The truth about J.Taylor. | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The truth about J.Taylor.


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Aug 16, 2005
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This is a repost from another thread. However the post was buried under a bunch of non-sense about what words you can make out of the letters in the word "team". I just feel like this needs to be said. So here goes................

I wish he would just move on already. I dont even care if we trade him and get value back out of him or not. I dont want to hear about all this bs anymore.

The hell with JT. He folded up alot in big games and never won us anything really. Did we ever even get to a conference title game with him???

Turn the page already. He's more than ready to just go Hollywood. The only thing that is keeping him in any football uni is the 7.5 mill he is due to make this year. I dont see him getting a check like that anytime soon making really bad movies. It took that one clown that was the rock in wrestling a while to start making big time bucks in movies, all of his movies suck, he is still a bad actor, and wrestling dosent pay 7.5 mill a year either.

So thats the only reason JT is even stopping to "check" in with BP. He is worried about his "check".

JT laid down last season. I got so sick of the excuses with his toe. He whined all year about the scheme too. Now he wants to ask for a trade in secret to avoid some kind of fan uproar. Really he is just worried about having more people still like him so they will pay to watch his future really bad movies.

Theres nothing wrong with a player wanting to be traded in certain situations. The fact that he feared a fan backlash just shows he knows his effort was lacking and the fans would have something to legitimately be upset about.

Reality is he probably has 3-4 seasons left in him if he wanted them. Thats right about the schedule BP has us on for winning a title. JT just dosent want to put in the work to get there with everyone else. He wants to go somewhere and gravy train his way to a title while riding coat tails, and then spin it off straight into his hollywood career in 2 years. Take his 16 million he has left on his contract over the next two years, and peak out just in time to run off to Hollywood, dump Zach's sister and hob nob it in all that scene.

Piss on JT really. Go hollywood already dude. Im tired of hearing his name. Football is not #1 in his life. If you read a Parcells biography, you will know that the thing he likes most is a guy who makes football #1 in his life except for his family. He loves guys that eat, sleep, and breathe football and couldnt care less about other things. JT isnt one of those guys.

That one's for you X-pacolypse.:up:
I figured a flame was coming on that one but, its good to see that despite how well the guy has played for us in seasons past, some people can handle the truth about the matter.

The biggest thing in my whole post to me is the fact that its reality that JT has 3-4 seasons left in him IF HE WANTED THEM. Its also a fact that although this team is rebuilding, its a legitimate 3-4 year process towards reaching the goal of a world title.

Parcells' contract is 4 years. There is nothing stopping JT from getting on board for those same four years and putting in the HARD WORK and doing what it takes to get that ring he supposedly covets and do it with the team that he made his name with.

Instead he wants to cut that short and go to a team where he can gravy train it. Play his last two years, make his 16 mill he has left on the contract and hopefully get a boost in his hollywood career by either winning a title, play in a big market, or both. Whats sad is its not so much about the ring, but a way to bolster his name even more to propel his future career in hollywood that he seems to be more dedicated towards making it big in.

If it were all about the ring, there is nothing stopping him from signing up for the Parcells 4 year plan, working his *** off here, and being a leader in the quest to win that ring right here. Be in the involentary camps and get on board. But that isnt what he wants. ITS BS. So long JT.
garbage post, thanks for singling it out for us
Now that I think about it.....On second thought trade him. Give him to some garbage team that has no shot of winning and is not a big market say....Buffalo:lol:. Trade him for something that even a team that dosent really need him at this point couldnt turn down. A 7th round pick or an old sock or something would do it. Heck, in Buffalo Vernon Carey and Jake Long could plant a foot in his *** for a whole game, two times a year, like D.Ferguson does.
Werent you the guy that was all about Matt Ryan say 5 days ago? Now you have a Chad Henne affection developing too? Do you just not like Beck?
Yeah trade him for whatever you can get. I say taylor for losman that would be a blockbuster trade.........NOTT:sidelol::lol:
You sir are one of the reasons I wont get VIP. If you spew this type of trash on the regular board then I bet its the same in the VIP. What a shame.
I have no problem with Taylor missing voluntary workouts but given the state of the team hope we trade him to a team that has a chance to win now. He would definately make Tampa Bay a better team.
Now that I think about it.....On second thought trade him. Give him to some garbage team that has no shot of winning and is not a big market say....Buffalo:lol:. Trade him for something that even a team that dosent really need him at this point couldnt turn down.

Jason Taylor has been a great player for us for years. He should remain a Dolphin if we can't work out a trade with a team like Tampa Bay or Philadelphia where he has a shot to win a title before he retires.
Jason Taylor has been a great player for us for years. He should remain a Dolphin if we can't work out a trade with a team like Tampa Bay or Philadelphia where he has a shot to win a title before he retires.

If we were talking about Dan Marino I could understand statements like these. But, since we arent........................

WHY is it more important to some of you that JT have a shot at a title than the MIAMI DOLPHINS have a shot at a title?

WHY dosent he have a shot at a title here? Obviously, it isnt very likely at all we sniff a title shot this season, but to think in 3-4 years we wont be contenders would be just wrong IMHO. Parcells has shown that in just 2 seasons he can take really bad teams and make them playoff teams. He has shown that he can take those teams and make them title contenders shortly afterwards.

But, JT wants to go somewhere and take his last two seasons on his contract, his 16 million, and try and gravy train a title for no more of a purpose than to catapult his hollywood career. And for some reason you guys are all about him for it. I dont get it. Theres no reason he cant play 4 more seasons and try and be the foundation of a title winning defense here in Miami. IF he wanted to put in the work.

Even Zach rubbed me the wrong way last season by not even taking the flight to NY for that Jets game for some reason. Then it seemed like he almost volunteerily disappeared from the team after that. I dont think headaches prevent you from taking a flight with your team and being there on the sidelines. I could be wrong. But, this was like the first game he missed last year. He was a total no show. He wasnt laid up in the hospital.

The reality as harsh as it is, is this. You guys...wait...let me include myself in this.....dolphans have sunk their hopes into "fake" leaders over the past decade or so. Guys like JT, Zach, Saban, and Scam Cameron just to name a few. They were either fake in their ability to coach or play, or fake in their sincerity and dedication to making this team the best they could possibly make it. And what has this lead to........................

NOTHING. This once proud franchise, the franchise I LOVE has been on a slipperysoap....I mean slippery slope and become the complete laughingstock of the league, finally hitting rock bottom last season. Well guess what......Its time to turn the page. Its time we put these players who havent brought us anything, and who want to flee the scene, in our rear view mirrors and move forward.

We now have a guy running the show with a proven track record of turning things around and getting this ship going in the right direction. I just assume forget about all of these past players who have done nothing but, be a part of a steady decline.

Why some of you seem willing to put players such as JT, Zach, Ronnie, and for gods sake I dont know why....John Beck, ahead of the team, I just cant figure. These players have done nothing but be a part of the worst era of this franchise. Like I said, Marino is the only player I could understand a dolphan being so concerned he have an opportunity to immediately win a championship by being moved to another team right away. At least in Marino's era we were pretty much contenders EVERY YEAR. Any year we made the playoffs, each and every team knew we had a "punchers chance" on any given day of beating them, even if they had way more talent. Therefore we were basically title contenders every season. Dan at least gave us an identity. Someone we could be proud when people spoke of the phins. I find it hard to take pride in the fact our current star player is more known for wearing tights and ballroom dancing on a really bad fad that is primetime network TV right now. The team is laughed at. Its sad really.

And like I said JTs only interest in winning right away is so he can catapult his hollywood career. Its not so much about the title. He would be happy just going to a big market. Make his 16 mil the next two years and hit rodeo dr. And you guys are all for it.

I say forget JT. Forget losing. Forget guys that dont want to be here. Im more than ready to move forward and find an identity for this team that makes each and everyone of us proud when people discuss the phins. Parcells is the first step in that.

The sooner this dance contest is over and JT can just go ride someone's coat tails to get whatever it is he wants the better. JT dosent give a **** about you or how much you have supported him or the team over this miserable stretch. I dont know why you care so much about his best interests. His true interests really arent football anyways. Football is nothing more than a tool for him to get what he really wants.....fame and fortune in hollywood.
Is it his fault he is preparing for life after football? Say he wants to play out the last two years or his contract, for which could be the last two years he wants to play football, out on a team that has a chance at winning a title? We aren't going to be contenders in the next two years, are we? He is a competitor and wants to win and not be on a team that is rebuilding, makes sense to me especially if he plans to retire when his contract is up. It is his choice on what he wants to do. You can't play football forever and must continue to make a stream of income outside of it. He may believe Hollywood is that route. Whether it is or not, you have no right to criticize a man who has been the backbone of this team, along with ZT since Marino retired, for looking out for his and his families future income. He has missed not a single mandatory workout. It is the offseason and he can spend it as he pleases.
Ay yay yay. Some people can't take a joke here.
Let me emphasize, as to not confuse anyone by my last post, that I think Ronnie Brown is an excellent football player who, should he stay healthy will be an intrigral part of the future success of this organization.
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