Salguero: The blame for the passing woes from 2 different angles | Page 5 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Salguero: The blame for the passing woes from 2 different angles

So the coordinators and players take no responsibility in your eyes. I guess we need to find a coach that can execute the plays for the players and coach offense, defense and special well as all the position coaches as well. That should save money.

Well we have sacrificed a GM, a OC, a QB coach, and a Oline coach. Should we sacrifice another group to protect the HC?
Motivation falls on the players. I don't need the coach to be a rah, rah guy I need him to be an X's and O's guy. If we need a motivational coach then hire Tony Robbins as head coach. These guys get paid millions of dollars to play a game...if they're not excited to play on Sunday's they shouldn't be playing football...enough of this bull crap about blaming the coaches for every little thing. Players get paid to PLAY.
This post is kinda of silly. Players absolutely are emotional people just like we all are. How much they make means nothing. Soldiers who are led into battle, fighting for their very lives, and for the lives of their families and country, are inspired by their leaders to do much more than is natural. How many times have see and heard stories of men who were average or below average taking on the persoanlity of their generals, like Patton in WWII and accomplishing the impossible? I think those men were not too worried about how much money they made, their life was more important than money, but the right leaders came in and gave them something, showed them things in ways, and inspired them to be more as a group than the collection of individuals ever could.

A coach that doesn't attempt or have the ability to inspire, is a coach that can only take you so far, and will never inspire to rise to the occasion in big games. To date that is exactly who we have in Philbin. The Lombardi trophy is named after the most inspirational coach in the history of the league. Don Shula, this franchises best coach certainly gave his team the personality of himself as well. The problem we have is our team now has the personality of our coach. The difference is with Shula that was a good thing, now with Philbin it certainly is not.
Just FYI, Armando defended Ireland and blamed Aponte and Philbin for everything.
The way last season played out, could you blame him?? Philbin should have been fired for the late season collapse before Ireland. Certainly Ireland needed to go but no where near as much as Philbin.
So the coordinators and players take no responsibility in your eyes. I guess we need to find a coach that can execute the plays for the players and coach offense, defense and special well as all the position coaches as well. That should save money.

Oh no, what we should do is keep a HC who continually throws others in front of the bus to save his own skin. He just keeps throwing cordinators, players, maybe even the cheerleaders in the way to convince you he is doing a great job even though the team is failing. Nothing bad is his fault, "he didn't know it was going on", but anything that happens good was all him. Yeah that sounds like the type we should want running our team.
Well we have sacrificed a GM, a OC, a QB coach, and a Oline coach. Should we sacrifice another group to protect the HC?

QB coach is still here...why I don't know but he's still here.

How about we see where we are at the end of the year before we talk about any more sacrifices. None of you were complaining after we beat New England by it's the HC's fault.

I know John Benton is a darn good coach, one of the best O-line coaches in the league and what he's done with 5 new starters who've never played together before is phenomenal...but is it his fault Shelley Smith was getting rag dolled by Kyle Williams? Is it his fault the O-line couldn't execute against the Bills? Do you blame Philbin for that? Of course you do. That's a personnel issue but I knew it wasn't getting fixed in one off season. Hickey did what he could with what was available in free agency and the draft and he did a pretty good job...we at least have scheme fit personnel.

Is it Mark Duffners fault that Trusnik was caught flat footed every time Sammy Watkins ran a shallow cross and was wide freakin open? Or does that fall on Philbin too? Maybe injuries have something to do with it and the fact that our linebacking corp isn't very good to begin with. Again, personnel not good but Hickey didn't have a chance to address this as well as he liked. He did draft Tripp and sign McCain as an UDFA but both were hurt for Buffalo...but I'm sure Philbin injured the linebackers so people can question his ability to get the linebackers to execute on game day. Philbin is diabolical...

Was it Lazor's fault that Tannehill threw the deep post to far inside or does that crappy execution fall on Philbin too? Man Philbin is ruthless. How could he tell Tannehill to throw those deep passes so poorly.

I also think Philbin told Lazor to run Moreno on that first carry knowing Moreno would get hurt...Philbin can he plan so many injuries so well, so calculating and yet not get his players to execute on Sunday...mind boggling.

According to Armando, Philbin has also, through hypnotism, told Misi that his ankle is injured and he can only play when Philbin uses 3 magic words and claps 4 times at which point Misi's ankle will be miraculously healed. Philbin went so far as to even put Misi's ankle in a cast to give the appearance of having a real injury when it's been in Misi's mind this whole time.

---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

Oh no, what we should do is keep a HC who continually throws others in front of the bus to save his own skin. He just keeps throwing cordinators, players, maybe even the cheerleaders in the way to convince you he is doing a great job even though the team is failing. Nothing bad is his fault, "he didn't know it was going on", but anything that happens good was all him. Yeah that sounds like the type we should want running our team.
So lets get this straight cause I'm pretty sure you were among those on here that said Philbin was FORCED to fire Sherman...but now he's throwing coaches under the bus to save his own which is it?
Truth, let me just say this:

When your new OC comes in and says "your QB's footwork sucks, we need to fix that ASAP," then why the hell do you keep your QB coach? He's been working with the QB for years and coached him up with bad footwork?

Oh, right, he's Mike Sherman's son-in-law.

---------- Post added at 10:56 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:54 AM ----------

So lets get this straight cause I'm pretty sure you were among those on here that said Philbin was FORCED to fire Sherman...but now he's throwing coaches under the bus to save his own which is it?
So very glad you asked. Philbin had to try and protect Shermin because everyone in the stadium every week booed him. Shermin was the perfect fall guy. A person that makes a living at pushing other in their place to take the blame has to keep a few punching bags around to protect them from the truth. If he could have kept Shermin around he could have survived another year by giving up Shermin next year. Now he has a real leader on the staff and he knows his days are numbered. Lets all hope and pray he is correct about that.
The way last season played out, could you blame him?? Philbin should have been fired for the late season collapse before Ireland. Certainly Ireland needed to go but no where near as much as Philbin.

I'm not blaming anyone for anything, just stating a fact. You said Armando went after Ireland in the media, and I let you know that Armando actually defended Ireland in the media. No need to go giving everyone a "thumbs down" because you talk out of your ass.
I'm not blaming anyone for anything, just stating a fact. You said Armando went after Ireland in the media, and I let you know that Armando actually defended Ireland in the media. No need to go giving everyone a "thumbs down" because you talk out of your ass.

No, actually I DIDN'T say he went after Ireland. I asked a question. Notice the "?" afterwards?? And I only talk out of my ass after I eat at Taco Bell.
Truth, let me just say this:

When your new OC comes in and says "your QB's footwork sucks, we need to fix that ASAP," then why the hell do you keep your QB coach? He's been working with the QB for years and coached him up with bad footwork?

Oh, right, he's Mike Sherman's son-in-law.
Which is why he should have been fired with Sherman but he's still here...yet KTOWNFINFAN seems to think Philbin fires coaches to save his own hide when it seems obvious to me that he actually too loyal to his coaches.

And now KTOWN is coming up with a new theory, keeping Sherman around as a punching bag and if he had kept Sherman another year he could have survived. If you really believe that there's not much more we can discuss here. Another year of Sherman would have gotten them all fired without a doubt. Getting a new coordinator also didn't help Sparano stick around now did it? Keep changing your tune to help your agenda...Philbin was forced to fire Sherman, Philbin sacrifices his coaches to save his own hide, another year with Sherman would have given Philbin more, you must be a politician in real life lol.
No, actually I DIDN'T say he went after Ireland. I asked a question. Notice the "?" afterwards?? And I only talk out of my ass after I eat at Taco Bell.

We all know what you meant, and you'd make a terrible lawyer.
Is it Sunday yet? I hope Tannehill lights it up to spare us a week of garbage posts, overreactions, and psychological analysis of coaches!

I hope he does too but my motivations differ quite a bit apparently. I hope he lights it up to ensure a victory. I could give 2 sniffs of a crusty tampon less what the posters here say. (Exceptions to Hoops and Hayden) Most of the wannabe experts around these parts need to "get real" and accept that their flip flops and hindsight knowledge are beginning to fall on deaf ears. I mean, do you really take someone seriously after they've decreed that they'd rather have Tanny than Wilson, only to change their sig pic to Tanny with a finger jammed up his nose 6 games later? Sadly, this is the level of “expertise” and knowledge too many here seem to exhibit.
Armando is too dumb to see that both points are 100% accurate assessments of this team:

1) Philbin - guys you have to do better learning and executing your assignments in the passing game you have been taught what to do.
2) Lazor - guys I have to teach you your assignments better in the passing game it's my fault you have not been taught what to do well enough.

Either way the play has to pick up in the passing game, the message is the same, "get it done on the field please, because you haven't been".
I think the original article, trying to say Philbin is a jerk, is way off base. He just gave a literal answer instead of a PC answer. Nothing he said was inaccurate and the only thing I would add would be first half play calling. You can't abandon the run just because NOSHOW went out. If you don't trust Lamar miller to take those zone runs between the tackles, you need to start someone else. Really, it's implied that it's the coaches fault when he says stuff like that, he's just saying what they're going to try and fix. By no means am I a Philbin supporter. I think he's a putz actually but this article is nonsense.

Example of route depth, Rishard Matthews on an in route in the second half, rounds out the cut instead of being crisp. The result was the defender getting a better angle and making a play on the ball. I like Matthews, but he's young and hopefully will develop.

special teams gave up a KO TD and the fumble.

RT17 had the deep ball to Wallace, yet again, slightly off the mark but Wallace made a horrible effort on the ball.

Lamar stone hands Miller dropped several balls. He's a bum. Point blank period.

The defense was outstanding IMO. Only thing to complain about was trusnick getting torched and looking lost but hes a practice squad/ST player.
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