What can Tua do that Josh can't? | Page 9 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What can Tua do that Josh can't?

In my opinion there are only 3 QB's playing right now that are "elite": Brady, Brees and Rodgers. If you add in the potential elites/very high end QB's you get the Mahomes, Roethlesburger, Russell Wilson types. None of them taken higher than 10th overall. You know who was? Marcus Mariota.

Drafts are different, yeah.....but let's stop acting like the only way to get a top end QB is to take the first one off the board. "Tua or we failed". It's just so narrow minded.

Mahomes isnt elite? Bold move.
I keep reading and hearing how Tua is a generational talent and an obvious upgrade over Rosen. Let's take a look at a few things.

The chief concerns seem to be past injuries, decision making, and the notion that he's been a jerk. What am I missing? Can't the decision making deficiencies be coached up? Josh already said he's learned more in the last few months than he has during his entire career. Sure, it could be some hot air, but maybe there's something to it.

How much better of a prospect would he have been coming out of college if he was taught how to identify the Mike earlier? I'm sure there's plenty more he wasn't taught if he wasn't taught that basic job. High school QBs do that. Still, I'm of the belief that no matter how well Rosen plays this season, you can't pass up on the consensus generational talent. Remember how passing on Drew Brees twice stung like hell?

I ain't saying Tua can turn water into wine.

But I have seen him turn tea into whiskey!
"Dude." Just stop. You know what wasn't what was being discussed in this thread.

Nice dismount, though.

Do you understand context and the concept of sub-topics being discussed within a larger one? Ever been to a message board before?
Do you understand context and the concept of sub-topics being discussed within a larger one? Ever been to a message board before?
Do you understand someone commenting on the topic of discussion, and not your sidebar squabble-fest? Ever been to a message board before?

Nice deflection, by the way.
Patrick Mahomes is the best QB in football. Not most accomplished but since he became starter last year he's playing at a level nobody else is. He's elite
Mahomes isnt elite? Bold move.

2 years of playing in a perfect situation. Elite QB's are so bc they prove over time. I agree he's headed there but if you're already putting him in brees and Rodgers category then to me that is way too early. He's got to deal with some adversity over time and come out still on top before he gets to be in that club.
Do you understand someone commenting on the topic of discussion, and not your sidebar squabble-fest? Ever been to a message board before?

Nice deflection, by the way.

So you quote me and tell me slow down on calling Tua elite despite me not saying anything of the sort, then act all bent-out-of-shape when pointing that out? Cool cool cool. I bet you’re a blast to spend time with in person.
Turnover and a loss against a good opponent....this can apply to any starting QB in college football history.
Turnoversssssssssss...plural, and one for a pick 6.

They can apply to any QB in college football history...especially the one who has the pinpoint passing, the pre/post snap reads of a genius, the mobility of a speed back.

I want him...but I will not be part of his entourage because I've seen what can happen to him when a 'pro' defense preps for him, as will happen here...just with our coordinators calling plays for him.
So you quote me and tell me slow down on calling Tua elite despite me not saying anything of the sort, then act all bent-out-of-shape when pointing that out? Cool cool cool. I bet you’re a blast to spend time with in person.
I'm sorry I hurt your feelings when I quoted you. If I had known you would have taken it so personal, I would have quoted some else less sensitive.

Shall we continue the drivel, or get back to the discussion without the feelings?
He can throw a curl route or deep out with anticipation, something Rosen can't do for some reason.
Turnoversssssssssss...plural, and one for a pick 6.

They can apply to any QB in college football history...especially the one who has the pinpoint passing, the pre/post snap reads of a genius, the mobility of a speed back.

I want him...but I will not be part of his entourage because I've seen what can happen to him when a 'pro' defense preps for him, as will happen here...just with our coordinators calling plays for him.

Turnover or Turnoverssssssss I stand by my comment.
I have never been a believer in Rosen, as I feel he has more upside than he showed his first year, but he has a lot more to show for him to be considered a generational talent. I don’t believe you can just write off everything negative from his first year, some of that sticks with him until proven otherwise. Having said all that, Rosen has looked better so far than I thought he would, so he is at least trending in the right direction. I am encouraged by his progress.

From what I have seen of Tua, he has better accuracy and timing than Rosen, and at first glance, he would appear to be an amazing talent. That said, some of that shine loses its luster when you force a little objectivity on yourself. Everyone is aware of the family issues Tua has, but there is also the matter of adversity with him. He hasn’t really faced a lot of great defenses, and when he does, he definitely looks mortal. His durability is a bit of a concern, as is his ability to read defenses. Alabama is so full of talent that receivers see wide open opportunities that just aren’t going to be there in the NFL. Tua often locks on to his first receiver, because his OL affords him lots of time and he knows his WR will breeze right by most CB’s. Tua’s highlight reels are awesome, but what happens when you shave off an extra second or more on throwing downs? What will he do if he has to find that third option? What will he do if he actually has to play a full game? Can he play through injury?

While I can’t say Tua or Rosen don’t have it, there are plenty of reasons to suspect that neither is the right QB for the future of this team.
2 years of playing in a perfect situation. Elite QB's are so bc they prove over time. I agree he's headed there but if you're already putting him in brees and Rodgers category then to me that is way too early. He's got to deal with some adversity over time and come out still on top before he gets to be in that club.

Sorry but Mahomes is already an elite QB. You don't put up the stats he is putting up without being elite.
He is superior at escaping pressure, He delivers a more accurate pass, This season he has shown an ability to read defenses and anticipate when to throw the ball as soon as the defenders back turns.. He has shown himself to be good in clutch situations, He has better footwork.

I don't get why all these rosen fans are so anti giving him competition? Something every team should have unless you have a patrick Mahomes type talent.. If I were the Houston Coach i'd get a guy to push Watson to be better and he is one the top 7 QB's in the NFL.

Also if your going by College Production Tom Brady would have been a terrible QB.. His senior year he threw 16 tds and 6 int's at 61 percent completion percentage.. Its incredibly hard to analyze college production to NFL production. All we can do is speculate which QB has the tools/mindset to be great and improve..

I'd say Tua and Gordon are two QB candidates who look to possess those traits, WIth another possiblity being Fromm and Kellen Mond.
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