all KNEW he was somewhat of a head case. Right?? He had a psychological problem when he came here. REMEMBER? Am I the only one that saw him interviewed or in a wedding dress before he left for India with Lenny ****ing Kravitz?

We took somewhat of a risk, got a couple of great seasons out of him and now after a year he wants to come back. Yes last year he ran away from the his teammates, but he also ran from coaching staff that was ready to give him 25+ rushing attempts a game with no other offensive plan in mind. Who cares who his agent blames it on? He has to put the blame somewhere for the media. Is it really important? We know what Ricky did and know better. His agent is just finding an easy target. Enter Wannstedt.

He wants to come back. If Saban and former teamattes welcome him, no harm no foul. Only one losing season, a poor coach and backup qb. Why not get our best offensive player since Marino? With him, if he comes back to form, we have the best backfield, period.
If you arent a ricky hater ignore above post. I meant it on another thread.
jlfin said:
I saw a reference to it also. I believe it was his agent Steinberg who claimed that RW just couldn't play for Wanny anymore.
If true it just confirms what a selfish,gutless and classless guy he is. DW for all our criticisms was a players coach and he went out on a limb and invested a lot to bring RW to this team. I don't like DW as a head coach, but he deserved better from RW.

wanny used and abused ricky like a race horse. DW was a terrible HC.
As for ricky he needs to claim his sh@t and stop blaming everybody else
NYinBostonFin: I hope your post makes more sense in the thread it was intended.
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