Robert Griffin III | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Robert Griffin III


Feb 1, 2008
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Sorry if there already has been a thread but if he comes out this year, do you guys think he can be a good NFL QB?
I believe he is a far better talent than Barkley the kid has 0 weapons at Baylor and is lighting it up very smart as well, if he comes out I believe he's the 2nd to 3rd QB off the board. I would take hime before Barkley or Jones.
I believe he is a far better talent than Barkley the kid has 0 weapons at Baylor and is lighting it up very smart as well, if he comes out I believe he's the 2nd to 3rd QB off the board. I would take hime before Barkley or Jones.

Agreed. I live in socal and all i see in Matt Barkley right now is Mark Sanchez & Matt Leinart. If he has Carson Palmer in him I havent seen it yet. Looking forward to Saturday's Game (USC vs. Stanford)
What pick do you think he would go I see him going around 10-15 personally...
Agreed. I live in socal and all i see in Matt Barkley right now is Mark Sanchez & Matt Leinart. If he has Carson Palmer in him I havent seen it yet. Looking forward to Saturday's Game (USC vs. Stanford)

I don't see how everyone makes the connection to Sanchez & Leinart. I understand it's the school connection, but Barkley has abilities they never had. Barkley is a smart kid, keeping plays alive with his feet. Not just scrambling, but avoiding sacks. He has a 68% completion rating, so he doesn't throw the ball away as much, and still has been sacked just 4 times this season.

He's the closest quarterback to Andrew Luck, and coupled with Luck, are in a level all on their own. It really goes:

Andrew Luck
Matt Barkley

Landry Jones

Everyone else.
Do you people even watch Baylor? Robert Griffin isn't even the best NFL prospect on his own team, Kendall Wright is an exceptional talent.

It reminds me of last year when the Kaepernick bandwagoners were going on and on about how he had 'zero weapons' around him, as if they'd never seen a single pass he completed to Virgil Green or Rishard Matthews.

I tried to tell everyone last year that a year from then we were going to be talking about Rishard Matthews in the 2012 draft... those threads will be coming soon once a few of the talking heads bring him up.
What floored me about that tape of Griffin going against TCU was how easily and consistently the Baylor wide receivers created separation in man coverage, and won on the deep routes. Has nothing around him? Not in that game.

Kendall Wright reminds me a little of a Chris the build.
Wright is a little more developed and more polished at the details than Woods, Wright is a Senior, Woods is 7 games through his sophomore season. Robert Woods has uber athletic ability and talent that needs more fine tuning throughout his career.

Griffin has faced what's basically the worst pass defenses in the country so far.

TCU is 58th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 134 QB rating against that defense.

Rice is 96th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 142 QB rating against their defense.

Kansas St. is 87th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 124 QB rating against their defense.

Iowa St. is 73rd in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 133 QB rating against their defense.

Texas A&M is dead last, and the worst passing defense in the country, 120th. QB's average a 133 QB rating against their defense.

It doesn't get any harder for Griffin with his next opponent either. Oklahoma St. is 90th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 111 QB rating against their defense.

Throw in Stephen F. Austin wherever you choose....
Great football player overall. I just worry that he is too small at 6'2" and a skinny 220Lbs with his running style. With that said, his accuracy is GREAT. 4.4 - 40 is AMAZING. VERY smart kid, has the arm strength, and from all reports also has the work ethic. If we dont get Luck I dont mind taking a chance on RG3. As the season goes on I think he might be the #2 and at worst the #3 QB taken in the draft. He may not go ahead of Barkley, but will ahead of Jones.
Woods is much better receiver than Wright, plus with USC you have one of the best O-line's in the country. Can you say the same for Baylor "heck no", every play from scrimmage Griffin is being pressured and his ability to make nfl type reads, his quick release, his pinpoint accuracy, and his ability too avoid he rush and make plays is what makes him better than Barkley. For anyone trying to compare him to Kap he is nothing like him. There is a reason Rg3 is rising up the boards bc his potential is limitless.. The only reason all people are all over Barkley is bc he plays for a big name school while the other doesn't.. Barkley is the spitting image of Lienhart 2.0..
Exactly. At this stage I believe Kendall Wright is a better receiver than Robert Woods. Woods has some more growing to do.

easy now...woods is da goods...i see a carolinas steve smith like pro career there...woods is a tough sob too...he's not shy of contact
Wright is a little more developed and more polished at the details than Woods, Wright is a Senior, Woods is 7 games through his sophomore season. Robert Woods has uber athletic ability and talent that needs more fine tuning throughout his career.

Griffin has faced what's basically the worst pass defenses in the country so far.

TCU is 58th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 134 QB rating against that defense.

Rice is 96th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 142 QB rating against their defense.

Kansas St. is 87th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 124 QB rating against their defense.

Iowa St. is 73rd in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 133 QB rating against their defense.

Texas A&M is dead last, and the worst passing defense in the country, 120th. QB's average a 133 QB rating against their defense.

It doesn't get any harder for Griffin with his next opponent either. Oklahoma St. is 90th in passing yards allowed. QB's average a 111 QB rating against their defense.

Throw in Stephen F. Austin wherever you choose....

That's a good point. Hadn't really looked at the rankings of his opponents that closely.

---------- Post added at 01:18 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:17 PM ----------

easy now...woods is da goods...i see a carolinas steve smith like pro career there...woods is a tough sob too...he's not shy of contact

I stand by what I wrote. Woods may have a bright future, but right now Wright is better.
Woods is much better receiver than Wright, plus with USC you have one of the best O-line's in the country. Can you say the same for Baylor "heck no", every play from scrimmage Griffin is being pressured and his ability to make nfl type reads, his quick release, his pinpoint accuracy, and his ability too avoid he rush and make plays is what makes him better than Barkley. For anyone trying to compare him to Kap he is nothing like him. There is a reason Rg3 is rising up the boards bc his potential is limitless.. The only reason all people are all over Barkley is bc he plays for a big name school while the other doesn't.. Barkley is the spitting image of Lienhart 2.0..

There are a lot of ignorant/naive statements contained in the above post. I think you're over-reaching yourself, especially when you say things like "The only reason all people are all over Barkley is bc he plays for a big name school".

You have to realize that statements like that make you look like a fool. You're not just touting your boy when you say something like that. You're insulting the intelligence of intelligent people that happen to disagree with you. Which makes you a fool.

You should learn how to leave room for intelligent disagreement about draft prospects. You can put five of the smartest football personnel people ever to evaluate players in the same room evaluating the same 10 players and there will be fierce disagreement and five different rankings. And yet YOU get to say that "The only reason all people are all over Barkley is bc he plays for a big name school"? Really? Foolish.
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