Some Game Observations | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Some Game Observations


Pro Bowler
Jul 31, 2002
Reaction score
Palm Beach
10 Observations right after the game.

1. The Offensive Line got beat most of the game. I'm not sure we give Ruddy enough credit at Center. But the inside of the line was going backward.

2. Jay Fiedler is what he is. He's a gutty guy with some limitations. But, he did a decent job considering the way the O-line was blocking.

3. Can't say I'm surprised that he did not attempt to throw down field much if at all. A combination of no time and the belief in our defense. Whenever we have a turnover, and this time it was a sack/fumble, Norv tightens up the QB drops and goes short.

4. Ricky is still one tough customer. Forget the rest of the game, when we needed to finish them off it was Ricky. When we needed to score after getting stuffed on a QB sneak, Ricky just bulled his way into the endzone. He can be my running back anytime.

5. DT - One catch. McKnight a big, big, big, big, big, big play. Even if we don't get much out of the 2 receiver, I'd start McKnight because he threatens the field.

6. The pass defense was absolutely terrific. Shockey got his, but the corners Madison and Surtain were lights out good. Even T-Buck did a real nice job. We got hurt by the back and TE again, but not to bad.

7. Kicking: Mare finally showed up. Hit some big field goals, was a bit mixed on the kick offs, but the wind in Giant stadium is very tough. Turk did well enough to keep the job, but the long snapping may need further study. TUrk had one partially blocked after a poor snapp.

8. Zach is so good we don't even appreciate how good he is.

9. Turner made some nice calls against a very up the field and aggressive defense using screens, and the big reverse to McKnight. Nice play calling.

10. Last years team might well have folded up during the excrusiatingly long drive by the Giants in the third quarter. But the defense never let up. Still have periods where the pass rush is AWOL, but got to love the will to win on this team.
Nice observations! I thought the defensive plan by Wanny and Bates was excellent!

Our offense seemed flat, but with that said, we did enough to win. I think the Giants are a very good team. There "D" line is tough to run on and the other guys are fast and sure tacklers! I think this was a big win and I believe if we continue to improve we may have something to say later in the season though we must improve in our passing game.

(For my positive out-look)
I think Jay will be sharper next week and we will see our offensive production stedily improve as the season goes on.

Go Dolphins!!!

Originally posted by SWS84
(For my positive out-look)
I think Jay will be sharper next week and we will see our offensive production stedily improve as the season goes on.

Go Dolphins!!!


I suppose that's the issue I didn't really touch. The fact is Jay had two interceptions dropped. That's a little lucky, but that's Jay. You have to expect by now that he will put one or two in the defenders hands each game.

It's a bit odd, but he was really getting it done at the start of last season. We just haven't gotten it back since then.
My view is that this was won by the coaches...

Nice job Norv Turner in particular. RW34 is such a weapon that you can use him the whole game as a bluff (he won the game with so few yards it's a miracle:lol: ).

And 2-0 on the road. This D is real quality. If Ricky's shutdown and you win, you really have to celebrate hard. Go fins!
Originally posted by SWS84
Nice observations! I thought the defensive plan by Wanny and Bates was excellent!

Our offense seemed flat, but with that said, we did enough to win. I think the Giants are a very good team. There "D" line is tough to run on and the other guys are fast and sure tacklers! I think this was a big win and I believe if we continue to improve we may have something to say later in the season though we must improve in our passing game.

(For my positive out-look)
I think Jay will be sharper next week and we will see our offensive production stedily improve as the season goes on.

Go Dolphins!!!


The o-line seemed to lack the same intensity that was there when the Dolphins played the jills ! I think S McKinney needs to be more aggressive but considering the circumstances, "hostile territory" they made enough plays to win ..

My hat is of to the Giants d-line and lb's .... They played a great game and it was real surprising that they pretty much shut down R Williams ...


Originally posted by Marino1983

My hat is of to the Giants d-line and lb's .... They played a great game and it was real surprising that they pretty much shut down R Williams ...



I suppose you have to give them credit, they played well. But, from what I saw, the o-line was just being physically beaten time and again. I'll take the win, but that's not a real great fact especially for Ricky who was getting repeatedly hit in the backfield.
Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by RikWriter

Yes. Unfortunately what he is isn't a starting NFL QB.

yeah rik will take the other 31 QB's in the league over the Qb with the most wins of any other QB.:rolleyes:
Originally posted by PhinKev

I suppose you have to give them credit, they played well. But, from what I saw, the o-line was just being physically beaten time and again. I'll take the win, but that's not a real great fact especially for Ricky who was getting repeatedly hit in the backfield.

well they were stunting alot. They were bringing DB's up alot on blitzes. They had tight coverage on our WR's.

2 things i wonder about Our oline:
1. Does Mckinney have a learning curve with the team Oline leadership?
2. Jamie Nails is slower from his ankle and if he is going to remain good he will need to lose 10 pounds. maybe more.
Originally posted by PhinKev
10 Observations right after the game.

10. Last years team might well have folded up during the excrusiatingly long drive by the Giants in the third quarter. But the defense never let up. Still have periods where the pass rush is AWOL, but got to love the will to win on this team.

The team was rewarded with a crappy FG attempt and no points against them. That's probably the best thing we can take out of this game.
Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by finfan54

yeah rik will take the other 31 QB's in the league over the Qb with the most wins of any other QB.:rolleyes:

No, but I would take at least 15 of them over him. And many of those wins are more owed to our defense and running game than to Jay Fiedler.
I would take more than 15. Two redzone 1st downs inside the five for field goals is inexcusable.
Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by RikWriter

Yes. Unfortunately what he is isn't a starting NFL QB.


Have you ever played organized football? If so, I'm disappointed because you don't seem to have a firm grasp of the kind of offense we run. Even moreso, I'm surprised you haven't even acknowledged the fact that Jay had maybe 2 seconds to get the ball out the whole game. Also, you ever consider the fact that because Ricky was shut down, it makes the play-action that much less effective. Thats not a good thing because this offense thrives on the play-action. Seriously, there is more to it than looking at the stat sheet and seeing that he had 150 yards passing, then coming to the conclusion that he sucks.

I'm not saying Jay played well, he certainly did not. However, I don't think there is a QB in the league that could have played well in his shoes......
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