Time for the Marlins to get Out. | Page 7 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Time for the Marlins to get Out.

Does the Baseball field bother you to????

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17-0 said:
The Marlins are two time World Series champs, I think they deserve there own place. Here's an idea, since the Marlins don't want to build there own, they can buy ours, move right in, and we can build a dome. Even if that idea doesn't pan out it's time for the Marlins to hit the road. This was not supposed to be a long term situation. Have you heard the saying "They've overstayed their welcome", well that's what we have going on here.

I wish they would get their own stadium, but there aint no way in heaven, I want the Dolphins to play in a Dome. You have it backwards. The Marlins need a dome, or retractable roof.

Football Domes are for wimps, and take away the elements......
kastofsna120 said:
i don't see why people are against domes so much

Because football is better played with the elements involved. Wind, rain, sleet, or snow.
kastofsna120 said:
the people who don't even like the marlins shoudln't have any sort of opinion in this

Sorry that makes no sense!

For me I like the Marlins, and watch prob 70% of their games on TV. But my loyality to them compared to the Dolphins is almost ZERO.

The Dolphins are far and away my FAV sports team.
TarHeelFinFan said:
1. With weather like Miami's a dome is dumb unless it's FULLY retractable.

2. The Marlins have won a whole heck of a lot more than the Dolphins in the last 8 years. I agree that the Marlins need their own place, but Miami and the state of Florida need to help pay for it. The current lease doesn't make the Marlins profitable enough to build them their own stadium on private funds. They've brought down and won the World Series twice in the last 8 years pumping millions upon millions into the local economy, they've earned their own place, now pay for it.

No way no how should the rest of the state of Florida have to pay for Miami to have a baseball team. If Miami wants a new stadium for their baseball team let them pay for it. The state will not get anything from having a baseball team in the Miami.

Miami baseball fans are fare weather fans, and I'm tired of having to suffer through their idiocy. Get them out of my football stadium already, they have over stayed their welcome!
ohall said:
No way no how should the rest of the state of Florida have to pay for Miami to have a baseball team. If Miami wants a new stadium for their baseball team let them pay for it. The state will not get anything from having a baseball team in the Miami.

Miami baseball fans are fare weather fans, and I'm tired of having to suffer through their idiocy. Get them out of my football stadium already, they have over stayed their welcome!

Then why was state money given to other various entertainment centers around the state?
When the Fish won the WS in 97, Heizenga (sp?) screwed the Fish right over. He traded all the good players and talent to save money. It took the Marlins a few years to get back to rights.
Thats said, I think the state should help the marlins out a bit and get them a stadium.
tylerdolphin said:
When the Fish won the WS in 97, Heizenga (sp?) screwed the Fish right over. he traded all the good players and talent to save money. It took the Marlins a few years to get back to rights.
Thats said, i think the state should help the marlins out a bit and get them a stadium.
I agree with you, i still cant believe they rejected the plan for a new stadium near the orange bowl
ohall said:
No way no how should the rest of the state of Florida have to pay for Miami to have a baseball team. If Miami wants a new stadium for their baseball team let them pay for it. The state will not get anything from having a baseball team in the Miami.

Miami baseball fans are fare weather fans, and I'm tired of having to suffer through their idiocy. Get them out of my football stadium already, they have over stayed their welcome!
Unless you want the state to assist in building a new stadium, the Marlins will continue to play in "your" football stadium for the forseeable future. If you don't like that, then tough. Build them a stadium and they will go.

The State doesn't get anything? Have you heard of sales tax? Hotel taxes? You know how much money the state made off the Marlins' two world series appearances? An awful awful lot.
TarHeelFinFan said:
Unless you want the state to assist in building a new stadium, the Marlins will continue to play in "your" football stadium for the forseeable future. If you don't like that, then tough. Build them a stadium and they will go.

The State doesn't get anything? Have you heard of sales tax? Hotel taxes? You know how much money the state made off the Marlins' two world series appearances? An awful awful lot.

I don't know the politics of the situation, but it's pathetic that the two time World Champions can't get their own home. :wharf:
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CsonkaClone said:
Dude...You missed his most glaring mistake. He began with the line.."Your spelling and grammar iS so pathetic"...Should be "Your spelling and grammar are so pathetic". Probably just another case of rap music dumbing down the youth of today but who knows?

You are right, I guess I overlooked that one because the other ones I pointed out just really jumped out at me. Thanks for helping me point out yet ANOTHER grammatical error in his post though.

*EDIT* I did read through the whole topic though and saw that he apologized on more than one occasion, so I have to hand it to him for admitting he was wrong, Kudos J.
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