The truth about J.Taylor. | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

The truth about J.Taylor.

What a croc. JT has been nothing but a self-glofifieing, finger pointing, crybaby, stat whore. JT has played great football for us but he is and never will be a leader. If you love his stats and self glorifieing heart punches and finger pointing just say so. You don't have to try and fool people that aren't player fans, but Dolphin fans because it won't happen. Some people need to decide if they are a player fan or Dolphin fan before starting stupid JT defense threads when that punk said he would trade our team for our most hated rivals QB and then tell us to show respect.:rolleyes2:

THANK YOU!!!!. Great post. And that stat whore line......:sidelol:
Dude... WV. Honestly, I totally agree 110% with every single word you spoke in this post. I'll admit some of your posts aren't all rational but this one you HIT THE NAIL ON THE ****ING HEAD with this JT one! Perfect! You left one thing out man.... remember after Saban ditched our ***'s for Alabamy? Well, JT backed his *** up totally. Basically supporting Saban going for the money! It just proves what you said about JT being true. He uses football to get fame and attention and is just a guy about "opportunities", what a ****ing disgrace to the Phins. He isn't about the ring, or winning, he just wants money, money, money and girls. **** JT! I'm with ya on that! We'll see how good his acting is on one of those gay *** VH1 reality shows with Da Brat and Vanilla Ice, whats it called? ****ing JT! What does appearing on DWTS get you anyways? Its not like he's gonna get good roles for movies. He can't change his character and doesn't have a range of personalities he could take on. I DO NOT want to see Jason Taylor win a ring on any team except the Phins! A BIG **** YOU to Jason Taylor! :buddwalk:

I knew some people who put the team first would come out in this thread eventially. Nice job. Arent you one of the guys who have bashed me for feeling like Beck was trash last year? If so props to you for not hating just because we disagree on one issue. No two fans will agree on everything about the team.

And now that you mention it yea....that JT thing when Saban left just shows that JT was more interested in having the scheme in tact that lead to him having bigger stats. It wasnt about whether the team would be more successful, it was all about Saban was a guy who aided JTs own personal agenda. That DPOY award was the first step in trying to launch his hollywood career.

Tell JT to get D. Fergusons foot out of his *** and play some ball against the Jets for a change. Stop letting 300 year old QBs make 30 point comebacks on Monday nights against us, after JT said it was over mind you. Stop getting swept by the Jets every year. Stop not producing in Jets games and letting them ALWAYS come up with the clutch 3rd down conversion when they need it.
Actually a valid point on the playah hatin :lol: The guy is a serious pimp. However I really dont see how he is thought of as such a good looking guy. He is obviously built well, has nice teeth and all, but ummmmm that peanut looking head just dosent cut it if you ask me.

As far as folding in big games goes, seems like the Jets own JT. Seriously Im tired of getting swept by the Jets and Bills. It really pisses me off. What makes it worse is the Jets and Bills arent even good right now, but they have been owning us in this recent era. Im tired of it.

Im tired of sitting at friends houses and watching sporting events and football discussion breaks out only to be laughed at for being a phins fan. Theres really nothing I can say at this point either. We went 1-15. Back in the Marino days, even if we lost a playoff game or something, I could say yea, but we got Marino beyootches and he is the best in the game and could make a legit argument for that point. Or it was even likely that whoever their team was I could say well last time we played yall Dan hit ya for three fitty and 4 scores *****. And we beat yall by 20. Not much I can say right now.

And now thanks to JT, I even have to sit at lunch at work and hear people start talking about DWTS and people who dont even know football start clowning the phins. They will talk about DWTS for a minute, and then talk about how bad the phins are, then realize I have a phins plate and a phins sticker on my car and then wonder why I havent spoken during this conversation. Then it will hit them....oh yea...the phins suck. And there is nothing I can say. Im tired of it.

dude what the hell do you care about what other people think of your favorite team? i mean honestly buddy, who cares? its the way of life in the NFL teams reach a high point and years later they'll be in a low point. think about how terrible the pats were pre- Parcells.

Its football, youre a fan so support your team, dont just cave into your friends and co-workers and say "oh yea they do suck". say "screw you, they'll turn it around".

i live in rhode island surrounded by Pats fans and when we went 4-12 after Ricky retired in '04 i got a ton of **** from people up here but it didnt matter to me, i still held up in arguments and supported the team AND ITS PLAYERS (unlike you with Beck and JT, because they lead to more embarrassment for you) dude please get your head out of the sand and support the Dolphins and their players
Now that I think about it.....On second thought trade him. Give him to some garbage team that has no shot of winning and is not a big market say....Buffalo:lol:. Trade him for something that even a team that dosent really need him at this point couldnt turn down. A 7th round pick or an old sock or something would do it. Heck, in Buffalo Vernon Carey and Jake Long could plant a foot in his *** for a whole game, two times a year, like D.Ferguson does.
A tad bitter :boohoo:?
Ummm, JT played like crap last year. Forget the sacks, he gave up on every single run play last year. I also saw him miss about 2 million tackles. People who say "JT is a leader" blah blah blah, didnt watch him last season. He was about 2 words away from being a serious cancer last year, and that is a cold hard fact.

I have enjoyed watching JT play for as long as I have been a fin, but last year was his worst year I have ever seen. Granted our team was pretty bad, but come on, the guy couldnt shed blocks, couldnt wrap up on tackles. Couldn't support his teammates or his coach. Not to mention half of his sacks came from when the QB would hold onto the ball for waaaay too long. Believe me or not, I have watched every game of the fins for years now, years and years.

Sorry if this offends any homers on this page, but JT needs to go.

Will Allen is by far our best defender. One of the best CBs in the league actually. Anyone who disagrees hasnt researched this or hasnt watched close enough.
If we were talking about Dan Marino I could understand statements like these. But, since we arent........................

WHY is it more important to some of you that JT have a shot at a title than the MIAMI DOLPHINS have a shot at a title?

WHY dosent he have a shot at a title here? Obviously, it isnt very likely at all we sniff a title shot this season, but to think in 3-4 years we wont be contenders would be just wrong IMHO. Parcells has shown that in just 2 seasons he can take really bad teams and make them playoff teams. He has shown that he can take those teams and make them title contenders shortly afterwards.

I knew I would agree with you with something eventually! :lol:

The only way I want JT or any Dolphins player, past or present or future, to have a SB ring is if they get it as a Miami Dolphin! And yes, that even counts Marino. As much as I love the guy, if he went somewhere else for two years and won a SuperBowl I wouldn't be able to look at him the same. I would still say he's the best ever, but it would lessen his Miami history.

I still disagree on the overall JT situation, but oh well. Baby step. :wink:
Ummmm...are you trying to suggest youre a bigger fan than myself? Well thats not really possible. Perhaps you could be as big of a fan, but I doubt that too.

Anyways, I think I will continue to root for the fins. If you were a big fan, wouldnt you want more fans?

Throw under the bus??? You mean like the way JT has thrown the team and fans under the bus? Get real. Piss on JT. JT only cares about money and hollywood. He dosent give a **** about you, me, or the team. So quit being his personal beyotch. youve seen a true fan with a post like the one I made. So there ya go.

Of course Ive been to a game down there. In fact one year I went to 4 road games in one season. It was great.

Oh youve been a season ticket holder for 6 years....good for you. I guess that makes you a bigger fan huh? My question is what the **** took you so long to hold those season tickets if youre such a huge fan? I know if I lived down there, buying season tickets would be my first order of business.

Graduated from nova huh....Good for you. Pat yourself on the back some more. I dont know why you made this post about you and I, when its about JT. Use that education to get a ****ing clue.

You probably never heard cats talk because all they can do is make a noise that we refer to as meow. They only talk on tv and movies. Maybe JT can get a role on the next Garfield movie.

Finally, I dont play madden. I dont even own a video game system. What gave you the idea that I do? In fact if you bothered to research a little before you go running your mouth about someone, it wouldnt have been hard to find out I dont play video games.

Keep your stones in your pocket jagoff. No need for any of that. I never said anything about you. If you cant handle someone saying how they feel about JTs priorities, then dont respond. If you want to differ, then do so. But, keep the negative comments about posters and people you dont even know to yourself. And then after that realize no one really gives a **** about you or any of your credentials. So save that **** too. This board is about the Miami Dolphins.

Not all of us appreciate what JT has done and what his current motives are.

Good for you "Wrong Turn" may be a tad articulate.......Now run on home and root for the Mountaineers......GTFOH
garbage post, thanks for singling it out for us

I agree! This post is total gargbage.JT has delivered for us time and time again, and when no one else gave a crap to try and win.If he could play QB,RB,OL,WR,TE,NT,LB,CB,S all at the same time we would kick@$$ ALL THE TIME!!!!!!!!! The only reason i would want to trade JT is so that he could retire with a SB ring.I wish Zach all the best tooo!!!! shooooooots!!!
I hate to say it, but some VALID points are made in these posts. It doesnt make you less of a fan to agree. You dont have to want JT to win a championship somewhere else. F that, I want him to win it here or nowhere. Call me selfish, but I dont know why we have to anoint JT as the best thing since sliced bread or else be called a trader or a bad fan or a prick. JT has had some real questionable moments here since Wanny left, in terms of leadership. The backing Saban thing is one. The Ginn pick is another. The constant talk of retirement is another.

Am I happy he is on the team? Sure. Would I have traded him? Absolutely. Are we better with him? Probably. Does he deserve the kind of respect many of you give him? Debatable.
He would deserve that respect had it not been for his actions and statments over the last year. He don't want to be a Dolphin and has stated so in more ways than one. If we get rid of him fine. I will look foward to him being put in the ring of honor someday with Zach and hopefully Timbo, DG, and Sam I am. But the fact of the matter is he is only being a distraction and has been all offseason from his remarks of trading our team for his boyfriend to taunting Parcell with his ignorant comments regarding how Bill felt about his ballareina prefrences as opposed to leading new teammates. Then Player fans critisize Bill and anyone that isn't a player fan and takes offense to JT's actions and statements. If we make him play for us I will cheer his good plays and be a critic if he half-***** like last year in the majority of the games. If he is gone I won't miss him and IT"S NO ONES FAULT BUT HIS OWN.
garbage post, thanks for singling it out for us

How garbage is it looking now phin 0 rama? Looks like it was pretty much dead on. JT made his wishes known months ago. For some reason many blind JT worshipers(player worshipers) couldnt see it despite how obvious it was. Kinda like the Culpepper fans last year and the Beck fans this year.
Do us all a favor and stay in West Virginia.....pick another team to root for too....All these folks on here claim Dolfans and want to throw our players under the bus.....I never see the true fans with these kind of comments......Have you even been to a game down here?????......I've been a season tickedt holder for 6 years until last year.....go to training camps......I graduated from Nova......and I NEVER HEARD any of the fans I've met at games, at school, or at camps talk like some of you cats.......just goes to show were the real fans are......go play some more Madden...loser

Wow, so you sucked on the past few regimes and said nothing, throwing no one under the bus? That is amazing, and lets say a little blind are we of a 1-15 team. It makes him no less a fan then you if he does, OR, if he doesn't go to games.

Throw that pathetic line at me, and I will meet you anywhere in the stadium to buy you a beer. Because he is in WV has nothing do about what kind of fan he is.

OH my god a NOVA man, welcome to the NFL. The what have you done for me lately league, and if you haven't noticed, this team has done nothing for years.

Go put your blinders back on. Note he joined these boards a year after you did. I guess that makes you a better fan too.:sidelol:

Oh one last thing, did you take off your signatures that said, I support Jimmy Johnson, I support Nick Saban or I support Cam? Why did you take those off?
How garbage is it looking now phin 0 rama? Looks like it was pretty much dead on. JT made his wishes known months ago. For some reason many blind JT worshipers(player worshipers) couldnt see it despite how obvious it was. Kinda like the Culpepper fans last year and the Beck fans this year.

I love how you say 'player worshippers' like it's a bad thing. what are we supposed to d....root for the uniforms? what exactly do the uniforms do without players in them?

will just any players do? I guess the idea of a lockout and replacement players would be just fine by you? It's the team, the uniform, the logo that is important....the players are unimportant, right?

wait.....I must have misread you. you can't be knocking player worship....not you. you have been worshiping Atlanta Falcon QB Matt Ryan for the past 4 months. Has your Matt Ryan jersey arrived yet? How does black and red suit you?
I love how you say 'player worshippers' like it's a bad thing. what are we supposed to d....root for the uniforms? what exactly do the uniforms do without players in them?

will just any players do? I guess the idea of a lockout and replacement players would be just fine by you? It's the team, the uniform, the logo that is important....the players are unimportant, right?

wait.....I must have misread you. you can't be knocking player worship....not you. you have been worshiping Atlanta Falcon QB Matt Ryan for the past 4 months. Has your Matt Ryan jersey arrived yet? How does black and red suit you?

You know what sucks about that.... Where you rooting for the Ted Ginn pick last year? Or where you like me and was pissed they didn't take Brady....

I admit I was happy with this draft this year, but last year, not so much.
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