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Schlereth article

I am a Licensed Psychologist

And I do not care what credentials Mr. Wells and his cronies had.

I deal with many Licensed Psychologists and others all the time and believe me IMO they are often the most troubled people I know. You know that saying - I think the Rolling Stones lyrics - All Cops are Criminals - This over shoots the mark with police - but fits nicely with those of us in the mental health profession.

And your little APA reference only solidified my point of view. The American Psychological Association is thought of by most of us who do the work well as a band criminals - no better the the America Medical Association. So if this guy is flying his banner as an APA guy I say look out.

The NFL closed ranks here folks. Schlereth is an insider. There is ZERO accountability in the league. The front office got away with one here - with little
victim boy Jonathan Martin using all the right buzz words to bring the house down and the NFL playing PC.

Its coming though folks - the NFL is gonna have a full-on postal moment (G0d forbid) because they have failed to take accountability in this one.

I'm not a psychiatric expert so I'm not going to call anyone's credentials into question, but I will say that you are spot on about the AMA being an absolute joke, and there are a lot of awful medical doctors out there. Half of the folks who post here probably see a lousy physician or have been operated on by a bad surgeon. I've seen doctors do some frighteningly careless or incompetent **** in the operating room, and heard about stuff that's a lot worse.

I would imagine that psychiatry/psychology would be no different. It's my understand that it's easier in psychology to get a conclusion that you like for a clinical evaluation, but I'll defer to Locke or others for an opinion on that.
The NFL has most certainly closed ranks…from Schlereth to Bruschi to Woodson, they have all said, "this would not happen in my locker room". It is boldface lie that one or two guys were not the butt of jokes. The difference here is Martin went off like he did and Incognito was a perfect foil.
"This would have never happened in my locker room." - Said by a guy whose crazy, roid-fueled teammate once punched another teammate on the practice field so ****ing hard that he broke the guy's orbital bone.
"This would have never happened in my locker room." - Said by a guy whose crazy, roid-fueled teammate once punched another teammate on the practice field so ****ing hard that he broke the guy's orbital bone.

Good point.
martin should never of had to go through what he went through, especially in his 2nd year. maybe the guy is mentally weak and self loathing and didnt want to go to philbin...maybe he was in a very bad mental state and cogs-jerry-pouncey made it much worse. either way those 3 dirtbags should be more focused on getting better and returning this team to where it was when shula was the leader opposed to riding martin non-stop. it speaks volumes to what type of individual pouncey is. hes not worth giving big money trade him in a heartbeat.
Many here will not agree with this article because it slams the Dolphins, but I agree with it. Incognito should never have been on the team to begin with, much less a "leader". Schlereth was a player, he knows what a NFL locker room should look like.

This is the key issue for me. Why was Incognito brought to the Dolphins? This is why Ireland needed to be fired. Lets move forward now and not repeat the same mistakes.
"This would have never happened in my locker room." - Said by a guy whose crazy, roid-fueled teammate once punched another teammate on the practice field so ****ing hard that he broke the guy's orbital bone.

Did Stinky Schlereth ever put Bill Romanowski in his place when he was a Denver Bronco? No he didn't. Romanowski makes Incognito seem like a choir boy with the crap he did on and off the field. It's funny how old retired players pound their chest and talk about how things used to be back in the day. :lol:
I'm glad there are SOOOOO many former NFL players that are posting in this thread. All of you seem to know exactly what the dynamics of an NFL lockerroom are so I'm assuming that's what you are. Of course I played high school basketball and I know what my lockerroom was like so an NFL lockerroom must be the same way. Maybe I'm an expert and don't even know it.
I'm glad there are SOOOOO many former NFL players that are posting in this thread. All of you seem to know exactly what the dynamics of an NFL lockerroom are so I'm assuming that's what you are. Of course I played high school basketball and I know what my lockerroom was like so an NFL lockerroom must be the same way. Maybe I'm an expert and don't even know it.

I can't tell you what goes on in the average NFL locker room but I have read stories about the JJ era Cowboys and I know all about Bill Romanowski, so it simply seems bizarre to me that people like Mark Schlereth would get up and turn into social justice warriors about this and act as if such things -- or worse -- never happened in their locker rooms.

I've never been on "Team Incog," I think Richie is human garbage, and I'll be glad when some other team signs him so that he's not brought up in connection with Miami anymore -- but he's not even the worst piece of **** to play in the NFL this decade, much less in my lifetime.
The AMA and practicing physicians have very little to do with each other. The AMA is a throw its political weight around organization. Think about it - when a Physician does something wrong - I mean egregiously wrong - the AMA is a bureaucratic claptrap that often closes ranks supporting corruption - if it fits the AMA's political agenda. Its a lot like the FDA - its often money and politically driven not what's best for any particular person or even our society. Many believe that pharmaceutical companies are in collusion with insurance companies making a terrific amount of $ off of many different kinds of treatments - including cancer, mental health diagnosis and many other ailments.

This is all relevant because the NFL is also a mutli billion $ corporation shoving its agenda down the media's throat - and the NFL has many mouth pieces like schlereth to sell their corrupt point of view.

IF the NFL were honest it would have come out from the get go and owned its long standing accountability in creating a culture of hazing and mean-spirited locker room intensity. By tolerating it from every franchise for the duration of the NFL's existence is tacit approval of the culture of what is now being termed "bullying".

Hartline spoke the truth - the media and the NFL are bullying! Martin is perennial victim - and people like wells and his lackeys are a bunch of money grubbing wannabes!

I'm not a psychiatric expert so I'm not going to call anyone's credentials into question, but I will say that you are spot on about the AMA being an absolute joke, and there are a lot of awful medical doctors out there. Half of the folks who post here probably see a lousy physician or have been operated on by a bad surgeon. I've seen doctors do some frighteningly careless or incompetent **** in the operating room, and heard about stuff that's a lot worse.

I would imagine that psychiatry/psychology would be no different. It's my understand that it's easier in psychology to get a conclusion that you like for a clinical evaluation, but I'll defer to Locke or others for an opinion on that.
The AMA and practicing physicians have very little to do with each other. The AMA is a throw its political weight around organization. Think about it - when a Physician does something wrong - I mean egregiously wrong - the AMA is a bureaucratic claptrap that often closes ranks supporting corruption - if it fits the AMA's political agenda. Its a lot like the FDA - its often money and politically driven not what's best for any particular person or even our society. Many believe that pharmaceutical companies are in collusion with insurance companies making a terrific amount of $ off of many different kinds of treatments - including cancer, mental health diagnosis and many other ailments.

Don't get me started on the FDA. Or Brazil's ANVISA. Or any other such agency. Anywhere you go in the world, they are garbage organizations that make purely political decisions, often to protect domestic manufacturers or simply cover their own asses.

But yes, money talks where the AMA is concerned. Again, I have no knowledge of the APA, but if they're at all analogous to the AMA, I'd wipe my ass with anything they put in print.
Yep = completely analogous - and exactly right - toilet paper!

Liars - morally corrupt - politically expedient - and to my credit as a Licensed Psychologist I have told them to their face!

They poured millions of dollars into a military medical hospital to have them conduct the first ever class of Psychologists that can prescribe - and turned their APA backs on all sorts of sordid, racist, actual bullying behavior because it made APA $$$. But that is just the tip of the iceberg!

Don't get me started on the FDA. Or Brazil's ANVISA. Or any other such agency. Anywhere you go in the world, they are garbage organizations that make purely political decisions, often to protect domestic manufacturers or simply cover their own asses.

But yes, money talks where the AMA is concerned. Again, I have no knowledge of the APA, but if they're at all analogous to the AMA, I'd wipe my ass with anything they put in print.
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