Vaseline keeps you warm? | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

Vaseline keeps you warm?

hmm interesting....maybe if they put the vaseline on then put the long sleeves on it somehow sustains your body heat:confused: ....not sure seems a little odd
I dont like the fact Channing is saying he hates the cold. It shows weakness I sure hope his play doesnt drop any just because its cold. If he cannot perform in the cold than he is basically worthless since we are in the afc northeast division.
armyfinfan said:
I dont like the fact Channing is saying he hates the cold. It shows weakness I sure hope his play doesnt drop any just because its cold. If he cannot perform in the cold than he is basically worthless since we are in the afc northeast division.

yeah that worries me also....but he will be here for a while he can adapt to it eventually
I think the only way it keeps you off is shielding your skin from the wind
foreign substances are not allowed..

long distance swimmers use vaseline to insulate themselves from the water
vaseline is good for chapped lips. i wouldnt rub iton my arms, and hands and such.
Actually, Researchers in cold weather climates, such as Anarctica will put a thin layer of vaseline on any exposed skin areas before going out on the ice. It helps to protect against the cold wind and acts a a layer of insulation to keep in some of the heat.
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