Salguero: The blame for the passing woes from 2 different angles | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Salguero: The blame for the passing woes from 2 different angles

The team has come put flat 4 consecutive games. That's a disturbing trend that is influenced by a lack of preparation and/or motivation. That falls squarely on the head coach. I really don't know what to expect in the first half against the Chiefs but if they are flat yet again, then it clearly indicates a problem exists between players and coaches.

Gotta love these Oprah topics. A lot of assumptions and excuses.

Tannehill being inaccurate is Joe's fault. Clay and others dropping passes are Joe's fault. Smith and Satele being walked into Tannehill guessed it, Joe's fault.
Philbin is a ****ing ****sucker. I still can't believe he sat on the ****ing ball at the end of the first half.

Ah same **** different day. Glad to see your analysis is akin to a junior high football dad.
The team has come put flat 4 consecutive games. That's a disturbing trend that is influenced by a lack of preparation and/or motivation. That falls squarely on the head coach. I really don't know what to expect in the first half against the Chiefs but if they are flat yet again, then it clearly indicates a problem exists between players and coaches.

Agreed. Our coach lacks passions and fire. He is too even keeled to be a true motivator. When the playoffs were on the line, Rex Ryan was the one getting his sub par team fired up enough to knock us off. Maybe we should promote Lazor and demote Philbin....just a thought.
Joe Philbin is not a leader of men. He is also becoming a bit of a snake.

However, the issues in the passing game are largely due to the fact that we have a horrible QB.
Joe is a terrible leader. This team might win despite him because of improved talent via Dennis Hickey, a taskmaster OC, improved position coaches and the simple idea that players are desperate to win.

I have been fair with Joe this season, but he makes me grind my teeth waaaay too much.
“There’s no doubt that the blame rests 100 percent on me," Lazor said. "It’s my job when the unit fails in an area, whether it be completing enough passes, whatever the area is, and I felt like, when you look at us right now, if my stats are correct, unless someone has a really terrible game tonight, we’ll probably be in the second week last in the league in yards-per-attempt, which I think is a pretty good indicator in the passing game of how you are doing offensively.

Now I'm really confused. Somebody needs to send Lazor the links to all the threads that conclusively dismiss yards per attempt, adjusting all the way.

It was comforting to read that Philbin was at the game. It sounds like he took a few hard knocks: "When I saw it three times, I thought I saw it the first time. I watched it myself last night. I watched it and talked about it with the whole staff. That’s what I see."
Well said...Philbin is starting to become somewhat of a Teflon Don. He sees and knows nothing....a much thinner Sgt. Schultz.

He's starting to sound like Sergeant Schultz, "I know nothink!" Remember that he said the same exact thing about the Richie-Martin mess? Like the OP said, real leaders take responsibility when things go badly and they give credit when things go well. The only thing you need to know about "I don't know" Joe is how he dismantled the leadership team and got rid of all the vocal leaders. That's very problematic, and a sign of a very dysfunctional leader who feels threatened by other leaders. No one is questioning his football knowledge, it's his lack of leadership that's his biggest problem.
philbin said everyone failed. last week belechick said they all sucked. philbin just put it in a nicer way.

I don't understand Armando here. philbin isn't throwing people under bus. but I guess he needs to feed trolls.
Joe Philbin is not a leader of men. He is also becoming a bit of a snake.

However, the issues in the passing game are largely due to the fact that we have a horrible QB.[/QUOT

And so you would like him to stop being a snake by throwing his QB under the bus? He should just come right out and say ryan sucks! You kill me.
Joe is a terrible leader. This team might win despite him because of improved talent via Dennis Hickey, a taskmaster OC, improved position coaches and the simple idea that players are desperate to win.

I have been fair with Joe this season, but he makes me grind my teeth waaaay too much.

This season has barely started. We kicked the crap out of the Pats. So we lose one to a team who's fans are ten times better than ours and louder and everything else you want to add and now Joe is not a leader because he regrouped his troups?

yeah, this is simpleton league right here.

We lost because special teams flat out didn't do their jobs. Including the much loved Jarvis Landry. Ball bounces off helmet. I suppose Joe is at fault for that huh? But lets just cover up all the other crap with Joe sucks. got it. same ol same and dance.
I read that (some of it cause the formatting is awful) and the only thing I can think is that Armando is at it again. He's wants everyone to get their pitch forks out and start demanding everyone gets fired.

People wonder why fans in Miami don't support their teams...look no further than your beat writers and sports radio personalities. I'm betting Miami might be the only major city with more sports personalities on the local sports stations that hate the teams in Miami more than they support them. They've got more New York fans on the radio than Miami fans.

Great great post about the radio personalities and their lack of support of the team. It prob is one of the few major markets like that. For all the repetitive topics of discussion on this forum, that one doesn't come up all that often. Can't stand tuning into every radio station in South fl and hearing garbage analysis or just straight making fun of the team. Not enough real football talk.
This season has barely started. We kicked the crap out of the Pats. So we lose one to a team who's fans are ten times better than ours and louder and everything else you want to add and now Joe is not a leader because he regrouped his troups?

yeah, this is simpleton league right here.

We lost because special teams flat out didn't do their jobs. Including the much loved Jarvis Landry. Ball bounces off helmet. I suppose Joe is at fault for that huh? But lets just cover up all the other crap with Joe sucks. got it. same ol same and dance.

Damn, those dastardly fans are at it again! If only local fans had gone to the (away) game, then Philbin would have been a successful leader of men! How can he be expected to inspire his team when fans make no noise? Everyone knows motivational speeches only work when you scream the words over the roar of a deafening crowd.

Damn you local fans, why you hate this team so much!?!?!!
Is it Sunday yet? I hope Tannehill lights it up to spare us a week of garbage posts, overreactions, and psychological analysis of coaches!

I'm sure that most of us on here would like that to happen, but nothing that we have seen this season, gives us a lot of optimism that is what is going to happen. I am first in line for the I want tannehill to tear it up club. I will be hoping like hell. I believe the post has merit. I do believe that Joe Philbin should be taking credit for the issues of the team. I would expect a leader to do that publicly, then give the individuals he believes is responsible hell, until it gets corrected.
You are no smarter than anybody else, you are a fan like everybody else here. We all want the team to win, we all want to figure out why, if they are not. It is easy to expect things will not be fixed, our last superbowl was in 73
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