Tailgate party | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Tailgate party

Would you like to meet up with other members to attend a DOLPHINS game together?

  • Yes

    Votes: 30 96.8%
  • No

    Votes: 1 3.2%

  • Total voters


FinHeaven Cheerleader
Oct 3, 2001
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
I am curious, how many people on this site would be interested in getting together in Orlando or Miami and going down to a DOLPHINS game together? A Dolphins tailgate party, FINHEAVEN style!! :cool:

And I don't mean it has to be this season. I understand most of you are from out of state, BUT would you consider it?
I'm in VA so I'm too far away...
Originally posted by Flyin11
I'm in VA so I'm too far away

AWE!! Don't be sad Flyin 11. I realize you are out of state, but would you consider it for some game in the future?
Oh yeah...Defiently...The only game I ever went to was the preseason game this year between the Browns and Skins..Was a pretty good game but missed the Fins!
I have actually pondered this idea... lol. It wouldn't be any problem for me... I live about 30 min from PPS.

It would be pretty cool, to have a ton of fans from this site to go to the game... even better if we could all site in the same section!

I'm in VA so I'm too far away...

i live in california, i've been down there once, looking forward to doing it again! just let me know when! it would be pretty hard this year, since i just started a new job. but definately looking forward to happy hour at PPS!:D

you know the no vote must have come from a non-dolfan!:mad:
I'm just
about flying...After what's happened on the 11th..I feel safer on the ground :(
Originally posted by Flyin11
I'm just
about flying...After what's happened on the 11th..I feel safer on the ground :(

Can ya drive down with some fellow Fin fans? :)

i'm sure i could, my son, dolfan04, lives in arkansas. i would probably go through there and pick him up! i think there is one other guy here that would take the time to drive down!:)
I wish...Pretty tight on money and my only friends I have are my family
...I'm a pretty quiet..Keep to yourself type of person....A little depressed about my health condition but that's a long story..The only other person in my family of 12 or more relatives that likes the Dolphins..Is my cousin..He's the smart one ;) The rest are all for the Cowboys. You know I was jumpin up and down for joy when we beat them that one Thanksgiving Day! :D I was so happy! :D
Originally posted by dolfan06
i'm sure i could, my son, dolfan04, lives in arkansas. i would probably go through there and pick him up! i think there is one other guy here that would take the time to drive down!:)

Let me know if you can swing by.....If you were referring to picking me up
leon lett made people happy and he almost killed me. the superbwl with the cowbys/bills, i was in a $1000 pool. i had 9-7 cowboys, if that idiot had of scored and the cowboys got the extra point it would have been 59-17, i would have wom a $1000 bucks! TURKEY!
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