the hooded one miss out on draft class | Page 4 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

the hooded one miss out on draft class

they were still damn good with an untested qb, if people want to believe its all brady fine but bb has shown he can get more out of his players than others unlike our idiot coach

I agree, when Miami won the AFC east, they were just as good.
Terry Bradshaw is really overrated. Yeah he did great in the super bowl but he did almost nothing to get them there. Just look at his numbers, in today's nfl he wouldn't have been around for those super bowls.

---------- Post added at 10:03 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:03 PM ----------

no wide receivers??? you mean draft pick wide receivers??? or just their receivers in general??? welker branch chad ocho is just about as good as any other 1-3 in the league(this is not even factoring in gronk/hernandez)

I would take our WR's over theirs
BB may miss on draft picks, but every single coach/team does. Some more than others, and Miami are as guilty as that as the next team. There are some teams that just seem to strike gold with the draft more often than not. But all they need is for 2 or 3 players each draft to stick & contribute and they are set for years. That has a lot to do with players already in place, but more so with coaching.

Stability with ownership, management, coaching & playing strength all is as important as each other.

One thing I do see with BB more than most other coaches, he has the ability to get the best out of average players and turn them into very solid contributors. Players with checkered pasts seem to thrive in NE, and generally there ability was never in question, just there commitment. BB is the best in the business when it comes to working with cast offs. He will do the same this year with big Albert & Chad Occo.
[/B]You were making good points up until here. Sparano has been poor to this point but swap Henne for Brady and even Sparano looks good. Apparently you haven't seen Henne play the last two years. As much as I hate Bellicheck, only a moron doesn't see a great coach there. However, if you think Brady doesn't give you at least +3 or 4 wins every year, you know nothing about football. He's a top 5-10 QB in the history of the NFL.

Yes I agree, I got carried away with the Brady/Henne bit. BB isn't a media darling, so he's hard to warm up to. So much of the NFL is a popularity contest. BB went 11-5 with a QB who was a backup at USC, not a starter. Granted he didn't make the playoffs with Cassel, but when has a 11-5 team not made the playoffs?
One more thing BB went 14-2 in 2010, now he has a better pass rush, (last years big problem) He has a good chance of running the table again in the regular season.
Take the Patriots and the points.
You guys are funny, it sucks so much winning the AFC East every season. BB has 5 rings in his resume, I don't think anyone should question what he does.

Here comes the spygate drivel...yawn

yeah, he is not a great drafter the point. read the articles from your own team. They point it out. Great HC, dont think anyone argues and if they do, its just sour grapes. But like i said before, tom brady is the golden boy who made BB great just like montana made walsh great and so on and so on....
no wide receivers??? you mean draft pick wide receivers??? or just their receivers in general??? welker branch chad ocho is just about as good as any other 1-3 in the league(this is not even factoring in gronk/hernandez)

I'll take marshall, gates, hartline and bess over that bunch any day. I give welker all the props but its the system and the QB who make those guys, not the other way around. Welker however is a couple hits to the head away from starting to decline. dude cant do it forever like that, particularly when youger bucks coming in to lay the whammy. Welker rang his bell the other night making a tackle on INT. Imagine that Tom Brady threw a pick on a basic pass play to ochostinko who ran the wrong route. heard somethin about that guy catching on...ur sumthin.

Not many Patriot fans really understand what spygate really was. So I don't expect Maimi fans to get it either.
It wasn't BB secretly video taping other teams. It was no asecret! All teams try to steal signals and use video. It was where BB had the camera in the stadium.
Teams are allowed to tape the opposing team during the game, and the NFL has restrictions on where to put the camera in the stadium. The complaint was where BB had the camera while taping, and his disregard for the Commisioner's sending letters to him, telling him to move it. The thing about it was. Mangini knew all of this as a head coach of the Jets. BB was just busting chops when he sent a camera guy over to the Jets sideline during the game. It was just to break balls etc... So Mangini lost his cool and the rest is Spygate. All the tapes in BB's library were sent to the Commish and destroyed. They paid a fine and lost a first rounder.
What's the big deal?
Not many Patriot fans really understand what spygate really was. So I don't expect Maimi fans to get it either.
It wasn't BB secretly video taping other teams. It was no asecret! All teams try to steal signals and use video. It was where BB had the camera in the stadium.
Teams are allowed to tape the opposing team during the game, and the NFL has restrictions on where to put the camera in the stadium. The complaint was where BB had the camera while taping, and his disregard for the Commisioner's sending letters to him, telling him to move it. The thing about it was. Mangini knew all of this as a head coach of the Jets. BB was just busting chops when he sent a camera guy over to the Jets sideline during the game. It was just to break balls etc... So Mangini lost his cool and the rest is Spygate. All the tapes in BB's library were sent to the Commish and destroyed. They paid a fine and lost a first rounder.
What's the big deal?

Right. Belichek cheated just to break Mangini's balls. You can come up with better than that, I have faith in you...
Not many Patriot fans really understand what spygate really was. So I don't expect Maimi fans to get it either.
It wasn't BB secretly video taping other teams. It was no asecret! All teams try to steal signals and use video. It was where BB had the camera in the stadium.
Teams are allowed to tape the opposing team during the game, and the NFL has restrictions on where to put the camera in the stadium. The complaint was where BB had the camera while taping, and his disregard for the Commisioner's sending letters to him, telling him to move it. The thing about it was. Mangini knew all of this as a head coach of the Jets. BB was just busting chops when he sent a camera guy over to the Jets sideline during the game. It was just to break balls etc... So Mangini lost his cool and the rest is Spygate. All the tapes in BB's library were sent to the Commish and destroyed. They paid a fine and lost a first rounder.
What's the big deal?

I guess Pat fans have a hard time remembering about the taping of the Rams walk though a day or two before the Superbowl.
I guess Pat fans have a hard time remembering about the taping of the Rams walk though a day or two before the Superbowl.
There was no evidence that ever happened. If there was film of it would have made it to UTube etc... The spygate thing was more about myths and rumors. And the anti BB movement.
It was kinda cool that it gave the Patriots more fans. Since they were a team that wore the "White Hats" And with the rumors of cheating they were now wearing the "Black Hats"
There was no evidence that ever happened. If there was film of it would have made it to UTube etc... The spygate thing was more about myths and rumors. And the anti BB movement.

What? :confused:
There was no evidence that ever happened. If there was film of it would have made it to UTube etc... The spygate thing was more about myths and rumors. And the anti BB movement.
It was kinda cool that it gave the Patriots more fans. Since they were a team that wore the "White Hats" And with the rumors of cheating they were now wearing the "Black Hats"

Well, technically, there IS no evidence....anymore.

Billicheats good buddy, Rog Goodel burned them.....
not quite

Well, technically, there IS no evidence....anymore.

Billicheats good buddy, Rog Goodel burned them.....

BB and Goodell were at odds through the whole thing. BB was blowing his warnings off, about the taping.
Teams have been doing that for as long as the technology was available. BB was holding firm to that.
Goodell on the other hand was, a fairly new Commish and was looking for a situation where he could flex
his muscles. It was bad timing for the Patriots and BB.
Since that we've all seen how Goodell has cracked down on things related to how the game is played.

Any-hoo as far as relationships go. Robert Kraft and Bob Goodell are pretty tight since then. With Goodell seeking Kraft as a Consigliere at times. Robert Kraft, if he chose to be. Would be the next NFL Comissioner.
Every team misses on draft picks but in BB's case it is amplified because of the pedastal he has been put on. To those thinking BB has ridden Tom Brady's back to a sucessful career you should realize that the lack of a Super Bowl in 7 years is due to a miracle catch and a much weaker defense.
On Point

Every team misses on draft picks but in BB's case it is amplified because of the pedastal he has been put on. To those thinking BB has ridden Tom Brady's back to a sucessful career you should realize that the lack of a Super Bowl in 7 years is due to a miracle catch and a much weaker defense.

Also I'd like to add that the Patriots don't hide from their mistakes. Other teams will hang onto a failed 1, 2, or 3
round pick. for the extra year or so. (It looks better on paper)
Sucsessful teams will cut bait asap, and move on. And another thing as a Pats fan in defense of BB.
There's been talk about BB being average at drafting etc... There's more to it than picking. it's getting picks to.
I believe BB went into this years draft with 2-1's 2-2's and 2-3's. How does a team that always seems to finish
in the top 6 teams get these picks?
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