Saban preferred Brees? | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Saban preferred Brees?

emocomputerjock said:
Because they made the determination that there was no way he was going to play this season after the second surgery. There was a slim possibility that he could have come back in the final two games, but it wasn't a strong one. They checked him out and decided that he wasn't gonna be healthy in time.

I read that too...

I still find it strange that they waited until now. It could be just a coincidence. I would have put him on PUP when he had the knee scoped if not much before that...
tcdrover said:
I read that too...

I still find it strange that they waited until now. It could be just a coincidence. I would have put him on PUP when he had the knee scoped if not much before that...

They were hoping against hope that'd he'd come back so they could evaluate him at least a little bit this year, but outside of that they've already lost face on the deal, so it wasn't like they were going to redeem themselves in the matter even if he did come in and play lights out. I was hoping he'd make it back so we could see if there was any improvement, but now we have to wait till next year :(
Pocoloco said:
personally, I preferred neither. I wanted to trade our first for Phillip Rivers, which seemed possible before Brees got injured. Oh well

sometimes I wonder about the staff that evaluates players' physical and mental health. Who the heck was the guy that did the pyschological eval on Manny Wright and passed him on to us?

That was my preference as well.
Finole said:
Saban never said he was more interested in Brees. That's just speculation. Find me the quote where Saban himself actually says he preferred Brees to Culpepper, and then I will believe it.

Before this year, Brees only had 2 good years (with LaDainian Tomlinson in his backfield by the way) and had never been to the playoffs.

Looks like he's the real deal now, though. But at the time Saban was making the decision, Brees had no clear cut edge over Culpepper.


Brees still hasn't won a playoff game! Yet.

For me, it's like the draft. You have to wait a few years before you can truly evaluate the deal.

Let me go check my secret stash of audio tapes to see if I can find that for you...... I never said that I heard that Saban said it. I said that Mort mentioned it on the MNF game coverage and thought that it was an interesting statement if true.
tmny99 said:
What a dumb generalization...yeah I guess those running QBs Drew Brees, Carson Palmer, and Byron Leftwich should've stayed in the pocket or they wouldn't have gotten hurt. Injuries are part of the game and regardless of your style of play, if it's your time to get bit by the injury bug, he bites you. Your are welcome to your disdain for running QBs, but to say that they are more prone to injury is asinine.
I think his point has some merit. Compare McNabb's career to Peyton Manning. McNabb, a mobile QB, has been injured quite a bit of the last few years, while Peyton, a true pocket passer, has rarely (if ever? I can't remember him missing any games due to injury) missed a game.
phinphan11 said:
Let me go check my secret stash of audio tapes to see if I can find that for you...... I never said that I heard that Saban said it. I said that Mort mentioned it on the MNF game coverage and thought that it was an interesting statement if true.

I realize you never said that Saban stated he preferred Brees over Culpepper. That's why I quoted you.

By by page 4 of this thread, it seemed like people were losing track of your original post.
eddie4fins said:
never convinced me, Hate running QBs always will, they fall back on the run too quickly and open themselves to injury too often
Culpepper does not run to gain yardage. He runs to extend plays. You're confusing him with Michael Vick.

Tailgun said:
I can't tell you how happy I am that we have that fat, stupid piece of crap in a Dolphins uniform rather than Matt Leinart or Jay Cutler. I'm just so happy.

I'm starting to believe CK when he says there are other reasons people hate Culpepper.
No suprise culpepper didnt end up what he never was....The thing that worries me is that Seau was palying good for the Pats til he went down.
If it is accurate that someone on the medical staff would not pass Brees even though Saban wanted him then they should be held accountable. Esecially if this is the same person(s) that passed Daunte AND said he could play.

Those are 2 huge mistakes that could effect Miami's future for years to come. Someone should be fired.
so-long-Ricky said:
If it is accurate that someone on the medical staff would not pass Brees even though Saban wanted him then they should be held accountable. Esecially if this is the same person(s) that passed Daunte AND said he could play.

Those are 2 huge mistakes that could effect Miami's future for years to come. Someone should be fired.

It's amazing how so many people operate out of hindsight on this issue.
Desides said:
It's amazing how so many people operate out of hindsight on this issue.

If grossly incompetent mistakes are made someone should be accountable.

I'm not sure about anyone else here but if I made major errors @ work I certainly could be fired. Why should they be any different??
so-long-Ricky said:
If grossly incompetent mistakes are made someone should be accountable.

I'm not sure about anyone else here but if I made major errors @ work I certainly could be fired. Why should they be any different??

Because picking the QB with an injured knee, but an uninjured throwing arm, is preferable to picking the QB with 12 pins in his shoulder.

The bruised shoulder Culpepper had earlier in the season could very well have been a career-ending injury for Brees.

Like I said, hindsight.
Ya I was on the Brees ban wagon. Oh well. Guess we cant win them all. Culpepper for trade bait?? ;)
i am quiet curious to see how C-pep does if and when he get 100% but i thought that brees wanted more money up front and the dolphins did not want to take that chance and that when we traded for C-pep after brees sign with the saints
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