What will be the excuse this week from Gase | Page 2 | FinHeaven - Miami Dolphins Forums

What will be the excuse this week from Gase

What is coach Campbell up to these days...
I wonder what language or facial expression Dan Campbell would watching this team miss assignment's and the TE in particular that is soft.
Damn, Gase was just gushing about TJM. Good to hear, let's hope he is as advertised come game time.

I loved the “come across the middle and find out” best Gase quote yet. He seems to be getting annoyed with Barry Jackson. He had so many questions today I thought he was the only one there lol.
I loved the “come across the middle and find out” best Gase quote yet. He seems to be getting annoyed with Barry Jackson. He had so many questions today I thought he was the only one there lol.
I noticed that too. Gase was giving Jackson the Omar treatment today, lol.
Gase will get a bye this year because of Tanny.I think any coach who lost his starting QB like he did would get the same from their owner.
we got jobbed by the refs, and our idiot players who had some idiotic penalties. game play wise i didn't see that many head scratching calls.
I thought Gase coached a damn good game. The onside kick was a ballsy move that would have played off of not for the fumble. Part of that is on drake but also a hell of a defensive play. The offense scored 24 points and looked competent. The players who screwed up are the usual suspects that have for years. No doubt several will be with a new team.
I was having an attidute while reading this thread.
He has critized himself a lot this year.

Yes he did, as well as quite a bit last year also...to the point people were wondering when he would start putting the blame rightly so on some of the players that were continually failing.
I don't get it. People say the qb sucks, the oline sucks, the linebackers suck, the running backs now suck and the secondary isn't very good. Yet the coaching staff has the team at 4-4. If everything is as bad as people say, you should be praising the staff for finding a way to win 4 games at this point.
I don't get it. People say the qb sucks, the oline sucks, the linebackers suck, the running backs now suck and the secondary isn't very good. Yet the coaching staff has the team at 4-4. If everything is as bad as people say, you should be praising the staff for finding a way to win 4 games at this point.

Depends on your perspective I guess...I know some will say..."a win is a win"...we got the "w" so who cares....but did we actually win any of the 4 games...or did the opponents lose the game? IMO there is a huge difference in winning and escaping with a win.....we don't dominate anything in this game and having said that I believe we haven't "won" anything
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