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The Four Players Miami likes at #20.

I'm happy that I predicted 3 out of 4 and one of those 3 was Dockett so I get an extra bonus point, huh??? :)

I trust Keith, but I have grave doubts that ANYONE knows what Miami are thinking. Rick Spielman is WAY too much of a pro to let any of that info out of the bag. I suspect Keith may have gotten it form DCH and that opens up a whole can of worms. I have my doubts over Rashaun Woods - I think Evans is much, much more likely.

But like I said, I have known Keith a long time and much as you can trust someone u have never met and only converse with by e-mail or online, I still think it's a tough shout to think that Rick will be telling ANYONE. Not even his wife.
I guess anything is posible. I'd rather we take Starks or Wilfork if they're there. I do like Evans a lot and of course Smiley.

Ozzy rules!!
I think those are the four players that HE likes.
I like the Andrews pick, but why take a rookie and start him at one position at the beginning of the season and move him half way thru...doesn't make sense to me at all...It might make more sense to move Big Mac to LT, if Smith is faultering any, but moving a rook just when the "first year wall" hits him ( you all know what I mean, the point in the season where the wall hits a rook cause in college it would be near or at the end of their season)...

I'm sure that RS knows a he!! a lot more than I do, but I would really question Dockett also.....Starks, Wilfork sure, but for all of the qualities Dockett has, he also has a lot of baggage...
I don't think that KB ever said it was "inside" info. He just said that he was told that but he didn't say it was from the inside as far as I can remember.

Ozzy rules!!
for those of you who don't know who keith is ... he is the owner of the phinzone nfl draft site .. and is a big dolphins fan ... while i have never spoken to him in person and/or have exchanged e-mails.. i have come to respect his perspective on draft prospects and dolphins info .. he puts alot of time and effort into the info he does release on his draft site ... i trust his judgement and insite.. and wouldn't doubt what he has stated in this thread ... just because us fans might think differently than what KB has to say doesn't make him wrong ... but the fact remains he does own the website and probably has more knowledge than any of us ...
Originally posted by DOLFAN91
but the fact remains he does own the website and probably has more knowledge than any of us ...

DOLFAN91 thank you for at least giving us some info about the person making the claims. It is definately possible that this guy does have some insight into the dolphins that the average dolfan, living in philadelphia like me, may not have. I like his four predictions and they do seem like believeable picks.
Originally posted by MarinoIsGod
DOLFAN91 thank you for at least giving us some info about the person making the claims. It is definately possible that this guy does have some insight into the dolphins that the average dolfan, living in philadelphia like me, may not have. I like his four predictions and they do seem like believeable picks.

You too can have more knowledge!
Originally posted by DOLFAN91
he is the owner of the phinzone nfl draft site ..


Finheaven is better. KFFL is better.
Originally posted by DOLFAN91
for those of you who don't know who keith is ... he is the owner of the phinzone nfl draft site .. and is a big dolphins fan ... while i have never spoken to him in person and/or have exchanged e-mails.. i have come to respect his perspective on draft prospects and dolphins info .. he puts alot of time and effort into the info he does release on his draft site ... i trust his judgement and insite.. and wouldn't doubt what he has stated in this thread ... just because us fans might think differently than what KB has to say doesn't make him wrong ... but the fact remains he does own the website and probably has more knowledge than any of us ...

I don't think it's about KB being wrong. But no one, and I repeat, no one has an inside source on the Dolphins.

As a matter of fact I herd Hank Goldberg the other day, and he said the Dolphins might just trade down and take Vernon Carey, who they are really high on

BTW the owner of Phinzone is Mike, not KB! He writes a page for them.
thanks ozzy .. but KB does put alot of time into his work for the sight .. and i do believe that his predictions could be right ... just my opinion ..
I do not own the phinzone website. I just do the draft section for them.

As for the source, it is just as any source. The Dolphins organization isn't going to let anything out. My source is an orthopod who did a fellowship with the Miami Dolphins and remains in contact with their team physicians. The team docs check out the players the Dolphins bring in for a visit. So, this information comes from the medical side of the evaluation process.
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