The 6 most depressing things about the current Miami Dolphins | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The 6 most depressing things about the current Miami Dolphins


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Jan 2, 2006
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After reading a thread where a user said this regime was "making strides" I decided to write this list. Please, homers, if you can, try to defend this regime after these cold, depressing facts:

1. We have progressively gotten worse each of the 3 years under this regime

2. We have missed more draft picks and free agents than we've hit

3. We are currently sitting at the bottom of the NFL in almost all offensive categories

4. We are a worse team than our 6-6 record, with losses to the top 2 teams in our division along with other major AFC contenders that has essentially eliminated us from playoff contention

5. We have a regime that has misplaced their faith on a mediocre at best QB in Henne, and our search for our next franchise QB still miserably continues

6. The only bright spot is Wake, Nolan, and a defense that cannot catch an interception to save their lives

The reality of the situation isn't always pretty but it's the truth and we need to face it. Feel free to add to the list anything I've missed. So, how are we making strides again?
The positive about this team is that it's capable of beating anyone in the league. You might say that about any team, but I mean they are capable of doing it and not surprising anyone when they do it. They can do it and look as if they SHOULD have done it.

90% of the talent is there. 90% of the coaching is there. ... But that other 10% isn't simply missing, it's WORKING AGAINST US. ... That's our problem.
The positive about this team is that it's capable of beating anyone in the league. You might say that about any team, but I mean they are capable of doing it and not surprising anyone when they do it. They can do it and look as if they SHOULD have done it.

90% of the talent is there. 90% of the coaching is there. ... But that other 10% isn't simply missing, it's WORKING AGAINST US. ... That's our problem.

After the horrible half time adjustments we make, not to mention the offensive playcalling, how do you figure that 90% of the coaching is there? And what exactly is the "10%" that is missing? If what you were saying was true and only 10% is working against us, we would have a much better record.

I'm also not so sure about this statement: "but I mean they are capable of doing it and not surprising anyone when they do it. They can do it and look as if they SHOULD have done it."

I don't remember the last time the Dolphins under this regime have won a big game convincingly enough to make it seem as if they SHOULD have done it.
I've been sayin this coaching staff sucks for a while, it only started becoming cool on this board to say that recently. This team and this staff encapsulates mediocrity. They'll win a couple of decent games and make you feel like they have a shot to do something, then they'll find a way to lose the game they NEED to win every ****ing time.
This loss to Cleveland really reminds of the loss to Houston last year. End of the season on the cusp of the playoff race with a shot to at least make some noise and have a chance to get into the tournament, and they just completely lay a stinker. That's a huge indictment on the coaching staff to me. I've been called an ******* for bashing this coaching staff for the last 18 months. Funny how things work.

BTW I firmly believe that Chad Henne is a guy with a ton of talent who has had his confidence and his mindset completely destroyed by God awful coaching, gameplanning and directing. He isn't Chad Pennington, ****ing let the kid play like he can and he'll learn from mistakes. You don't take a young QB off the field when he's doing well for the wildcat, and you don't mentally **** him by benching him. That's how you RUIN a young qb, and that's exactly what they did.
And if they don't sign Cam Wake I'm no longer a dolphins fan. That will be the nail in the coffin.
And they should have all been fired the day after they drafted Pat White. Ownership should've reckognized the mentally handicapped level of that decision immediately and reacted accordingly. This isn't hindsight either, I hated that ****ing pick.
7. Miami will finish just good enough to miss out on Luck, Mallet, and Locker

Mallet and Locker will possibly be there when we pick in the mid first round as they might slip, but you're right about Luck. At first I was mad at you because you are a bills fan, but then I felt OK, because you are a bills fan.
:lol: Figures that this thread gets one star. The truth hurts and nobody likes to acknowledge it.
Mallet and Locker will possibly be there when we pick in the mid first round as they might slip, but you're right about Luck. At first I was mad at you because you are a bills fan, but then I felt OK, because you are a bills fan.

Mallet will go early too, imo
Mallet sucks anyway, the unfortunate reality is that QBs don't grow on trees (as we fin fans well know) and there just isn't a realistically better option available in the draft or in free agency, unless we can get luck which we can't. The best way to go about it is to give Henne some help in the form of a decent running game and a decent play caller and see what happens. Actually give the kid some confidence. Novel concept.
missed bright spot - We have an awesome kicker! :)

Unfortunately he is also our top scorer.
After the horrible half time adjustments we make, not to mention the offensive playcalling, how do you figure that 90% of the coaching is there? And what exactly is the "10%" that is missing? If what you were saying was true and only 10% is working against us, we would have a much better record.

That doesn't mean that you would only lose 10% of the games. Even the very best teams, USUALLY, will only win 12-13 games a year. I say that 10% is missing because it's so easy to see if they would just do a few things differently that they would not only be in more games, but they would be in control of more games.

I don't remember the last time the Dolphins under this regime have won a big game convincingly enough to make it seem as if they SHOULD have done it.

How about Minnesota (before they turned out to be crap)? ... At that point, Minnesota (and everyone else) was thinking of them as being the same team from last year. I didn't much like our conservative approach, but we were in that game from beginning to end without any sense that we shouldn't have been.

How about Green Bay? ... Same thing as Minnesota. Again, GB has not turned out to be as dominant as many thought they would, but that was still their M.O. when we played them.

Or how about Pittsburgh? ... Granted, that was a loss .. but only technically. Would you have been surprised if we had actually won that game? I wouldn't have.
And they should have all been fired the day after they drafted Pat White. Ownership should've reckognized the mentally handicapped level of that decision immediately and reacted accordingly. This isn't hindsight either, I hated that ****ing pick.

I wasnt too familiar with White when we took him.. All I kept saying to myself was "WHY DID WE JUST TAKE A QB WITH OUR SECOND ROUND PICK!"
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