Saban preferred Brees? | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Saban preferred Brees?

eddie4fins said:
never convinced me, Hate running QBs always will, they fall back on the run too quickly and open themselves to injury too often, Brees wins because he knows where to throw the ball!

What a dumb generalization...yeah I guess those running QBs Drew Brees, Carson Palmer, and Byron Leftwich should've stayed in the pocket or they wouldn't have gotten hurt. Injuries are part of the game and regardless of your style of play, if it's your time to get bit by the injury bug, he bites you. Your are welcome to your disdain for running QBs, but to say that they are more prone to injury is asinine.
eddie4fins said:
never convinced me, Hate running QBs always will, they fall back on the run too quickly and open themselves to injury too often, Brees wins because he knows where to throw the ball!

So, is Steve Young the worst quarterback ever? What about Randall Cunningham? A good quarterback uses all of their weapons, and if it means take yards on the ground, they'll do it.
Tailgun said:
Amen, brother.

I hated the Culpepper trade; we gave up a high-round draft pick, which would have been valuable ammo in the draft, for a guy who was going to be released from his own team in a matter of weeks anyway.

Culpepper is a one-read-and-scramble, second-read-and-run QB with poor pocket presence and an inability to read defenses. Without his legs providing great strength and speed to escape the pass rush, he is a pathetic duck back there. He will never again be the threat his apologists fantasize him to be.

I think someone must have written this down somewhere and people just ran away with it. Can someone please tell me how an individual has an "inability to read defenses" yet can complete over 64% of his passes with nearly 50 more TDs than INTs?

Oh, and the only opinion we should have been listening to about Brees was Dr Andrews, the preeminent sports surgeon who worked on him and stated unequivacably that Brees was 100%.

Dr. Andrews performed Culpepper's surgery too!! Hindsight is always 20-20, but at the time it was the sound decision to make. You meet with a guy whose arm is in a sling and his rotator cuff has just been destroyed that's asking for $10 Million guaranteed. What a stupid decision Saban and Co made at the time. They should've given him the money because we all KNEW he would have an amazing recovery and not suffer a set back like Chad Pennington. Unbelievable.
tmny99 said:
I think someone must have written this down somewhere and people just ran away with it. Can someone please tell me how an individual has an "inability to read defenses" yet can complete over 64% of his passes with nearly 50 more TDs than INTs?

Dr. Andrews performed Culpepper's surgery too!! Hindsight is always 20-20, but at the time it was the sound decision to make. You meet with a guy whose arm is in a sling and his rotator cuff has just been destroyed that's asking for $10 Million guaranteed. What a stupid decision Saban and Co made at the time. They should've given him the money because we all KNEW he would have an amazing recovery and not suffer a set back like Chad Pennington. Unbelievable.

Andrews said he was a little surprised to find the nasty bit of cartilidge behind Culpepper's knee - even the greatest surgeons and doctors can be wrong (or rather, not 100% right). It was a risk v reward scenario, and Brees was too much of a risk. The folks arguing that are only doing so with the benefit of perfect hindsight. The first time we passed him up for Fletcher though, that one irks me :fire:
phinphan11 said:
They passed him on his entry physical and apparently signed off on his playing status otherwise Saban would not have put him in the starting lineup otherwise.

And thats the scary part....they passed him....when he was obviously not ready to play.
To the various Culpepper Apologists still bleating away weakly in this thread, I direct you to the title - which still says it all, better than a myriad of tortured arguments:

"Saban Preferred Brees"

That's it. We settled for DC and paid a heavy price for it; we could have had Jay Cutler and we could have been better than 1-3.

Live and learn, Nick? I sure hope so...
Tailgun said:
To the various Culpepper Apologists still bleating away weakly in this thread, I direct you to the title - which still says it all, better than a myriad of tortured arguments:

"Saban Preferred Brees"


You got me there - in spite of the debate that's been raging, there's no denying that.
My god people, we did NOT choose Brees. GET OVER IT!!! MOVE ON!!!

We didn't select tom Brady either, but I don't see 50thousand threads about it.
PhinsRock said:
My god people, we did NOT choose Brees. GET OVER IT!!! MOVE ON!!!

We didn't select tom Brady either, but I don't see 50thousand threads about it.

Saban preferred Brady?

fishypete said:
And thats the scary part....they passed him....when he was obviously not ready to play.

I'm not so sure about that.

I think he was physically still a much better athelete than most pro quarterbacks. He was not MENTALLY able to compete.

Don't believe all the smoke and mirrors. Do you think it is a coincidence that he stayed on the active roster up until we blank the Patriots?

I don't think that was a coincidence. He stayed active even after having his knee scoped. Why wait until now to put him on PUP?
tcdrover said:
I'm not so sure about that.

I think he was physically still a much better athelete than most pro quarterbacks. He was not MENTALLY able to compete.

Don't believe all the smoke and mirrors. Do you think it is a coincidence that he stayed on the active roster up until we blank the Patriots?

I don't think that was a coincidence. He stayed active even after having his knee scoped. Why wait until now to put him on PUP?

Because they made the determination that there was no way he was going to play this season after the second surgery. There was a slim possibility that he could have come back in the final two games, but it wasn't a strong one. They checked him out and decided that he wasn't gonna be healthy in time.
Tailgun said:
To the various Culpepper Apologists still bleating away weakly in this thread, I direct you to the title - which still says it all, better than a myriad of tortured arguments:

"Saban Preferred Brees"

That's it. We settled for DC and paid a heavy price for it; we could have had Jay Cutler and we could have been better than 1-3.

Live and learn, Nick? I sure hope so...

Cutler was the 11th pick. We had the 16th pick. :confused:
Finole said:
Cutler was the 11th pick. We had the 16th pick. :confused:
Yeah, and the Broncos, who picked behind us, gave up the 2nd rounder they had (and we didn't, due to your boy) to move up and get him.

I can't tell you how happy I am that we have that fat, stupid piece of crap in a Dolphins uniform rather than Matt Leinart or Jay Cutler. I'm just so happy.
phinphan11 said:
I found it interesting what Mort said in last nites MNF game coverage. He indicated that Saban was definitely more interested in Brees and the major reason that he past on him was because the Phin's medical people refused to sign off on him.
If this is true then it causes me to wonder about the quality of their medical staff.
I realize that hindsight is 20/20 but you'd think that they wouldn't have been so far off of about Brees potiential health and overall recovering possibilities.
Our loss... in a big way!

Saban never said he was more interested in Brees. That's just speculation. Find me the quote where Saban himself actually says he preferred Brees to Culpepper, and then I will believe it.

Before this year, Brees only had 2 good years (with LaDainian Tomlinson in his backfield by the way) and had never been to the playoffs.

Looks like he's the real deal now, though. But at the time Saban was making the decision, Brees had no clear cut edge over Culpepper.


Brees still hasn't won a playoff game! Yet.

For me, it's like the draft. You have to wait a few years before you can truly evaluate the deal.
Tailgun said:
Yeah, and the Broncos, who picked behind us, gave up the 2nd rounder they had (and we didn't, due to your boy) to move up and get him.

I can't tell you how happy I am that we have that fat, stupid piece of crap in a Dolphins uniform rather than Matt Leinart or Jay Cutler. I'm just so happy.

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