Some Game Observations | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Some Game Observations

Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by PhinKev

Did he have two? I rememer a slant, what was the other?

The slant short of a 1st down, and then the slant that was a first down. One left, one right.

2 catches, 22 yards
Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by Bazinet37

Have you ever played organized football? If so, I'm disappointed because you don't seem to have a firm grasp of the kind of offense we run. Even moreso, I'm surprised you haven't even acknowledged the fact that Jay had maybe 2 seconds to get the ball out the whole game. Also, you ever consider the fact that because Ricky was shut down, it makes the play-action that much less effective. Thats not a good thing because this offense thrives on the play-action. Seriously, there is more to it than looking at the stat sheet and seeing that he had 150 yards passing, then coming to the conclusion that he sucks.

I'm not saying Jay played well, he certainly did not. However, I don't think there is a QB in the league that could have played well in his shoes......

Then you're wrong. There are many other QBs in the league who could do it. Look at Tim Couch tonight: the Steelers have totally shut down the Browns' running game as of now, and he is still passing all over them.
One of us doesn't understand our offense, but I don't believe it is I.
This is exactly what every team will try to do to us the remainder of the year. Stack 8 guys in the box to take RW out of the game, and force JF to CONSISTENTLY make plays to back them off the LOS.

Right now Fiedler is incapable of threatining defensed deep, so they know that they can stack the LOS, and not worry too much about getting beat for long gainers. It just doesn't happen.

Yes, it is a win. Yes, it is a win on the road. But this team has a lot of work to do, especially on the Oline, and the passing game, to bve a serious post-season threat IMO.

Anyone who just looks at it as a win, and refuses to see the problems on this team, is just plain not looking at the facts.
That will be a huge problem when we go up against the Titans and the Colts and other darn good teams. New England even if we are not careful. He better get that deep ball working against the Jags.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by RikWriter

Then you're wrong. There are many other QBs in the league who could do it. Look at Tim Couch tonight: the Steelers have totally shut down the Browns' running game as of now, and he is still passing all over them.
One of us doesn't understand our offense, but I don't believe it is I.

Wow, you've found the fool-proof arguement: you're wrong. How can I argue against such genius?:rolleyes:

Before you accuse me of not knowing my offenses, just realize I play defense for the UNM Lobos, and it is my JOB as a safety to recognize and understand defenses. I know what I'm talking about.

The Browns offense doesn't live and die by the playaction pass like ours does. Because of that, they can have their runnning game shut down, and still be able to pass because their offense is built to do that. So you are right about one of us not understanding our offenses......
Originally posted by finfan54

well they were stunting alot. They were bringing DB's up alot on blitzes. They had tight coverage on our WR's.

2 things i wonder about Our oline:
1. Does Mckinney have a learning curve with the team Oline leadership?
2. Jamie Nails is slower from his ankle and if he is going to remain good he will need to lose 10 pounds. maybe more.

I'm not sure I'd agree with you there. While they did stunt from time to time, they didn't do a lot more than simply out physical the O-line. When they stunted, or blitzed we were overwhelmed, but they didn't need to do it much of the time.

I was particularly unhappy with the Center/Guard play. I'm not sure if McKinney is to blame, but he was gettting no movement at all. I can't remember Ruddy having two QB sneaks stuffed like that. I'm not real concerned with leadership, but you can't get whipped like that.

I'm going to assume Nails is not healthy. If I don't then I'd have to concede he lost it.
It didn't look like Jay took the deep shots in this game. I looked like they wanted to playt he short game and try to get YAC like Jay stated in the media during the week.

He was sporadic and threw far too many balls high. He needs to settle down a bit and get comfortable throwing the ball. Maybe we should have given him a few screens to Ricky or Konrad early to get him going. I think he also needs to learn to dump the ball to McMichael more. There's plenty of times I see where McMichael could get us a 5-6 yrd. gain, but Jay overlooks him. It could also be the TV coverage and McMichael is really covered by the LBs, but it doesn't look that way to me.

I'm glad we pulled this win out, but I also know that Jay can and will play much better. Hopefully soon and he can do it all the way this season.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by RikWriter

Then you're wrong. There are many other QBs in the league who could do it. Look at Tim Couch tonight: the Steelers have totally shut down the Browns' running game as of now, and he is still passing all over them.
One of us doesn't understand our offense, but I don't believe it is I.

You just don't get it do you? Like always bazinet, Rikwriter is right and everyone is wrong.

I don't see what kind of logic you are trying to apply. It's obvious that every game situation is different and the game against the giants was different. Not only were the giants real agressive up front, but they were playing agressive on the air as well. We had a couple of our receivers drop balls all over the field. Mainly because their defensive backs were playing on their face. The steelers haven't been able to execute what the giants have against the pass so you can give most of the success for the browns passing game for the steelers lack of playing inconsistent pass defense.

Bazinet also defends Fiedler too much, Fiedler forced the ball and he was lucky for the second week straight that he didn't threw a possible of 3-4 interceptions. Our offensive line also needs help but my friend Bazinet here needs more help counting because I don't remember Fiedler Running all over the game after every snap. Yes, if he would have had 2 seconds to throw the ball then he would have to be pulling some michael vicks. We are fine at the moment, we won a game and Jay Fiedler kept the ball moving to put us in a good situation even though he risked putting us in bad situations by forcing the ball to much. Ricky Williams couldn't get it going and it was mainly because the Giants worked all week to stop him for a reason and it didn't win them a game. Ricky couldn't also stretch down the field because there was almost no holes for him to hit. We won the game and that is all that matters and who cares about stats if you can't win a game, boring game overall but we won.
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Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by Bazinet37

Wow, you've found the fool-proof arguement: you're wrong. How can I argue against such genius?:rolleyes:

Before you accuse me of not knowing my offenses, just realize I play defense for the UNM Lobos, and it is my JOB as a safety to recognize and understand defenses. I know what I'm talking about.

The Browns offense doesn't live and die by the playaction pass like ours does. Because of that, they can have their runnning game shut down, and still be able to pass because their offense is built to do that. So you are right about one of us not understanding our offenses......

Well Bazinet you don't sound any different than him lol. Just kidding, you can't be such a genius like Rikwriter. I hear that Rikwriter has every nfl offensive/defensive playbook so I guess its nearly impossible to have an arguement with such a guru.

We don't live and die by the playaction pass but we incorporate it a lot into our offense but that doesn't mean that our passing game will become ineffective. I take it that you haven't been watching the browns game but if you have then you would know what a horrible job that the steelers have been doing stopping the pass. Will you find success if your defender can't cover you? yes you will. Now if they(steelers) were doing a good job then the offense will likely be shut down completely.
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Ok a couple of you Fiedler supporters have it right on the head, and i'm here now to nail those points home (I live for things like this). I won't call out no names (and just because i'm qouting you doesn't mean i'm saying you are) but I hear alot of girls on this board crying. My question is for what?

"If the DB would of caught that ball in the endzone we would of lost". "If Griese comes in we'll win more games." well just like a writer on said, "If my aunt had balls, she'll be my uncle." Who wins games and all week long says "If, if, if, if...." that makes no sense. The fact is we won the game, the fact is, fiedler had one turnover and it was not a int, it was a fumble. The fact is Fiedler do the best he could with limited help.

Here Are a few reasons while Fiedler had a good game. The Giants pass rush was all over Fiedler today! I don't think anyone here will say that our O-line played well. When your a Qb and you have to make throws before the recievers even finish their route running, bad things are going to happen (and we have witnessed this with other teams). Also can Griese scramble on 3rd and long (9) and run for a first down? I DON'T THINK SO. The coaches wouldn't even let that play cross their mind. Not only can Greise not run for first downs, but he can barely scramble to avoid a sack, which is something Fiedler can and has done.

Look around the league how many PURE pocket Qb's are left in the league? Pocket QB's are getting smaller and smaller each year, and ususally find themselves in a back up role. And whalla! that happens to be the case in Miami. We have a Starting QB who can make tough throws, and scramble, and we have a pure pocket Qb as our backup.

In closing, Fiedler bashers call out Fiedler supporters, well they will not acknowledge good decision making and tough throws that Fielder did make during the game. How about the pass across the middle to Thompson that was thrown right on his hands? Or how about sitting in the pocket long enough to hit Mcmicheal wide open on the game clenching drive? O sure a screen pass is probably the easiest play a Qb can throw, but how many Qb's set it up better then Fiedler? (and proof of this is the effectiveness it has had) Griese simply can not move around in the pocket.

"If our O line could of Opened holes for ricky this would of been a blow out, bench everybody." "If our recievers could get open 90% of the time Feidler would be in the pro bowl." "If another reciever other then chambers would step up then maybe they'll stop double teaming him." Blah Blah Blah Blah. Fact is we pulled out another tough one and "IF" we keep on pulling out tough ones, maybe just maybe, we'll be a superbowl type team.
Too many of these threads are turned into needless Fiedler debates with simple, redundant pot shots. In this thread, there were 9 other valid points made in the opening post. But we have to have the obligatory Fiedler pot shot to steer it right into those all to familiar waters. :rolleyes2
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by Bazinet37

Wow, you've found the fool-proof arguement: you're wrong. How can I argue against such genius?:rolleyes:

If you were as smart as you think you are, you wouldn't try.

Before you accuse me of not knowing my offenses, just realize I play defense for the UNM Lobos, and it is my JOB as a safety to recognize and understand defenses. I know what I'm talking about.

Sorry, but that doesn't mean anything. There are buttloads of people who play or have played football who still don't understand offenses. Dave Wannstedt for one.

The Browns offense doesn't live and die by the playaction pass like ours does. Because of that, they can have their runnning game shut down, and still be able to pass because their offense is built to do that. So you are right about one of us not understanding our offenses......

And it's still you. The Browns offense doesn't HAVE to live and die by the play action BECAUSE THEY HAVE A GOOD QUARTERBACK. You live and die by the play action if your QB can only get the ball to the receivers if there are no double-teams.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by juniorseau55

You just don't get it do you? Like always bazinet, Rikwriter is right and everyone is wrong.

Don't even bother arguing with the guy. He is usually wrong but will NEVER have the grace to admit it.
Originally posted by PhinKev
10 Observations right after the game.

1. The Offensive Line got beat most of the game. I'm not sure we give Ruddy enough credit at Center. But the inside of the line was going backward.

2. Jay Fiedler is what he is. He's a gutty guy with some limitations. But, he did a decent job considering the way the O-line was blocking.

3. Can't say I'm surprised that he did not attempt to throw down field much if at all. A combination of no time and the belief in our defense. Whenever we have a turnover, and this time it was a sack/fumble, Norv tightens up the QB drops and goes short.

4. Ricky is still one tough customer. Forget the rest of the game, when we needed to finish them off it was Ricky. When we needed to score after getting stuffed on a QB sneak, Ricky just bulled his way into the endzone. He can be my running back anytime.

5. DT - One catch. McKnight a big, big, big, big, big, big play. Even if we don't get much out of the 2 receiver, I'd start McKnight because he threatens the field.

6. The pass defense was absolutely terrific. Shockey got his, but the corners Madison and Surtain were lights out good. Even T-Buck did a real nice job. We got hurt by the back and TE again, but not to bad.

7. Kicking: Mare finally showed up. Hit some big field goals, was a bit mixed on the kick offs, but the wind in Giant stadium is very tough. Turk did well enough to keep the job, but the long snapping may need further study. TUrk had one partially blocked after a poor snapp.

8. Zach is so good we don't even appreciate how good he is.

9. Turner made some nice calls against a very up the field and aggressive defense using screens, and the big reverse to McKnight. Nice play calling.

10. Last years team might well have folded up during the excrusiatingly long drive by the Giants in the third quarter. But the defense never let up. Still have periods where the pass rush is AWOL, but got to love the will to win on this team.


What your post ignores is the fact of how many players were committed to the rush.

In the preseason nobody bashed our line as much as me.

For what they were facing (amount of men) on the rush, I think the line and Ricky did a good job in both run and pass.

Ricky did not release from the backfield the entire game on a pass. The rush dictated that he remain in the pocket to block.

I put the blame on the ineffective offense on the QB and the receivers.
Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Re: Some Game Observations

Originally posted by zachseau13

Don't even bother arguing with the guy. He is usually wrong but will NEVER have the grace to admit it.

Oh look, it's the Trash-Talk Twins, joined at the lip. :rolleyes:
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