Starting in 2006: MNF to ESPN; SNF on NBC | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Starting in 2006: MNF to ESPN; SNF on NBC


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May 20, 2002
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According to WFAN.

SNF will be a flex schedule.
No way! Really? Wow! I thought in the end Disney would still pay to keep MNF on ABC and SNF on ESPN. This is shocking!
Still waiting on an article though.. But this is what was said on WFAN. I wonder if Al and Madden will go to ESPN?
No! ABC should always have MNF... I think SNF should move to NBC because I for one hate ESPN they are lazy and take credit for info that came from other sources
nick19991 said:
No! ABC should always have MNF... I think SNF should move to NBC because I for one hate ESPN they are lazy and take credit for info that came from other sources

The thing is, ABC and ESPN are basically sister stations.. They are both owned by Disney.
Doubt it. the NFL contract with FOX, CBS, and ABC (who owns ESPN for those living in denial) is a big money deal and these networks are not going to just let any part of the NFL leak away. even tho NBC is trying to get back in the market, it looks like they dont want to poney up NFL money so they get to host the ARENA league (which isnt a bad sub. to the NFL during the off season).
Timmy54 said:
Doubt it. the NFL contract with FOX, CBS, and ABC (who owns ESPN for those living in denial) is a big money deal and these networks are not going to just let any part of the NFL leak away. even tho NBC is trying to get back in the market, it looks like they dont want to poney up NFL money so they get to host the ARENA league (which isnt a bad sub. to the NFL during the off season).

This was stated on WFAN as already a reality.. Not just speculation. This has apparently been worked out. So if they are correct, SNF will be on NBC, and MNF will be on ESPN.
SkapePhin said:
Still waiting on an article though.. But this is what was said on WFAN. I wonder if Al and Madden will go to ESPN?

what will happen to theisman then ? :D
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