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Saban preferred Brees?

ercin13 said:
are these the same medical genuises that cleared cpepp ready to play this year? are they the same people that screwed oj mcduffie?

Damn, now that's brutally honest!!
trate121hb said:
i preferred brees bc we had to give nothing for him but i thought cpep was great too and once we got him, myself and every other fin fan convinced ourselves that he was the right this point now it looks real bad bc of what brees has done.....he had never played that way in san diego....very good years yes but getting close to marino is just incredible.......but its time for us to move forward and forget about it......cpep will be back next year and better than ever

never convinced me, Hate running QBs always will, they fall back on the run too quickly and open themselves to injury too often, Brees wins because he knows where to throw the ball!
eddie4fins said:
never convinced me, Hate running QBs always will, they fall back on the run too quickly and open themselves to injury too often, Brees wins because he knows where to throw the ball!
Amen, brother.

I hated the Culpepper trade; we gave up a high-round draft pick, which would have been valuable ammo in the draft, for a guy who was going to be released from his own team in a matter of weeks anyway.

Culpepper is a one-read-and-scramble, second-read-and-run QB with poor pocket presence and an inability to read defenses. Without his legs providing great strength and speed to escape the pass rush, he is a pathetic duck back there. He will never again be the threat his apologists fantasize him to be.

Oh, and the only opinion we should have been listening to about Brees was Dr Andrews, the preeminent sports surgeon who worked on him and stated unequivacably that Brees was 100%.

Give us a REAL quarterback, not a gimmick or one-trick pony, someone who is a true field general like Drew Brees. Or Philip Rivers, Carson Palmer, etc.

Check out my Draft QB Thread Here
phinphan11 said:
I found it interesting what Mort said in last nites MNF game coverage. He indicated that Saban was definitely more interested in Brees and the major reason that he past on him was because the Phin's medical people refused to sign off on him.
If this is true then it causes me to wonder about the quality of their medical staff.
I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but you'd think that they wouldn't have been so far off of about Brees potiential health and overall recovering possibilities.
Our loss... in a big way!

Did they clear CP to play??? :confused:
burghPhinFan said:
I preferred Brees over Fletcher :fire: :fire: :fire:

Bah, we needed that third CB sooooo badly, much more than a QB!!
Wait, damn you Dave!! :tantrum: :mad: :fire:

I was a fan of bringing in Brees, I thought Daunte was iffy. Still, when we pulled the trigger and I read some of the posts on here, I got pumped up. Then all the stories about how healthy Daunte was got me feeling good.
Then came the preseason and nothing happened. Then the first few games, and I just couldnt shake the images of Daunte playing like he did those games in Minny. Just lost, absolutely lost. Unable to make the read and making bad decisions. Knee thing aside I just saw nothing in him to think we made a good call.

Think we have a good shot at rectifying it though with our first rounder that hopefully will be used on Troy Smith. Now THERE is a QB who completely turned himself from a run first to a pass first QB. The man will dominate!:evil:
Tailgun said:
Amen, brother.

I hated the Culpepper trade; we gave up a high-round draft pick, which would have been valuable ammo in the draft, for a guy who was going to be released from his own team in a matter of weeks anyway.

Culpepper is a one-read-and-scramble, second-read-and-run QB with poor pocket presence and an inability to read defenses. Without his legs providing great strength and speed to escape the pass rush, he is a pathetic duck back there. He will never again be the threat his apologists fantasize him to be.

Oh, and the only opinion we should have been listening to about Brees was Dr Andrews, the preeminent sports surgeon who worked on him and stated unequivacably that Brees was 100%.

Give us a REAL quarterback, not a gimmick or one-trick pony, someone who is a true field general like Drew Brees. Or Philip Rivers, Carson Palmer, etc.

Check out my Draft QB Thread Here

Agreed 100%. If Culpepper was so good, other QB desperate teams like Oakland would've surely outbid us.
Regan21286 said:
Agreed 100%. If Culpepper was so good, other QB desperate teams like Oakland would've surely outbid us.

I always did find it odd how nobody else (there were several teams in big need at QB) wouldnt pony up a #2. At one point there was talk of him being available for a #3 and even 4. Just wondered why the Vikes were so willing to ship him off for less than a first, or a multiple pick deal. I mean, its not like they could have thought Brad Johnson was their future. :confused:
TexanPhinatic said:
I always did find it odd how nobody else (there were several teams in big need at QB) wouldnt pony up a #2. At one point there was talk of him being available for a #3 and even 4. Just wondered why the Vikes were so willing to ship him off for less than a first, or a multiple pick deal. I mean, its not like they could have thought Brad Johnson was their future. :confused:
Sadly, the Vikes have known the Fins to be a 'soft touch' for some time now, on a few occasions.
TexanPhinatic said:
I always did find it odd how nobody else (there were several teams in big need at QB) wouldnt pony up a #2. At one point there was talk of him being available for a #3 and even 4. Just wondered why the Vikes were so willing to ship him off for less than a first, or a multiple pick deal. I mean, its not like they could have thought Brad Johnson was their future. :confused:

I guess the other coaches looked beyond the stats and saw that he's prone to pulling another 2002 or 2005 season again. You'd think Oakland would be willing to reunite Moss and Culpepper but I guess they figured their OL wasn't good enough to give Culpepper the huge amount of time he needs.
Tailgun said:
Sadly, the Vikes have known the Fins to be a 'soft touch' for some time now, on a few occasions.

Heh, that unfortunately seems to be the case.
Well it is hard to blame the medical staff, they gave there honest opinion. I watched a interview with Brees just a while back and he even said that after he first started throwing he didn't know if he was ever going to do it again. I sopose that in predicting durability some of it is guess work. Hopefully we were right on J. Allen and Rod Wright. :D
Let me rephrase that, I don't mind them for erroring on the conservitive side with Brees. I blame them for clearing Pep when he obviously wasn't ready.
Phanatical said:
Did they clear CP to play??? :confused:

They passed him on his entry physical and apparently signed off on his playing status otherwise Saban would not have put him in the starting lineup otherwise.
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