This will make you feel better about Daboll | Page 3 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

This will make you feel better about Daboll

Why is everyone using this to defend Dribble? 1) He is a respected coach? So was Henning, actually Henning was(is) way more respected than Dribble. 2) He had nothing to work with in Cleveland. Um, what exactly does he have to work with in Miami? All we have is a LT and a WR.
If we were to judge every coach by TWO years of work, Belichik would be unemployed. Let's see what this guy can do before we start piling on him. It's not like bitching is going to make him go away.

What? Belichek was 6-10 in his first year as head coach, they improved to 7-9 the next and by year 4 they were 11-5 and in the playoffs. Those records are not equivalent to Daboll's offenses that were ranked 31st and 32nd in the league the last two years. Belichek also had been a superbowl winning DC, more than enough resume to warrant another shot. 35 Year old Daboll has nothing to brag about on his resume. In reality he should have gone back to being a quarterback coach and worked his way back up. Even Belichek went back to DC'ing for several years after his first stint as a head coach.

Some of the points people try to make on this board make no real sense.
How is he on the ascent when he was just fired from the Browns after 2 years of an offense competing for dead last in the league?
Why is everyone using this to defend Dribble? 1) He is a respected coach? So was Henning, actually Henning was(is) way more respected than Dribble. 2) He had nothing to work with in Cleveland. Um, what exactly does he have to work with in Miami? All we have is a LT and a WR.

Dude, can we get through free agency period (if there is one) and the draft before we start talking about what we have to work with?? If we don't do anythign to improve our roster after that, then start complaining all you want. Until then, let things shake out. This is extremely annoying that fans can't enjoy coming to a message board. All you get to read is doom and gloom.
As far as Daboll, as long as he doesn't call a Wildcat play on 3 and long just to ensure a FG after a nicely put together drive, his coaching philosophy is an upgrade in my book.
Does anyone know who's hire this was. How much of it was Ross? Ireland? Sparano? It seems so crazy that Ross goes to the media saying he is going to bring an explosive offense to Miami and then goes and hires a more conserative OC than Henning. Is Ross trying to set up a team move, seeing Broward County turned him down for $$ to improve the stadium??

You forgot Ross is from Miami? Why would he want to ever move the Dolphins.? Stop with the consiracy theory. The fact that everyone hates this hire gives me hope..
Dude, can we get through free agency period (if there is one) and the draft before we start talking about what we have to work with?? If we don't do anythign to improve our roster after that, then start complaining all you want. Until then, let things shake out. This is extremely annoying that fans can't enjoy coming to a message board. All you get to read is doom and gloom.
As far as Daboll, as long as he doesn't call a Wildcat play on 3 and long just to ensure a FG after a nicely put together drive, his coaching philosophy is an upgrade in my book.

I wasn't complaining. I was simply asking why people are saying Draboll is good, it was the fact that he didn't have anything to work with in Cleveland. I bring up the hard fact that we have less to work with here in Miami. Granted we have the offseason, but so does every other team (including Cleveland). I'm just trying to find the logic behind this hire. You say his philosphy is an upgrade in your opinion. I have to strongly disagree. His coaching philosphy is MORE conserative than Hennings. Look at his last two years in Cleveland. Draboll is ultra conserative.
You forgot Ross is from Miami? Why would he want to ever move the Dolphins.? Stop with the consiracy theory. The fact that everyone hates this hire gives me hope..

A team move, does not mean leaving Miami: seeing the team is not located in Miami right now. Also, your logic as to why this hire is hopefull, classic LOL.
Look at his last two years in Cleveland. Draboll is ultra conserative.
There are a lot of variables that go into why that is. Perhaps it was based on the players the Browns had. Or, maybe it was Mangini's philosophy. Who knows? One thing to consider is that I can't imagine how a 35 year old up and coming coach can dictate to Holmgren, what a teams offensive philosophy should be like. Having said that, maybe Daboll did dicate that. Point is no one truly knows who's call it was to implement that sort of offense in Cleveland. As far as what we know, from what we've been told, we want an exciting offense that will be different from what was saw displayed this past season. Will that happen, we'll soon find out, and that is the whole point of this thread.
Great.. and article basically telling us that there is a silver lining because he is young. Which is fine. Makes me think the Dolphins called all the media outlets and told them all to say something nice.

Young is one thing.. is he GOOD?

What exactly did he do in Cleveland?
What? Belichek was 6-10 in his first year as head coach, they improved to 7-9 the next and by year 4 they were 11-5 and in the playoffs. Those records are not equivalent to Daboll's offenses that were ranked 31st and 32nd in the league the last two years. Belichek also had been a superbowl winning DC, more than enough resume to warrant another shot. 35 Year old Daboll has nothing to brag about on his resume. In reality he should have gone back to being a quarterback coach and worked his way back up. Even Belichek went back to DC'ing for several years after his first stint as a head coach.

Some of the points people try to make on this board make no real sense.

Draboll wasn't the OC with NE. Draboll has only been OC the last 2 years under Mangini in Cleveland.
Nothing but an ageist spin job. Yeah, let's hire the guy in charge of the one offense worse than ours! It's ok though because he's not old like Henning and old implies boring and conservative!

Newsflash: once upon a time, Henning was young. Marty Schottenheimer was young. Parcells was young. Their offenses were still the same **** even then. Guys like Don Shula who adjust their offense philosophy are a rarity. Our offense will still be the same boring ineffective ****, the only difference is the guy is younger.
Nothing but an ageist spin job. Yeah, let's hire the guy in charge of the one offense worse than ours! It's ok though because he's not old like Henning and old implies boring and conservative!

Newsflash: once upon a time, Henning was young. Marty Schottenheimer was young. Parcells was young. Their offenses were still the same **** even then. Guys like Don Shula who adjust their offense philosophy are a rarity. Our offense will still be the same boring ineffective ****, the only difference is the guy is younger.

cept you know pretty much EVERY successful coach in the league has adapted.
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