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What is your current age?

Why do you think we live in South Florida and not New Jersey? She had a couple of Uncles who have since died that always had a lot of money and beautiful houses but I never did know what they did for a living and I certainly wasn’t going to ask because they looked just like the characters in Goodfellas.

When we used to go up to New Jersey for the yearly family reunions my wife’s family always had. Those two Uncles were always renting the venue and paying for all the food and paying the hotel bills for family members who came from other parts of the country for the reunion. They were really nice guys but they used to tell me that I better never hurt their niece. Of course they laughed when they said it, but I have no doubt they would not have been happy with me if I had done anything to hurt her, since she was their favorite niece.

They both had come over from Sicily with their parents in the 1920’s. So I learned early on in the marriage to appreciate their generosity but don’t ask any questions.
You just describe my mothers entire family. They were good fellas all the way. I lived in an Italian immigrant Neighborhood back in NYC before moving to South Jersey, as an adult.
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Damn I knew there was a lot of older guys here, I'm actually jealous of a lot of y'all because I'm 41 and other than Marino's years, it's been pretty rough being a fanatic. I've had the NFL ticket since 2000 and haven't missed a single down of a single game since. I remember in the mid-90s driving to different sports bars in different towns with my cousins trying to find ones that were going to broadcast the Dolphins games. Some of y'all are really damn good on the computer hell I just learned how to use a meme about 4 months ago LOL. It's a family affair for me and my cousins, which is absolutely weird for a bunch of people considering we're all in southern Illinois, but I wouldn't have it any other way, like most of y'all I live and breathe Miami Dolphins football.
I’m 55 and have been a fan since 1971. I wanted a football uniform when I was a kid and picked the Dolphins because I loved their helmet and the team was great. I’ll never forget it. The uniform came with an aqua #22 jersey (Mercury Morris). Of course he became my favorite player.
Nearly identical story...same year, same age.
Damn I knew there was a lot of older guys here, I'm actually jealous of a lot of y'all because I'm 41 and other than Marino's years, it's been pretty rough being a fanatic. I've had the NFL ticket since 2000 and haven't missed a single down of a single game since. I remember in the mid-90s driving to different sports bars in different towns with my cousins trying to find ones that were going to broadcast the Dolphins games. Some of y'all are really damn good on the computer hell I just learned how to use a meme about 4 months ago LOL. It's a family affair for me and my cousins, which is absolutely weird for a bunch of people considering we're all in southern Illinois, but I wouldn't have it any other way, like most of y'all I live and breathe Miami Dolphins football.
I here ya bro. Yes we do, we live and breath our beloved Aqua and Orange.
I'm 53 and was born in Miami. I know I was in the room watching Dolphin games since at least 1970, but my earliest memories of watching those games was during the '72 season. I've been a fan as long as I can remember and worked as an usher at the stadium as a second job in my 20s just so I could watch the games. I've moved out of the area since, but my family is still there.
Damn I knew there was a lot of older guys here, I'm actually jealous of a lot of y'all because I'm 41 and other than Marino's years, it's been pretty rough being a fanatic. I've had the NFL ticket since 2000 and haven't missed a single down of a single game since. I remember in the mid-90s driving to different sports bars in different towns with my cousins trying to find ones that were going to broadcast the Dolphins games. Some of y'all are really damn good on the computer hell I just learned how to use a meme about 4 months ago LOL. It's a family affair for me and my cousins, which is absolutely weird for a bunch of people considering we're all in southern Illinois, but I wouldn't have it any other way, like most of y'all I live and breathe Miami Dolphins football.
I was a season ticket holder for 45 years and traveled to over 25 away games, including their first game in London. I eventually had to stop attending games after the 2018 season because the arthritis in my back and knees just made attending games and sitting in the stands a miserable experience for me. Even when the Dolphins won.

I always have had empathy for the young Dolphin fans who have not had the joy of watching their favorite team play in or win a SB. I was fortunate enough to be there during their glory years and there is nothing better as a fan of a team than seeing your team win a SB. As much as I want to see the Dolphins win another SB. I want them to win one more for all the Dolphin fans would who have supported the team over the many years they have not made it to the SB.
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I was a season ticket holder for 45 years and traveled to over 25 away games, including their first game in London. I eventually had to stop attending games after the 2018 season because the arthritis in my back and knees just made attending games and sitting in the stands a miserable experience for me. Even when the Dolphins won.

I always have had empathy for the young Dolphin fans who have not had the joy of watching their favorite team play in or win a SB. I was fortunate enough be there during their glory years and there is noting better as a fan of a team than seeing your team win a SB. As much as I want to see the Dolphins win another SB. I want them to win one more for all the Dolphin fans would who have supported the team over the many years they have not made it to the SB.
That's awesome brother I'm glad you got to enjoy enjoy that the time you did. I appreciate the kind words, it's definitely different being in southern Illinois and not being able to be around a lot of fans of the team you love. Especially being a coach and a teacher myself damn kids give me a hard time and they have for the past 15 years. For the most part there were chiefs, bears, and Packers fans around the parts where I live as well as colts and Titans.
Of course there's always been Steelers, cowboys, and niner fans because they were pretty damn good in a late 80s and early 90s. When St Louis got a team that was The rave for all the new fans because I'm only about an hour and a half from St Louis. Around here I only seen one Patriot Jersey in 1998 when I was taking some college classes it was bledsoe. And of course but now all I hear about is the Chiefs it's like a damn revolving door working with kids with all the fair weather fans when teams all of a sudden get good. But the great thing is when all the kids that I've coached over the years see the Miami Dolphins the first thing they think of is Coach White and that's going to make it so much sweeter when we make it back to Glory.
That's awesome brother I'm glad you got to enjoy enjoy that the time you did. I appreciate the kind words, it's definitely different being in southern Illinois and not being able to be around a lot of fans of the team you love. Especially being a coach and a teacher myself damn kids give me a hard time and they have for the past 15 years. For the most part there were chiefs, bears, and Packers fans around the parts where I live as well as colts and Titans.
Of course there's always been Steelers, cowboys, and niner fans because they were pretty damn good in a late 80s and early 90s. When St Louis got a team that was The rave for all the new fans because I'm only about an hour and a half from St Louis. Around here I only seen one Patriot Jersey in 1998 when I was taking some college classes it was bledsoe. And of course but now all I hear about is the Chiefs it's like a damn revolving door working with kids with all the fair weather fans when teams all of a sudden get good. But the great thing is when all the kids that I've coached over the years see the Miami Dolphins the first thing they think of is Coach White and that's going to make it so much sweeter when we make it back to Glory.
Tell all those fair weather fans to save their money. Because it won’t be much longer before they will be jumping on the Dolphins bandwagon and they will be wanting to buy a Dolphin jersey. At least that is my hope for the near future.
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