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Schlereth article

Unless the Dolphins stand up for one another and pull together as one, this team will never win anything.
I dont disagree with you there JTC, I said from the start that Incog went waaaaaaaaaaaay overboard and for too long into the second season.

Hazing should be banned period. This is a grown mans game. It doesnt do anything but make some rookie feel like a jackhole. But dont tell me that someone who cant speak up for themselves and take this issue to the proper chain of command does not deserve blame either.

It's not an overboard situation, it is cog's bad character.
The man's nickname was "Stink".....he has NO valid point....Who the hell listens to a man called stink?
My problem with this is that every ex player who is working for a network or some media capacity is going to come out and deplore the situation in Miami. while at the same time always claiming it "never happened while I played" narrative.

It's typical. It's bull****. It's what they have to say in our politically correct or be vilified world we live in.

Indeed, on this very board people "moral police" vilify opinions or statements that don't coincide with the popular narrative.

It's not about condoning the acts. It's not about saying that it's acceptable.

But it is being honest and not pretending like it doesn't exist except for 3 players inside the Dolphins locker room.

Bullying, harassment etc is not unique to football or any other work environment.

But it is developed at a very young age, and allowed to develop for whatever reasons that deem those actions unpublishable.

Incognito, Pouncey, Jerry and others likely have been doing this for as long as they can remember.

Only this time they picked on a person with serious mental issues that were not created by, but certainly exacerbated by their harassment.
Michael Irvin's party house, Sapp, The Love Boat gang, and on and on.
The hypocrasy is just :sidelol:
In the sun sentinel article it stated that Nate Garner was also treated this way and texted to Martin that he had endured it for 6 yrs. That means this culture goes back to Parcells/Sparano/Ireland. Where was this alleged leadership council (Long, Dansby, Bush) through all this?
The real issue is Martin. He clearly has emotional issues.
There have been cases over the yrs from multiple teams where young players just leave the team during training camp for "undisclosed" reasons. The majority are not high profile players or starters. I'd venture to guess that hazing, verbal taunting played a role in most cases.
Martin and his family decided to make it a national story.
[/COLOR]Is this not the dude that would **** himself during games and teammates would call him stink?

Wonder why he never broke down crying because of the name calling.
Weren't the Broncos known for crack-back blocks when he played? It isn't like he'd ever take the side against Martin, at least not in public.

what does one have to do with the other?
Schlerth's childhood story has nothing to do with the Martin situation. None. Totally unrelated. Stupid analogy.

---------- Post added at 02:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:18 PM ----------

Yet...Scherth can do an "off the Mark" segment in which he makes fun of players failing on Sunday. He is no better than his bad teacher.
There's other past and present players that have come out and said that the stuff that happened in the Fins lockerroom is pretty extreme. I would think if it was common there would be more former players coming out of the woodwork saying that they were subjected to this type of stuff too.

It boils down to this: regardless of what you think happened with Martin, Incognito is meathead with deplorable character. Past incidents (golf outing, etc) has shown this pattern of behavior to be true. I don't want Incognito to have anything to do with this franchise ever again and Pouncey may yet earn that judgement from me as well. Jerry is already gone and he's not coming back. I'm not expecting the men in an NFL lockerroom to be choir boys but they better be human beings. I don't think that's too much to ask of an NFL athlete.
Everything in its own context...I do not consider this bullying. Things are said between guys that are simply mean spirited...But I do not consider it bullying when you are dealing with grown men making $850,000 a season playing professional football and acting like an immature, womanizer, pot smoking adolescent.

I am not bashing Martin in qualifying him this way - the majority in the NFL are - but to call any of this bullying defies credulity!

Bullying is "the knockout game" - rants between NFL teammates will never be bullying in my book.

Did you actually read any of the report? I can't think of many posters here who wouldn't prefer that Martin handled the situation differently, but saying that Martin wasn't bullied is just assinine. Look at some of the stuff that John Jerry said to him, on top of the obvious Incognito gems.
Schlereth lost credibility when he opened his mouth on this. He played many season with Bill Romanowski, considered by many to be the sleaziest NFL in the modern era, see dealing drugs in the BALCO scandal and ending a teammates career (Marcus Williams) with a punch in practice.
That's a good point. It's funny to me that Schlereth can come out and pontificate about this situation even though Bill Romanowski was about ten times the scumbag that even a putzoid like Richie Incognito can ever hope to be.
I am a Licensed Psychologist

And I do not care what credentials Mr. Wells and his cronies had.

I deal with many Licensed Psychologists and others all the time and believe me IMO they are often the most troubled people I know. You know that saying - I think the Rolling Stones lyrics - All Cops are Criminals - This over shoots the mark with police - but fits nicely with those of us in the mental health profession.

And your little APA reference only solidified my point of view. The American Psychological Association is thought of by most of us who do the work well as a band criminals - no better the the America Medical Association. So if this guy is flying his banner as an APA guy I say look out.

The NFL closed ranks here folks. Schlereth is an insider. There is ZERO accountability in the league. The front office got away with one here - with little
victim boy Jonathan Martin using all the right buzz words to bring the house down and the NFL playing PC.

Its coming though folks - the NFL is gonna have a full-on postal moment (G0d forbid) because they have failed to take accountability in this one.

The person that was consulted on the Well's Report is a Board Certified Clinical Psychologist, an American Psychological Association Fellow, has more than 30 years of experience as a clinician, has spent more than 20 years providing consulting services to organizations and businesses regarding workplace behavior and dysfunction, and has maintained a private clinical psychology practice for more than 30 years.

But you read something on the Mayo Clinic website, so naturally your diagnosis is spot on and Dr. Berman must not know what he's talking about. :rotfl1:
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