Ryan Tannehill Close To Throwing Expected To Miss Jets Game | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Ryan Tannehill Close To Throwing Expected To Miss Jets Game

We can argue that the OL is pure **** all day... but the issue is that HE cannot raise the level of the players around him AT ALL... not even a little bit. He can do his job just fine... but when asked to buy A LITTLE time in the pocket he cannot do it. He needs all the parts around him to be perfect to succeed and Miami is simply not that team. He would do fine on the LA Rams, for example, with a great RB, great OL, solid WRs, good coaching... everything is perfect there.

You see it when he plays too... he is SURPRISED at pressure it almost feels like. Every QB takes a sack where they hold the ball too long or didn't sense the pressure... but it's EVERY time with Tannehill. It sucks because he works hard and has improved in literally every other aspect as a QB... but he never got comfortable shifting in the pocket... he never has been able to sense pressure AT ALL. He has never had the natural feel, but has all the tools, so we've continued to hold out hope... but now, coming off a major injury, he's almost a little shell shocked and the marginal improvement he's made in awareness/elusiveness that we saw *A BIT* in 2016 is completely gone. He's not going to be a QB that's going to win you games... he's a guy who will be along for the ride.

Not everyone can be Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady... but I'm just asking give me more than Trent Dilfer or Blake Bortles.
It’s a big meh from me. Ryan alone can’t will this team to a win, and the defense couldn’t stop a 3 year old from winning a tic tac toe game.
It’s a big meh from me. Ryan alone can’t will this team to a win, and the defense couldn’t stop a 3 year old from winning a tic tac toe game.

I've seen Wilson will us to as many wins in the first six games of the season as Tannehill has in the last six years.
I mean, the defense looked like **** on paper coming into the season... then we went 3-0 and everyone lost their collective minds and forgot the defense still sucked.

I'm not surprised how they've played overall...
I've read all the posts on this topic and the main thing I get is that if we sit here and compare Tannehill to Brock for who is the best or least damaging, the real answer is that both of them shouldn't be here.
The FO has now until the off-season to fix it.
We are 8 wins max with Ryan so it's not much worse. I would prefer picking in 10-12 range personally.
With the defense getting absolutely destroyed, I just don't see 8 wins being possible at this point even with Tanne under center. They are getting roasted and the lack of pass rush is just disappointing.

We can beat the Jets but we might split with the Bills because we don't do to well in Buffalo. Every other game I'm counting as a loss. 7-9 at best but 6-10 was my original prediction and I'm sticking by it.

Another year of average and Gase has chosen to ride and die with Tanne. Gase gets one more year though because Burke will be his fall guy in the off-season.
It's not an imaginary issue - it has been a FACT his worst issue since he was drafted. Every year he has improved some part of his game but his pocket awareness/elusiveness has been FACT the worst part of his game and has yet to improve. It's a "feel" thing, he's too robotic to learn it at this point if he hasn't yet.

Show me with film instead of just blanket NPC catch phrases.
I am puzzled by the die hard devotion to Tannehill. He is what he is after 6 years. I just think it’s time to move on. If he gets healthy and comes back this year fine, if not fine..the Dolphins are just not a good team this year.

Nothing puzzling about it.......I can get on board with moving on from Tannehill.....when I’m presented with a better option and Osweiler is not it. Of the two, I’ll take Tannehill thank you. Draft a good one or sign one in free agency....then fine. Until then, I would prefer RT under center over Brock.
Don’t care that he’s throwing around a Nerf ball. Don’t care who’s behind Center this year. It’s all just meh to me currently. They could put Fales there for all I care.
This whole team is a damn dumpster fire and Gase stated he likes the players he has already so there will be no full rebuild anytime soon.
Don’t care that he’s throwing around a Nerf ball. Don’t care who’s behind Center this year. It’s all just meh to me currently. They could put Fales there for all I care.
This whole team is a damn dumpster fire and Gase stated he likes the players he has already so there will be no full rebuild anytime soon.
This is the roster Gase wanted, and he has it now in his third year.
I have a feeling he's going to be back next season with a new defensive coordinator, and he'll get a pass because of the injuries.

Tannehill throwing a nerf ball???? If it's the injury I think it is, he better be resting that arm. And, I hope he doesn't lie and say it's fine, then get in a game and stink up the joint.

I think we should keep rolling with Brock until we're CERTAIN about Tannehill's arm. If the wheels come off with Brock, and we're out of it, then throw Fales in there.
We can argue that the OL is pure **** all day... but the issue is that HE cannot raise the level of the players around him AT ALL... not even a little bit. He can do his job just fine... but when asked to buy A LITTLE time in the pocket he cannot do it. He needs all the parts around him to be perfect to succeed and Miami is simply not that team. He would do fine on the LA Rams, for example, with a great RB, great OL, solid WRs, good coaching... everything is perfect there.

You see it when he plays too... he is SURPRISED at pressure it almost feels like. Every QB takes a sack where they hold the ball too long or didn't sense the pressure... but it's EVERY time with Tannehill. It sucks because he works hard and has improved in literally every other aspect as a QB... but he never got comfortable shifting in the pocket... he never has been able to sense pressure AT ALL. He has never had the natural feel, but has all the tools, so we've continued to hold out hope... but now, coming off a major injury, he's almost a little shell shocked and the marginal improvement he's made in awareness/elusiveness that we saw *A BIT* in 2016 is completely gone. He's not going to be a QB that's going to win you games... he's a guy who will be along for the ride.

Not everyone can be Aaron Rodgers or Tom Brady... but I'm just asking give me more than Trent Dilfer or Blake Bortles.

I agree with the pocket movement assessment but the OL has played above average except for the Cincy game. Losing Kilgore didn't affect us at all.
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